

Cars can start heaven in 2018 after five years of the fastest growing commercial prototype

In the United States, the car is both a brilliant symbol of madness. From the brilliant side, it is a play Anna Games symbol of freedom, individualism, power and speed, with the symbol of roads, highways, interstates to tame the wild. It is reminiscent of the American steel industry capital Pittsburgh, Akron rubber factory and Detroit. But from another side, you can see the gas-guzzling SUV, traffic congestion, public transport was abandoned. Cars and ethnic strata area division can not avoid. During the Great Recession of 2008, the Big Three US carmakers approaching bankruptcy, the US manufacturing sector and the gradual decline of blue-collar jobs. Now, after four decades in the doldrums after the American car manufacturers are facing the situation for the better. Just 10 years ago, this is still difficult to imagine the reverse. However, no matter what changes take place in the future, we can not eliminate the past glory and madness; the contradiction of freedom and community, power and equity will be a new way to show it. What does the future look like then? Autopilot Google (microblogging), Tesla and Uber --1997, when Toyota introduced the Prius when this is also no shadow, but now they have become a major player in the automotive industry. Google and Tesla's goal over the next few years, the introduction of fully driverless car, that is, to drive their own cars. Uber also recently set up a research and development center in Pittsburgh, we intend to make contributions in the field of unmanned. Compared with today's human-driven cars, self-driving cars may be much safer. However, even if the next few years, the first car truly driverless car appeared on the road, most of us might still not completely abandon the human driving the car, this situation will last at least 15 years or 20 years. In the meantime, traditional cars will become more automated step by step. Since the 1990s, automobile manufacturers have gradually add some semi-automatic functions, such as adaptive cruise manipulator, it can traffic situation in front of you, using a sensor to adjust the speed of the car. Some car if the driver did not slam the brakes, it can automatically stop or at least slow down to avoid a collision. In certain 2017 models of Mercedes - Benz cars, the driver hit the turn signal as long as two seconds for a long time, the car will automatically help you complete the lane change work. A few years, cars will have the ability to forecast impending collision, and time for you to adjust the status of the car - Adjust the seat, close the windows, retracting the steering wheel. You can do to prepare for the impending collision, which is certainly good, but better is to prevent collisions. Some vehicles are equipped with cameras and sensors, if found drowsy driver, a warning is issued. Car of the future might take over the dozing driver were driving, or automatically stop to the curb, and then turn off. Biometric technology can play a role. If the car's sensor can measure the driver's respiration and heart rate, heart attack found the driver, or fainted, cars will be converted into autopilot mode. Great leap At a time when the traditional automobile manufacturers gradually add semi-automatic function, Tesla has taken a more drastic approach. Last year, the company's Model S software of some models have been updated with "autopilot" function: it allows largely automatic car driving, but the driver can always intervene to take over the driving duties (such as It launched last year, when the vehicle inexplicably tried to leave the highway, then the driver can intervene). The driver of each intervention, Tesla will be recorded in the software, and then distributed to play Dora Games all vehicles with this software. As a result, over time, the vehicle will become more and more adept at autopilot. From a regulatory perspective, Tesla's autopilot is in a gray area, because the car's software update does not require approval from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, however, this situation may change because the agency is trying to catch up with the development of technology to make the rules. Ford or General Motors seems to never put such a system into being untested, but Tesla users advocating high-tech, seem willing to take the risk. Those of us ordinary people, and their share of a road, of course, hope that they do not do this adventure. Earlier this year, Tesla and update the software, you can add a "call" function of the car. Using this feature, the vehicle can start on its own, open the garage door, opening to pick you up the driveway. Currently, this feature is only available on private land use, but it will undoubtedly catch your imagination: When you are traveling by air return, your car will pick you up at the airport; after you synchronize calendar, your car will to add your downtown conference hall. Communication between cars Today, the driver can already use applications such as Waze remind each other: Which area car accident, those parts of the traffic jams. In the near future, cars will automatically through the "car to car" communication system to share traffic and road information. In such a system, the car will continue to send their location, speed and other data. In addition to providing better inform motorists of traffic outside, this system also helps to improve driving safety. If you suddenly braking or sharp turns, your car will be issued a warning to nearby vehicles, to help them avoid a collision. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration believes that such a communication system can significantly reduce the amount of accidents each year. Some models will soon have such a built-in system, such as 2017, some of the Cadillac and Mercedes - Benz models. Other car shortly after the installation of such a system may be, as the same as before the installation of a GPS device. Car into a conference room If the car can be fully independent autopilot, it followed the pattern of more than a century a fundamental shift occurs. Mercedes - Benz F015 concept car offers a "digital living space", the car seat can be rotated, so that passengers face each other, the car is also equipped with multiple displays for passengers' entertainment or work. In play Cooking Games other words, the car can act as a meeting room - employers may begin to require employees commuting to do some work. F 015 beautiful fashion design, looks like a silver bullet, but for the future of the automobile, the type of cell may not be important. Self-driving cars, "team work" when the maximum power play, because even if you're not in the vehicle, autonomous vehicles can also play a significant role. Tech car companies may be more willing to sell services rather than products. Eventually, you may not need to buy a car, just buy transport services. This would mean, to have a car to feel pride not to be. Suburban residential garage will inevitably become necessary historical sites. Also, parking is no longer needed, in order to be more environmentally friendly, more dense urban life freeing up valuable lots. (At the same time, the outer suburbs may become more prosperous if people do not need to worry about the long drive to work.) Your child may not need to spend so much energy to think about what he wants to take the car, you do not like which brand would be to consider the same subway ride. You do not need to consider how the purchase of automobiles, driving a car, and parking, it sounds like a very nice, but there is another aspect of things. When the self-driving cars become mainstream, pedestrians, cyclists and motorists on the human factors that may be considered dangerous. Some transportation facilities, such as traffic lights and dedicated turn lanes, may no longer be used. The road may become self-driving cars in the world, alone pedestrians and motorists mental, which is unable to gain a foothold. Let the car fly Flying car has always been our dream, Henry Ford would want to launch in early 1926, personal aircraft, the aircraft division of Ford has also been trying to create "air Model T." Nine decades later, you can see the prototype collectors abandoned garage, but the product of the mass market has never appeared. This situation is likely to change. You may have seen the latest prototype flying car Skycar, as well as in the 2016 Las Vegas Consumer Electronics Show debut Ehang184 unmanned electric vehicle axis. In 2013, a company called Terrafugia company announced the unmanned aerial vehicle program is expected to launch in 2018 a prototype ready for testing. And it will play Baby Hazel Games change business models require at least five years. Flying car really came to market, their prices could easily hundreds of thousands of dollars. Flying cars may replace the Lamborghini or Bentley's position as the new super-rich car. But for most people, even if they are no longer science fiction properties will still be a dream.

