

Express Sent managing 100% of the real-name system

People's Bank of China decided that from March 1, 2016, a general decline of financial institutions play Anna Games of RMB deposit reserve ratio by 0.5 percentage points, in order to maintain adequate liquidity and reasonable financial system, guide steady moderate growth of money and credit, the supply-side structural reforms to create appropriate monetary and financial environment. RRR for the current stock market, property market and the RMB exchange rate so there will be some impact. This time the drop quasi whether the renminbi will force further depreciation, the experts said:. "The drop is mainly due to liquidity quasi complementary needs, and only quasi-down, not cut interest rates, so the overall impact of exchange rate of RMB against the small but for the stock and property markets, the industry believes that the RRR is undoubtedly a major positive. Express Sent managing 100% of the real-name system Data for: February 27, 2016, Dongying, public showings rushing flying yuan in business settings "stealing money machine", owned by the public to grab all of the yuan. Source: Vision China [Buyers notice of registration, "a room two sell" invalid] From March 1 implementation of the "Supreme People's Court interpretation of the applicable Issues (a)," for the people to resolve property disputes provides another important legal protection. The judicial interpretation of the content including registration of real estate and property to confirm or dispute the basis of the relationship, notice of effectiveness of the registration, in particular the transfer of movable property "bona fide third party", have legal scope of the instrument changes the effectiveness of Real People's Court and Arbitration Board, by shares preemptive rights judicial protection, as well as bona fide acquisition system and so on six aspects. Property Law stipulates that buyers can not yet built houses were on notice of registration, registration of rights holders without notice agree to dispose of the real property, no real right effect. [Qualified state-owned science and technology enterprises to the implementation of equity incentive and bonus] Three ministries have jointly issued a document of foreign clearly from March 1, the nationwide qualified state-owned science and technology enterprises to the implementation of equity incentive and bonus. Among them, the incentive objects equity awards subject to this business for more than 3 years of important technical personnel, business posts annual incentive bonus totaling more than 15% the year after-tax profits. Under the Measures, qualified state-owned science and technology enterprises, may take the stake sale, stock-based compensation, stock options and other equity incentives, bonus or project benefits, dividends and other dividends job incentives for business critical technical and managerial personnel to implement incentives. At the same time, enterprises play Dora Games and the implementation of equity incentive bonus should follow, "according to the law, fairness and transparency; because enterprise system should Take Measures; benefit and risk sharing; assign responsibilities, and strengthen supervision" of the general principle. Express Sent managing 100% of the real-name system Data Figure: Pictured Taiyuan embrace a courier logistics voted Extra courier covered ground. China news agency reporter Zhang Yunshe [Express Sent future implementation of 100% real name] "Social security comprehensive management of basic data specifications" national standard formally implemented, will promote the implementation of the system to protect sealing, 100% of the delivering real-name system, 100% X-ray machines and other security after a priori, as the 100%. Who will send something, send something, is not a safe thing, through the implementation of three aspects of the standard system, you can eliminate some of the problems at the source, the express logistics industry, which exclude some risks. [Air purifier new national standard implementation of evidence-based air purifier option] In the new GB / T18801-2015 "air purifier" national standards, clearly defined four key indicators of the impact of air purifier purifying effect: the value of CADR (clean air volume), CCM (cumulative amount of purification), energy efficiency Ratings and noise standards. After the implementation of the new national standard, consumers can purchase products as a basis. Concrete products, the new national standard, a good air purifier should have "three high and one low" characteristics, namely high CADR value + value + high purification high CCM + energy efficiency and low noise. Express Sent managing 100% of the real-name system Data Figure: Nanchang in Jiangxi Province, many inside the bus could see an appeal to quit public service ads, the ad content is a portrait of old smokers who smoke, and with a word, "my lungs ah, smoked black! dog in the manger thing or not do! "March, Jiang Taoshe [Website Client shall be displayed in a prominent position PSAs] "PSAs promote and Interim Measures," went into effect. Regulations, government websites, news sites, operating websites shall prominently site every day, clients, and promote its core products show public service ads. Radio and television stations in accordance with the number of radio and television press and publication department regulations, in each broadcast daily PSAs. The average daily newspapers published in the major central version 16 or more, the total amount of the monthly publication of not less than eight full-page public service ads; average daily published less than 16 edition version 8, published in the monthly total number of PSAs in six full-page; the average daily published version 8 or less, the total amount of the monthly publication of not less than four full-page public service ads. [Micro-channel function on admission fee to cash transfers Recovery Free] From March 1 to enter the micro-channel withdrawals charged era. WeChat previously announced that the micro-channel payment to play Cooking Games charge a fee to withdraw cash transactions exceeding a total amount of 1000 yuan, the excess fees charged by the bank rate (currently at a rate of 0.1%), each received a minimum of 0.1 yuan. However, micro-channel transfer function no longer charge a fee. Meanwhile, the micro-letter envelopes face payments received, AA receivables and other functions are also free of charge. Express Sent managing 100% of the real-name system Data for [Encourage the public to report complaints within 60 days after the Food and Drug violations feedback required] State Food and Drug Administration issued a "food and drug complaints management approach" to implement the reward system to encourage and support public complaints food and drug violations. The approach since March 1, 2016 implementation. "Measures" clear requirements and apply the results to the contractor. Complaints undertaking department shall promptly investigate and verify the complaint clues, according to law, and within 60 days of the feedback handling results; complicated with the approval may be extended to handle deadline extension is generally not more than 30 days. [Banned the sale of 13 kinds of edible agricultural products shall not enter the market] China Food and Drug Administration issued "market edible agricultural product quality safety supervision and management measures" clearly provides that from 1 March onwards, farmers markets and other agricultural produce centralized trading market set the desired censorship, banned the sale of 13 kinds of edible agricultural products shall not be enter the market. Offenders will be given the appropriate punishment in accordance with the Food Safety Law. Prohibit the sale of edible agricultural products included, the country banned veterinary drugs and highly toxic, highly toxic pesticides, food additives or chemicals added outside and other possible substances harmful to human health; spoilage, rancidity grease, mildew and vermin, filthy dirty, mixed with foreign material, adulterate or unusual sensory properties of edible agricultural products in 13 categories. [Saving non-compliance will be included in the social credit record] Aimed at improving energy monitoring performance, improve energy efficiency, "Energy Conservation Supervision approach" since March 1 began.play Baby Hazel Games For more energy-saving way of disposal in violation of laws and regulations acts, and regulatory authorities to make provision for work norms. Under supervision units in violation of energy conservation laws, rules, regulations and mandatory energy efficiency standards for behavior, the inspectorate issued a rectification notice, the relevant laws, rules and regulations except direct punishable; unreasonable energy behavior, but not yet violation of energy conservation laws, rules, regulations and mandatory standards for energy conservation, energy conservation supervision inspectorate issued the proposal, put forward recommendations on energy saving or energy-saving measures.

