

US Mission Reviews price "seize food" Merchant fate irresolute helpless

October 9, 2015, the public comment network and the US Mission Network announced a merger play Free Dora Games of the two companies has long been fighting to shake hands, to become to occupy more than 80% market share of the O2O giant, the industry as the US group review, no official release the combined company name. December 2015 to date, the industry continue to be exposed, "US Mission Reviews substantial price increases," the news, a lot of business to this initiative complaining. Recently, the 21st Century Business Herald reporter interviewed from 10 provinces and cities in more than 20 US group business reviews found in the wedding business, catering, massage, pedicure, KTV, manicure, haircut, clubs, fitness, and other industries are the US group reviews amount required to pay 5000-20000 yuan / year, ranging from slotting fees, some industries need a few thousand dollars of business through bundling and promotion costs. In addition, the US group will review these industries buy evacuated to increase the percentage from 1% to 6% before the merger to 10% -15%, partly evacuated to buy, compared with 12% -15% of the industry, has also been up to 15% -18%. All businesses have received "if you do not fulfill the new criteria will have to lower shelf," the ultimatum, and there is still part of the original contract has been entered into force businesses during the shelves. 2016. To date, more KTV business public boycott of US corporations reviews. Anhui foot industry professionals an interview with reporters, also told reporters: "Hefei foot store has more than 100 preparations to resist the US group, our collective agreement in the near future from the US group the shelf." The US Mission requires businesses to pay 21,600 yuan of slotting fees and the pump is proportional to the upgrade from 6% to 12%, the person currently in Zhejiang, Shanghai around, plan to jointly three provinces have the same experience in the same industry businesses work together to combat the US group reviews. Price storm Friendship turn to turn the boat said. Mr. KTV industry from Guangxi told reporters: "In the past cooperation with the US group, the contract is 2% of the commission earned per one hundred, two US group deduction from the system, one week after the other money we currently call. contract still valid. "However, the end of February 2016, the US group will review secretly increase the proportion of 2% to 5% commission," I did not know when the settlement was the price. " In addition, after the US group reviews the merger, the two companies to adjust business segments, Guangxi KTV industry transferred from the jurisdiction of the US Mission to the public comments, Mr. Yu said: "Before, we want to modify some business properties, you can own in the background the change, but now have to be submitted to play Bubble Shooter Classic the business manager, and then let the business manager reported to the Beijing headquarters of the business to modify the last two months submitted a complete no. " April 18, issued by the merchant in the official micro-letters "to new US group Say No" article, announced its withdrawal from the US group. In addition, Guangxi, Inner Mongolia, Hohhot KTV royalties by rising 6-12 percent, refused prices hit the shelves businesses, including the total amount of the order has been close to 2 million people in 98 charm. The already meager profit projects can not afford to buy US group reviews the prices, since the end of 2015, Shandong, Xi'an, Wuhan, Shenyang, Hohhot and other cities KTV industry has openly resisted the US Mission reviews. A lady Hebei wedding photography industry, told reporters: "Our contract is valid until October 2016, but in January, the US group of people came over to tell us that because of the merger, the original contract requires us to set aside to pay 10,800 yuan /. years of slotting fees, otherwise the shelf. "week later, the US group business is off the shelf, have to pay the slotting fees recently, the industry has pumped in proportion to 15%. US group reviews a lot more cooperation article limit. Anhui foot industry needs to pay every year from 6000 yuan to 21,600 yuan range slotting fees, drawn proportionally increased from 6% last year to 12%; Hangzhou hairdressing drawn proportionally increased from 1-10%, and the need to bundle Wan dollar business through more promotion through. A suburb of Shanghai massage parlors need to buy 15,000 yuan business through to the shelves, and evacuated to at least 10%, even though the business a month public comment on water only 5000 yuan; urban massage parlors and even reach slotting fees 51,800 yuan, Shanghai 7000 massage parlors are facing pay or shelves choices. Such cases abound. Currently, an interview with reporters in the business, only two accepted the US group reviews the requirements, some said that it has switched to other platforms lower the threshold of glutinous rice, handle, and more businesses are going to "Hao Zhao." Customers value or remodeling By 2015, the combined US group reviews 300 million businesses, 200 million active buyers, with a total annual turnover of 170 billion yuan. Analysys think tank, research director at Life Services Research Center Liuxu Wei introduced throughout 2015, the US group revenue of about 50 billion reviews, but the loss of about 10 billion. Liuxu Wei believes that "the US group reviews of major losses from huge subsidies takeout and other new business, buy business class is not a loss." He said that in 2013 - 2014, the average life service buy evacuated to a ratio of about 7% - 8%, and now the US group reviews the price increases in line with business logic, "now there is a game process business with the United States Mission reviews." "Survival of the service sector is by repeat customers, and buy is actually a means of attracting traffic by peibenzhuanyaohe way. But now, no customers to buy stickiness and repeat customers often use the service to buy my own clients gradually He became a US group traffic, while the US group had drawn me 10 per cent. "hairdressing industry from Hangzhou City Lee (a pseudonym) recently rethinking buy this promotional tool. "For the life of local services, the US group reviews just below the line traffic to the line and did not expand the market after the US group reviews monopolize the market, it begins to manipulate the flow.." Lee City Introduction: "In Hangzhou, the US group to different pricing discrimination barber shop, several shops do not accept or receive very low commission, slotting fees, they will buy a lot lower than other stores, plus a single brush, brush and other acts of praise, traffic will quickly be attracted . "in the city of Lee opinion, this should be based on technology, the flow of customers word of mouth, but in the short term the US Mission reviews according brush single, low-cost flow, etc., the industry changed the law of value. The end of 2015, Baidu CEO Robin Li put forward, "buy business model to change, may not have to buy the company after five years." And now it seems, the US group reviews to serve business model really needs to change. Or cause antitrust investigation The problem is that 80% of users master the flow of US group reviews, will continue to put in more effort to seek innovative business?play Nail Games Clearly, more to enhance cash flow in the short term by way of price increases, while the US group reviews also need more cash flow to support its more costly takeout and other new business. More than 200 million active buyers, many businesses are reluctant to leave Mito reviews the underlying causes. "After the US group before building their own delivery team, we order takeout in the US group is delivered by Dada. But then the US group building its own delivery team, we are required to cancel cooperation with Dada, all Takeout Order-US group forcibly bundled delivery, otherwise the shelf, "a Jiangsu Nantong tea shop owner told reporters:" Although the US group newly formed team in the delivery orders, assembly, send a single quality of service, efficiency better than Dada, but still rely on this way of bundling occupied a number of markets. " "In the US group reviews the case has not yet been identified in the relevant market has a dominant position, the US group advance to cancel the contract unilaterally, sharp price increases, forcing the shelf, bundling and other acts are alleged breach of contract, belongs to China's" Contract Law "adjustment Category. "law firm antitrust and unfair competition committee director Wang Junlin lawyer in the case, told reporters," of course, if it can be assumed the US group reviews a dominant in the relevant market, then the above behavior of US corporations reviews suspected abuse , filed an antitrust investigation businesses can apply to the relevant law enforcement agencies. "Wang Junlin lawyer who advises small businesses should protect their legitimate rights and interests. Currently, the US group reviews the relevant market share of 80%, but not enough to demonstrate the United States Mission reviews have a dominant market position. As protracted 3Q Wars: Even Tencent in instant messaging market share of more than 80%, but the court determined that Tencent does not have a dominant market position. However, the US group is still subject to review, "People's Republic of China Antimonopoly Law" system, in accordance with the requirements of the US group, the public comment consolidation needs to Department of Commerce business focused reporting. However, at present the United States did not declare operational focus group reviews to the Ministry of Commerce, and the Ministry of Commerce has not disclosed whether the criminal investigation. Reporters on imposition of slotting fees, bundling, to cancel the contract, forcing the shelves and other issues were consulting the US group, the public comment relevant play Hair Games departments, the public comment, responded that "the matter by the United States Mission in charge," while the US group's reply is "you should consult the public Comments sector ", causing reporter deadline, the two sides were not given an official reply.

