

Ping abandon good car used car crux of the six major electricity supplier

According to several media reports, China Ping Chuan's second-hand car business electricity supplier - good safe play Barbie Cooking Games car has been abandoned. To this end, Ping An Group also issued a statement, announced its good safety car business integration incorporated property and casualty insurance, which appears to have side confirmed earlier media speculation is correct. Brother car thing that, for the financial peace of the gene group, after the completion of the layout of the field trip, the used car business strategy to give up, though painful failures belong to beating, but for the entire industry a greater impact. Peace has not bad money good car, used car can be described as the electricity supplier industry, landowners, and now the winter has not passed, the landlord has no surplus that? March 2013, Ping An Group announced plans to invest 1 billion established good safe car to C2B model as a starting point to enter the entire automotive industry chain. At the same time a good safe car also bear Group's five largest portal strategy of "medical food, housing, play" in the "line" an important mission. Can be used during the development of less than three years, it burns 1.4 billion ad, backed by the main peace Daikin good car Why give up? Thing that the car can get a glimpse from the following 6:00 Ni side. Ping into the form of a good car C2B model selected by auto bid to help owners sell at high prices. According to the car thing brother understood the advantages of C2B model is currently very fragmented Chinese source of cars, most car source concentrated in the hands of individuals, acquisition channels broad. And with the participation of the B-side, but also the efficiency of transactions than pure C2C mode high. Thing to incomplete statistics from the car, used car electricity supplier C2B model a total of 10 players involved, can be described as flourishing. Above table it can be seen that nearly half of access to finance, there are many car easy to shoot, shoot every day by other cars and other modes to begin this C2B model of the enterprise. Description C2B model itself is more in line with the status quo, but should not be overlooked that this mode need to pay a great cost. Faced with the C-terminal wants to set-off requires a lot of brand advertising, the face of fierce competition B-side, we need huge subsidies. Trading profits simply relying solely on a commission of about 3%, not far from covering advertising, offline store operator, testing and manpower costs. Ping An good car every aspect of themselves, so at this stage belongs to the steady loss, no gain, definitely sell more, thanks to the more. According to Analysys think tank, released the "China used car special report on e-commerce 2015" shows that after the peace train easy to shoot good parking and excellent letter, ranked third in the used car in the electricity supplier, accounting for 8.4% market share. As can be seen full of gold it is a quasi-giants. Although the share of transactions beautiful, but it is a huge loss for this mode. According to industry analysts, safe car has also been considered a good polymerization B2C and B2B business, the formation of the whole industry chain C2B2C closed loop, but the dish is too large, the middle force uncertain, there is no successful transition. It is noteworthy that, C2B model is not "exotic", but belongs to the Chinese local enterprises innovation model - used car electricity supplier C2B model from Shanghai opened a new used car created in 2009. In few other countries, the United States recently established last year is February AutoForce, mainly because Europe and other developed countries drive source focused on the body. So for China C2B model are still in touch across the river stage, the future is still not clear. Ping has been able to quickly develop a good car, and fast lonely. It should be the phrase phrase - "as also Xiao, also lost." According to the car thing brother analysis, major financial problems of its genes "too loud." According to statistics, Ping An Group's three core businesses of insurance, banking and investment. Ping An Group Finance is the foundation and lifeblood. The reason for the development of five major portal strategy, but also want non-financial business eventually transferred to the financial business profits up. The layout is very clear and good car safety, is the first by "help buy to help sell the" total car dealer and user confidence in the used car market, and then quickly transferred to a profitable business to finance possible, as early as 2014, a good car safety a succession of on-line financial services of various used car, whether it is for car dealers' car commercial loan "or user" car easy loan "and so on. But good safe car also ignores an important point, do used car electricity supplier, electricity providers should have the properties, but also need the Internet thinking. According to industry sources, a good safe car mostly senior investment bank, state-owned background, the idea of ​​the Internet thinking in this area has not been opened. On the other hand, second-hand car electricity business is very strong professional field that requires the strong second-hand car line experience in this one car and no deep well of peace. Lack of Internet play Dora Games and offline genes. It is inevitable in the choice of mode change, advertising and urban sprawl in some mistakes. For the end user-oriented C, used car electricity supplier brand awareness is very important, otherwise it is difficult to form a scale. So many companies have chosen the crazy advertising to enhance their awareness education market. Last year, the entire used car ad campaign by the electricity supplier excellent letter sound good used car in China 30 million the final 60 seconds of advertising "on the upper Unisphere used car" began, followed by seeds used car direct selling network, all vehicles have been made force. According to data released three excellent letter, all seeds were cast out of the 500 million, 300 million, 50 million advertising costs. But the strange thing is big well Jinzhu Ping car was not involved. According to statistics, as early as after the establishment in May 2013, peace and good car to open a new help sell the car set Po carried the ad wars, peace reportedly good car then spent 1.4 billion, from the analysis Baidu index, although peace is good car from the online brand awareness over the car home and treasure to help open a new used car to sell, but also to maintain overall order of thousands of scale, compared to the excellent letter, hundreds of thousands of seeds among the lowest index level. So why this money is nothing happened yet? Brother thing is that the car not yet reached the outlet voted early. From the perspective of the electricity supplier, electricity providers throughout the current Internet traffic entrance and advertising needs, but also are concentrated in the hands of retail electricity department store. Protagonist belongs to Jingdong, Lynx, only products will like to carry out intense advertising campaign, divide the cake. The second-hand car and other electric providers do not keep up with the same period a advertising education market, so users do not form the focus of this field. Used car from the point of view, there is "a car a case" of the property, and a low frequency, heavy-line experience. Used car electricity supplier user awareness and acceptance is very low. Used car for the electricity supplier, the car was the source who in the world. At the time, the logic of peace is a good car, relying on the Ping An Group's financial services customers to "Feedback" safe good car, as a lead, but after trying for some time to find the effect is not good. Ping An's life insurance business has 80 million customers, 30 million of property insurance customers, but the frustration is low frequency times used car business, and real users coincidence degree is not high. Not inside, then come from the outside. Ping rely on a good car Ganji, people classified information networks and other internet source get the car, but with 58 exclusive fair flow of intensified competition each to get a good car car safe source of difficulty growing. In addition, the conversion of these channels is not high, according to industry sources, less than 1% of their sales leads through conversion. Not formed a complete system of sales that how to do? Earlier, media exposure Ping good car Shihai have thought 15 years to acquire automobile portal "love card" in order to increase the viscosity of the C-terminus. But perhaps another pattern too difficult integration, and many other reasons, but also perhaps the media release smoke bombs, peace and love a good car this car card marriage fruitless. In the field of C2B brainchild peace good car, I did not expect an excellent letter differentiation B2C excellent letter used car, the emergence of all vehicles, seeds and other C2C mode will also implement "dimensionality reduction combat." 2015 used car electricity supplier, ushered in a capital fanaticism. According to incomplete statistics, the car thing, only second-hand car field of electronic business, dating from 2015 confirm that access to finance as many as 21. After the influx of a large number of capital, changes brought about by the fierce competition. Ping good car before the other players do not mind the competition, because we did not he rich. But now the players get the capital money, at least on the order of a good car can safely contend. So huge advertising, subsidies, digging condition after another. Can not be ignored is a good safe car ace relying on a strong financial system, the introduction of a variety of loans to finance, but also constantly imitated, and even overtake on subsidies, such as letters and other competitors are strongly preferred to pay the other half of the system shock. It is worth mentioning that shocked the industry when the safety car and used car loans to two percent down payment, with the good used car policy in recent years, has now become a standard. Eight ministries recently issued "Opinions on the financial support steady growth of industrial structural adjustment increase efficiency," clearly illustrates the banking financial institutions to adjust the proportion of down payment. Learning ability of competitors to imitate rapid and standardized national policies and regulations, all of this will undoubtedly make a good car already shaky peace worse. It is understood that peace was pretty good car model implemented step by step, build stores, to carry out one by one to 30 cities, which are allowed to be in a more favorable position in the industry. But 2015 was a good car safely brain hole wide open, a wayward behavior, let's establish superiority in the past gone - to learn Taobao and Jingdong began countryside whitewash. According to the overall used car trade area analysis, the car thing brother that now most of the trading volume is concentrated in cities, Jingdong and Lynx for traffic because urban growth has slowed, rural electricity supplier as a new business growth point. But peace was a good car, "imitate" in the used car electricity supplier has not a second-tier cities under osmotic enough, but crazy expansion to rural and other barren land, this big strides Chedan thinking, carried out in rural areas You can imagine the difficulty. Good car for the peace "strategic abandonment" in the end is wise or short-sighted, brother thought the car thing, good safety car after the completion of the current layout of the whole trip, give up the trading process, made an open platform, but be wise. It is understood, Ping An Group's main layout of car travel life, car trading, car finance. The Ping An Property & Casualty incorporated a good car, but the car will be part of the deal to break away, but cars and car life on financial services still exist. Used car electricity providers now remains the most burn areas with seeds used car this year straight sell 1 billion advertising network, excellent letter angrily smashing hundreds of used car crazy title, etc., the used-car electricity supplier in turn welcome to a new wave of advertising campaign. The muddy water to their blending, it is better to get out. Originally wanted to build a good car safety car O2O closed loop, to the layout of the whole industry chain. But now the entire used-car electricity supplier is not profitable, we are looking to rely on automotive after-market auto finance and profit, and this is precisely the advantage of two good safe car. Because a good car safety before their own development is not sufficient reason, these two business limited itself to use. Today trading platform was removed, financial services can be made directly open platform. Car thing that the brother,play baby hazel games and former competitors to cooperate, why not do it? Investment is the core business of Ping An Group, Ping An Group has already completed the layout of the field trip, leaving the flip. According to statistics brother car thing, China Ping An to invest in the field of travel up to 12 aspects of the company, covering substantially all of the segments in the used car electricity firms, he has also cast two rivals quality used car and new car blog network . Terms of return on investment, there are two already well into the next round, the car has also been acquired insect net first car network. So PAG field layout for travel is still quite solid and visionary. Ping good car to enter the billion-year used car electricity supplier, last year's first first financial products, "car dealer loan" interest rate from 1.8% down to 1.5%, and subsequently launched the "6 billion protection scheme", as long as after a good car safety certification can enjoy 1 year 20,000 km engine and other major parts warranty service. From these frequent moves, huge peace good car ambitions. But also have big ambitions corresponding plate holder to get up. Ping outset to build a good car the whole car industry chain, but obviously underestimated the difficulty. In the used car industry needs the line has accumulated, far from throwing money so simple, but involves all aspects of the transaction requires a very good fit. To achieve healthy balanced development, blind expansion of all business lines, is tantamount to harm than good. Peace is not a good car no money, but do not want to spend unnecessary money over. What is "unnecessary", the car is now understood that the whole thing brother used car electrical businessman at the exploratory stage, although after car maintenance reached 160 million, has experienced a baby boom in 2009 new car, used car also came to the replacement of critical point. But in this environment, the electricity supplier's overall penetration rate is less than 10% last year, second-hand car trading volume did not break through the imaginary 10 million. The future is still very clear, so this is not a field to make quick money, the capital side will be forced to do "long-term investment." How to make the capital side were forced to make long-term investments, in addition to good control of their own development should "higher, faster, stronger" three-dimensional standard, in addition to the winter capital has not completely faded, we should always do a good job of preparing for winter cover money .

