

Apple openly challenge the FBI behind: American Big Brother monitoring what?

In 2012, a group of organizations and individuals from the technology, media, academia jointly released a play baby games ringing declaration: "We believe in free and open network, you can make this world a better place to insist on free and open networks, we call society. groups, industries and countries, recognized the following principles. we believe that these principles can bring more creativity, innovation and a more open society. "the Declaration is regarded as the first free and open Internet statement, including the Internet Father Tim Berners-Lee (Tim Berners-Lee) and other scientists were the first to sign the Declaration, indicating a firm stance on Internet freedom. Apple and Tim Cook did not sign The statement caused worldwide concern. However, February 16, 2016, Apple announced to the world the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) surveillance Apple users attempt to Apple users publicly stated its boycott FBI command position (Tim Cook open letter: we dare to protect user data FBI refused). Sometimes sparked worldwide media attention, the public. As Beijing time at 19:30 on February 18, a total of 607 users use Twitter to discuss the event #AppleVsFBI label (Note: Tags that hashtag to push the Principal social networking media appears after the # symbol used to mark the theme of the words ). For the US government asked Apple Phone "back door" request (Note: the back door, that backdoor, means users do not know the case is not allowed to run covert manner can be infected phone system for remote control), Apple said in an open letter, the act has gone far beyond the boundaries of the law, the back door design will greatly threaten the security and privacy of users. Apple and rival the FBI is not a discussion about US history and government monitoring of data security, in fact, on which the network monitoring long sword of Damocles hanging over the head of the American public, and from time to time lead to media exposure public questioning. Massive US government surveillance can be traced back to the Telecommunications and Information Systems First World War, then as "Chamber of Secrets" (The Black Chamber) has undertaken to date intelligence to assist the US military and diplomatic action. Postwar American surveillance slight constraint in boycott US government, human rights organizations and anti-war organizations and increasingly standardized. However, the panic of 2001, 911 incidents caused by terrorist activities but to stimulate the US government for increasing the public's mass surveillance. With intelligence, the US media exposure, large-scale communications from the US government, network monitoring gradually appeared in public view. At the same time, further advances in Internet technology to create an unprecedented database and monitoring tools for large-scale surveillance, the US and European governments and intelligence agencies asked Apple to meet what is the legal basis for the investigation? Under the banner of counter-terrorism powers to monitor how countries get gradually strengthened? 9/11, the Bush administration signed the bill again give the US National Security Agency (Note: NSA, the US government intelligence agencies, part of the US Department of Defense) domestic surveillance authority as early as after the Watergate constrained. Thereafter, the NSA is entitled to routinely monitor freedom of speech, text, images and other data. After 2013, within the United States National Security Agency, there have been large-scale information leakage, internal intelligence agencies from the United States National Security Bureau confirmed to testify against the general public monitor large-scale Internet law far beyond its powers. Not only is the United States, the EU countries are also after 11 September 2001 established requirements for telecommunications companies to store the data related bills. According to the British Government in 2001 introduced the "anti-terrorism and crime, the National Security Act" (Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act) expanded the scope of government power in countering terrorism, with the 2000 introduction of the "investigative powers norms Act" (Regulaion of Investigatory Powers Act, referred to RIPA), the British government is entitled to the transfer of national security-related communication data (communication data). However, the implementation of RIPA and anti-terrorism bill was given authority over more than twenty British government play baby games agencies to obtain data communications company, under the name of countering terrorism, government control of public data is increasingly strengthened. Listening to communications further expand the field of diplomacy and international, Snowdon (Edward Joseph Snowden, the former US Central Intelligence district technician) to the British "Guardian" revealed the British Government Communications Headquarters (Note: GCHQ equivalent of the US National Security Agency, providing communications intelligence for the British government) to monitor large-scale operations against the Internet, other media and the public unease that similar surveillance without going through the Internet company, but the world via the Internet directly monitor cable carrying data (tap into the cables that carry the world's communication) is completed. The face of public questioning, and even the British Government Communications Headquarters lawyer also said to be impossible to provide a list of listening, because "being monitored list will grow to impossible to enumerate" It is worth noting that in 2009 the EU Member States that is increasingly enhanced data call for the right to make a constraint. For example, in mail traffic, only save the user login, logout, sender, recipient, frequency of use and other information, and a minimum data retention period of six months but not exceeding two years. Call for citizen communication data privacy in the academic community is growing, and generally support the strengthening of government data for the differentiation of power and violations of the privacy of citizens against the abuse of anti-terrorism two voices. Similar discussions inconclusive, Big Data Digest for readers interested in reading provides more depth. Internet media exposure monitor events Prism Program (PRISM): 2013, the US government leaked to the media Snowden prism program, which began in 2007, monitoring the object being monitored include user or company involved in overseas communications of US citizens, covering e-mail, text , audio and video, social networking and other data. And Apple's open letter to the contrary, according to media reports prism planning documents, a number of technology and Internet companies have allegedly joined prism programs, including Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, YouTube, Skype, Apple. Of course, each of the accused to participate in Project Prism companies have negative involved, the Apple's statement is once again Apple's attempt to draw a line with the US National Security Agency. Although this exposure range is slightly smaller than the prism door events, but also exposed the US government actions against civilians communications monitoring. The room is located in AT & T's San Francisco office, led by Internet communications cable in the communication data, in the room can listen to all Internet information via this cable, including domestic and international data, there is former US National Security Agency analysts said, similar total of 10-20 rooms throughout the United States (Note: there are about 641A documentary insight into play Frozen Games the history and the exposure process). According to Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet Bowen introduced the room another interesting technology by Boeing subsidiary Narus company called Semantic Traffic Analyzer (semantic data communications analysis), the technology can be achieved on the Internet user's mail, real-time blocking and content SMS, strip-day analysis of the data records. As the US government surveillance of Internet data continues to expand and monitor the depth of the target population, the details associated monitoring more intelligence officers and media reporters to disclose, under the banner of anti-terrorism large, ordinary people against large-scale monitor is legitimate, to say the least , whether it is fundamentally similar to listening to curb terrorism, academia, media and the public have doubts about this. And support government regulation may sound from another angle excuse for the government to listen: the body is not afraid of the shadow oblique, ordinary people will not need to worry about the NSA midnight knock on the door. Under the premise of the two sides unable to reach a consensus, the so-called "civil liberties violations" on (note: civil liberty infringement engines, IBM researcher Jeff Jones called for similar technology) to monitor Internet users, in turn go from here?

