

Takes shares in the privatization of three pit: policy changes, infighting and "insult to injury"

May 23, 2016, Century Internet announced the signing of a share subscription agreement and Enlightenment of play Free Dora Games Holding, the holding of the century enlightenment network investments were $ 388 million through its affiliates investors become Century Internet Group's strategic shareholders. Some analysts believe that major shareholders are changed Century Internet, may prevent return to the road of privatization century Internet, because the Internet century delisting to wait three years to submit materials submitted, and then fight for the return of A-share market. Investment industry also believe that holding inspiration behind the Internet into the century, which is substituted purple international status, there may be a compromise shareholder level. Chen Sheng Holdings may inspire future together complete privatization, the privatization process to accelerate the interconnection century. One day, nearly 360 more than in the same privatization investors to Artesyn Technologies confirmed 360 before June 15 may not be able to complete the privatization, and then delisted from the US stock market, but 360 have been resolved swap policy issues, it is now for execution stage of the swap. Earlier, the home buyer automotive group with China Ping An's war continues, each controlling stake in the snatch car from home. The number of investment industry insiders to Artesyn Technologies broke the news: plans to suspend privatization era celebrations. Privatization may be unfamiliar street at a standstill. So far, this year-long concept stocks collective Returning to the present, there are good margin century, Youku potatoes, big game, such as home, the MSI, Bona Pictures, swim in hand, Perfect World and many other companies takes stock delisting, even backdoor return to A shares. 360, Le funny game, eLong, cool media, Air America Media, wash rice and other enterprises privatized the game entered the final stage of the process, delisting soon. Century Internet, unfamiliar street trend towards privatization, togetherness era, the United States together superior products, etc. is not yet clear. In this drama, as well as the car home, Dangdang, iKang, Shanda, Zhaopin, etc. fall into the privatization of a controlling stake in the spoiler or bucket. In the capital, "bloody" snatch return to A shares "cake" in the process, lose a lot of opportunities starting. Variable privatization era celebrations encounter Policy pause The scheme can not change, in the era of privatization gathered reflected obvious that when privatization is progressing well, but once they hit pause. Earlier, Artesyn Technologies has received an exclusive material shows that the era of togetherness merger agreement may be play Bubble Shooter Classic signed and privatization in 2016 of the second or third quarter, and to achieve the delisting in the third quarter of 2016. In accordance with the road map, and thereafter, togetherness era will complete the red-chip and VIE dismantled in 2017 and the first quarter of clear return to A shares, possibly in late 2017 through the A-share approvals and the completion of delivery options. The privatization process gathered era in which a total of $ 3.97 billion (about 25.9 billion), of which, togetherness, chairman Lei Jun era (microblogging), CEO Li Xueling (microblogging) holds a total of approximately 33.4% stake in the company, corresponding to the value of 1.33 billion dollars. Age need to raise funds gather the remaining part of the shares, corresponding to 66.6% of the total equity funding requirement of $ 2.64 billion. The Times gathered to raise funds, the need to raise $ 1.94 billion (about 12.68 billion). Takes shares in the privatization of three pit: policy changes, infighting and "insult to injury" In addition, domestic syndicated Lei Jun and Li Xueling will provide $ 700 million equivalent bank loan, while 20% of the direct investor contribution as the founder of the borrower. However, by May 4, 2016, suddenly there are rumors that the Commission intends to defer takes stock of domestic listed companies, the shares shall return to the domestic backdoor, reorganization, IPO may be limited. A message is being privatized enterprises shares fell. To May 6, the Commission spokesman Zhang Xiaojun said that the Commission take note of public opinion, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations in recent years have been in the foreign market of five red chips listed companies through mergers and acquisitions in the A shares on the market questioned. "That these companies return to A shares have a greater specificity, especially for domestic and foreign markets clearly spread, shell resources should be highly concerned about the hype, the Commission notes that the relevant market reaction." Zhang Xiaojun said, the SFC against such companies through IPO, merger and reorganization A-share market may impact analysis. Although the Commission takes stock of the return of A shares position is "analysis", but still cause unfamiliar street, Century Internet, togetherness era, more than 360 companies being privatized and other shares continued to fall, but also to many proprietary arbitrage the fund "warehouse explosion." After experiencing several consecutive days of slump, investors receive a message sent gathered era: Members Skywalker investors, capital markets due to the current national policy uncertainties, Buyer Consortium decided to suspend the project, re-start when the time is ripe. Fighting more than the car home Shanda Since China Ping An intervention, the car home equity dispute produce sustained storm and have intensified the trend. According to informed sources, before the CEM transactions with China's Ping An announced that the car home by a management-led consortium has submitted two proposals seem attractive, but were refused CEM. The first offer of $ 31 a share is acquired from CEM qichezhijia 45% stake, and the privatization of the company; the second is to offer the same price to acquire a 45% stake, but retain its status of listed companies . A few weeks ago, domestic media exposed the board qichezhijia held in a temporary increase in sudden CEM board seats, in the case of inconsistent views of all parties, forced by Share Registration Rights Agreement. Telstra spokesman said: have signed a binding agreement and peace, and is continuing to promote the transactions contemplated under the terms of the agreement. Ping will be qichezhijia powerful new strategic partners, driving the company into a new stage of development. The other side is frequently counter-attack, before the family car of public shareholders submit a written letter to the Commerce Department report real name, Ping An Insurance Group to report suspected violations of the Ministry of Commerce "anti-monopoly law," the report has been received by the Ministry of Commerce letter. Complaint letters the question: If the deal reached, Ping An Insurance, or the formation of a monopoly position in the second-hand car trading services market, crowding out other competitors in the car credit and car insurance market. Which implies that China Ping entered the home of car transactions may be terminated. Recently there have been news that Ping An Trust by Telstra to transfer home ownership program of alleged violations of the American car-SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley), who has been associated SEC (SEC) submitted a report material, SEC or In this investigation. These are indicative, in order to cause the car home, led by CEO Qin Ping leading management reluctant China to stir Hutchison Whampoa peace between CEM and this is trade, car and home buyers in the group CEM, China Ping An in frequently force, continue to struggle. Takes shares in the privatization of three pit: policy changes, infighting and "insult to injury" As before May 24, 2016 opening of various privatization arbitrage (Artesyn Technologies with map) Cars are not the only family dispute erupted controlling stake, the big game since the inner struggle of shareholders, but also missed the best period backdoor A shares. July 2015, Huatong century with 6.39 billion yuan to acquire 43% stake in the big game, which is a specific implementation mechanism "gravel-day investment", "gravel investment in China", "sea gravel investment", collectively referred to as "gravel-based fund" . After the completion of the privatization of Shanda, the velvet Group has been the Bank of cashmere industry as Shanda return of A shares listed on the platform, and adhere to the 41.19% equity held by some grand game priority sold to Bank of cashmere industry. The Cashmere Group and Shanda Shanda's management held a total of more than 80% of the voting rights, the velvet Group and Elion was brewing joint Shengda held by the board of directors of Shanda way Huatong century extrusion Bureau. However, the Shanghai Century Huatong affiliates gravel tour has issued quickly in Cashmere Group, said the Hong Kong High Court was December 26, 2015 issued under an emergency injunction. This also led to a grand game stake in the dispute has been caught in the stalemate. Just recently, the big game management has its equity holding company Yili Shengda transferred to a limited partnership, and the executive partner of the limited partnership artificial Intime's holding company. Accompanied by the change of equity, Shanda also carried out new appointments, Ren Xiefei appointed as the new CEO, Shanda chairman play Nail Games and CEO Zhang Ying Feng and leave from the big game, currently in charge of things overseas VR field. Artesyn Technologies informed sources said the move is to allow management to focus more on the business rather than into a complex conflict between the shareholders. "Let the grand game and increase the value management is the most should be done 'KPI' and for each shareholder account." Dangdang together the United States, "adding insult to injury." February 2016, the United States together superior products announced the receipt of the Offeror from Europe CEO Chen, vice president of product Dai Yusen, and Sequoia Capital consisting submitted per American Depositary Share (ADS) $ 7 privatization applications. The United States together superior product than the price before the proposed privatization of February 16 closing price of $ 5.83, compared to a premium of approximately 20%. However, with the US stock market crash cheap Orly Chen plans to the United States together superior products privatization but was opposed to collective minority shareholders. Investors will have the United States together superior products company name apart, the United States together, said "no goods." Chen will also invest in Europe "I speak for himself," the ad into Chen Ou "I shameless endorsement." United States together superior products resist privatization suffered because: 1, the price of the privatization of the United States together superior products far below the issue price. 2, the United States together superior products listed nearly two years time, most of the time shares are above $ 7. United States together superior product 3-month closing average price of $ 7.85. 3, Chen Ou privatization cost is not high. Although many small investors expressed great dissatisfaction with the price, and set up organizational rights, desire in both places (the United States and the Cayman Islands) sued the United States together superior products, however, the United States together superior product not publicly responded, but also accelerate its privatization process. United States together superior product privatization storm has not relented, Dangdang management and taking advantage of foreign exchange controls, the Commission takes stock will be suspended rumors cause ALMOST stocks slumped down the privatization price, fell as much as 16.7% . Dangdang raised three grounds down privatization: 1, Dangdang market share experienced competitors eroded; 2, the US stock market instability make Dangdang market capitalization decreased; 3, Dangdang devaluation increased the cost of privatization. Dangdang move again suffered investors denounce. The reason is that this is Dangdang's management once again takes stock plummeted use the "bargain." Last Dangdang Management uses the A-share stock market crash caused US stocks plummeted machine privatization. Dangdang management initiatives angered many Wall Street investors, individual investors and even calling for "big mo Girl" war of words again Li Guoqing (microblogging). An industry source pointed out that the concept stocks collective return to the domestic capital market is a long-term trend, but the United States together superior products, Dangdang approach has undermined investor confidence in the concept stocks, the deterioration of the US stock market remained in the concept stocks living environment. "Investors would like to take the lowest in almost Unit, Buying rallies to sell, then, or do long-term value investors, but companies are taking play Hair Games advantage of low stock prices, stock prices or even deliberately suppressed privatization, so that investors suffered heavy losses, investment people have to takes stock at arm's length. " Currently, the US stock market remained in the concept stocks have not fared well, Baidu market capitalization of less than $ 60 billion. Cheetah move after the release of the guidelines up only 10-13% of the news in the second quarter, stock prices continued to fall, the market value of only $ 1.4 billion now.

Phone real name will not stop next year are still 100 million users is not real-name registration

Yesterday, the Ministry official issued "on the implementation of the" Anti-Terrorism Act "and other laws, further play Baby Games improve the user's real identity information registration notice" (the "Notice"). "Notice" requirement to ensure that all basic telecommunications business December 31, 2016 all phone users real name rate of 95% until 30 June 2017 all telephone users to implement real-name registration. Within the prescribed time does not go through user registration, basic telecom companies to suspend their communications services and summon. Summons which expires retroactive, shall stop its communications services. Yesterday, the Beijing News reporter asked three operators the practical implementation of real-name system, as of this writing is not to get specific data. However, the three operators have expressed regard, according to the Ministry of Industry is to actively promote the real-name system. The Ministry of Network Security Bureau, responsible person has to accept the "People's Post and Telecommunication News" interview, he said that since last year, telecom companies through a variety of preferential measures to facilitate and encourage and guide not branded user up registration, a total of about 40 million users to make registration, all current phone users real name rate has reached 92%, but there are still nearly 100 million users is not real-name registration. It is understood that in 2010 the Ministry of Industry has proposed to implement phone real name system, but progress is slow. September 1, 2013, the country was formally implemented the telephone user's real identity information registration, the Ministry also conducted a national implementation of unannounced visits, unannounced visits found social channels may not be implemented and other issues. The Ministry of Network Security Bureau, responsible person, 2015, the real-name registration gradually standardized, new subscribers basic realization of real-name registration, but there is still the network channels real-name registration lax, resale business irregularities highlighted, not the real name and old user fill registration slow progress in other issues. Telecommunications fraud caused "the most strict real-name system" introduced Industry insiders said that after the phone real name system proposed five years, until 2015, call "black card" governance special action, phone real name system began full implementation. Phone "black card" refers not real-name registration and lawless use of dissemination of pornographic information, implementation of information communication fraud, organization and implementation of terrorist and other criminal activities of mobile phone cards (including wireless internet). Ministry had since January 1, 2015, to carry out a joint multi-sectoral call "black card" governance special action; and from September 1, 2015 requires telecommunications companies to various entities marketing channels fully equipped with second-generation ID card recognition device , verification of the user's own resident identity; before the end of branded rate must reach 90%. But recent media reports indicate that spam messages where the virtual operator segment numbers 170, 171, harassing phone calls and communication information layers of fraud and other issues. Ministry in the end of April 2016 issued a notice, requiring virtual operators within a month of not pre-register their real names, false registration number,play Dog Games complete the user identity information to fill registration work. Beijing News reporter learned that, in order to effectively protect the normal traffic order, the Ministry of Public Security jointly established a crime involving illegal phone number quickly shut down notification mechanism. Since November 2015 to the end of April 2016, the Ministry has organized more than 14 telecom companies on communications involving fraud and other crime information telephone number rapidly shut down. Wherein the basic telecommunications business numbers 85189, 60202 Number of virtual operators. According to telecommunications users Li (pseudonym) recalls his last January in Taobao online store to buy a phone card number belonging to Shandong Telecom, there was no real-name requirements, Li did not think. However, despite the recent real-name system requirements become more stringent, but Li told the Beijing News reporter, he did not receive a replacement card or telecommunications him Supplementary Notice of real-name system information. Another mobile users Zhang (not his real name) is not a real name system users in 2009, he was still in school at university to buy a phone card, paragraph 152, which belongs to Beijing Mobile. From the beginning of February this year, Zhang began to receive a request to move the achievements handle real-name system of SMS alerts, and has already received a total of six text messages. Liu's father, who lives in Wenzhou, a few years ago in a small shop to buy a non-real-name system phone card, after receipt of notice to move, move up to the real-name system information this year, is now normal use. Beijing News reporter in the interview that, the non-real-name system has not experienced a real name on the user downtime situations. "First SMS notifications do not real name is shut down," who lives in Ms Tsang Guangdong, said her mother's mobile phone number are non-real-name system, and receive real-name system messages, because no time to go through, just a month before being stopped running. Later, with the ID card to register, it can now be used normally. (Liu Suhong) focus Virtual business "headache" real-name certification costs By the end of 2013, to break the monopoly, approved by the Ministry of Industry, "170" number section number section dedicated as a virtual operator, and awarded the first mobile communications resale business operations pilot qualifications 11 private enterprises. April 2016, China Central Television news channel to "runaway section 170" as the subject reported virtual operators real-name registration system may not be implemented, the situation became section 170 communications information to defraud the hardest hit. According to statistics, malicious fraud SMS, nearly 44% are from the segment 170. For more more strict real-name system, insiders pointed out that many false are currently no physical stores, the next line of real-name system certification cost is high, these constraints have become a virtual implementation of real-name system provider stumbling block. A virtual operators and the media had revealed that the real-name authentication device The cheapest 1000 yuan / Taiwan, to make a real-name authentication user about a dollar, these small-scale users of virtual providers is undoubtedly a heavy cost. Even more troublesome is the virtual operators, with the top three only three operators can distinguish which operators are different, the former number of virtual providers need 7 to determine is which number, which is actually to compliance management strictly virtual real name have brought great distress. The virtual provider staff said, compared with the three most virtual operators providers, but also the relative lack of experience, so play Cat Games the real-name system may have to pay more tuition, but since to do related business, the enterprise must pay appropriate in compliance costs. ID card identification device costs 700-1000 yuan, but the enterprise is bound to spend. Virtual mobile operators snail to Beijing News reporter, said the implementation of the "3 + 3" initiative, to secure 100% of new users register their real names, and promised since May 17, found a case of non-exempt real identity card registration card number, the 100,000 self-punishment. While the stock of non-real-name user, snail moving said that arrange special team to data analysis, customer visits, random checks, etc., of the stock of the user several rounds of investigation, and strictly promote non-real-name registration of users to fill. Visit Non-branded card is not extinct encountered Beware May 24 morning, the Beijing News reporter came close to several telephone card Liujiayao resale store visits, have been told to do real-name system card, you can not do not provide ID card. At the same time, the store is also posted on the wall of a "Beijing area of ​​non-real-name registration of user information to fill Notice" issued by the three major carriers jointly. However, non-real-name registration of phone card has not disappeared. According to media unannounced visits, some small number of card wholesalers claimed that he could sell no real-name registration section 170 phone cards, there are stores come up with a letter space, phone cards HNA and share communication, and said that those phone card does not require real-name registration, plug in the phone on can be used. Beijing News reporter in the interview found that the non-real-name phone users do not have to produce identity card information, more convenient. However, these users have to be careful, according to the requirements of the Ministry, the number of virtual providers before flowing out of the non-real-name system card strong to stop, even buy such a card can not work properly, if you do, going with two operators time identity verification. Some card providers use cracked software, authentication bypass, and for such a card, part of the virtual operators are using the data analysis, judgment and strong non-stop after the real-name system. However, there is a case, these cards have been authenticated, and then sold to consumers, so consumers equal with other people's identity information using a calling card. For this type of card, a virtual operator staff prompt, "The card itself is no authentication, certainly at risk." From the information security perspective, the card corresponding to another play Girl Games person's identity information, once the user has irregularities, public security departments have difficulty tracking.

Mossberg: Apple be able to win the battle AI do?

With the decline in mobile phone sales, Apple has continuously increased the investment in the play Angela Games business of artificial intelligence. So, Apple's next in science and technology related to artificial intelligence campaign can win it? In this regard, technology industry celebrities Mossberg wrote an article on this topic was analyzed that Apple in the future of artificial intelligence competition in the market, will face greater difficulties. Here's what Mossberg article. 15 years ago, the electronic device after the PC era ushered in maturity, these devices are effective software and hardware integration. At that time, Apple led the way in this regard, in a leading position. Apple's vertical integration, software and hardware product attention to detail and innovation, as well as willingness to invest heavily allowed access to leading edge needed. Apple also take advantage of this, for the introduction of a variety of changes in the industry almost caused the products, such as iPod, iPhone, MacBook Air and iPad like. Today, iPod era is over, several other products are in the saturation period, or a quasi-saturation stage, some of the products, sales growth was essentially rest on its laurels, and even declined. In fact, the technology industry has now turned to a new war on the "artificial intelligence." Today, many artificial intelligence throughout the device. After the success of Amazon Echo, Facebook has recently developed a new artificial intelligence development plans, especially Google (microblogging) hold its annual developer conference and a series of events, it seems that the technology industry have begun to adjust the direction, focus turned to artificial intelligence and former proactive business assistants. AI on business, Apple has made some achievements, but, compared with the advantages of competitors, Apple are still some gaps, so the company's future in this regard will face some challenges. Apple's annual Worldwide Developers Conference show (WWDC) next opportunity is the ability to own the company's upcoming June 13 this year, held in San Francisco. The General Assembly is the equivalent of the annual Google developer conference held last week, it is in the conference, Google will artificial intelligence to the center of the stage. I write these, I do not know if the next version of Apple describes its software platform, then it will say how. It might be exciting, eye-opener, because from past experience, Apple is often the case. Of course, if you listen to Google and Facebook, then it may also be unfair. Google and Facebook said they voice control and artificial intelligence chat robot can be as good as they expected. After all, Google is currently the voice control assistant has not caused a great sensation, and Facebook AI business is just beginning. At the same time, when it comes to growth or development, then the Amazon in this area is relatively limited. In addition, Microsoft's recent efforts in the chat robots are also threatened by the racist. Although Apple did earlier launched the first widespread cloud-based voice control artificial intelligence aide, however, the company in terms of artificial intelligence battle will probably be faced with a very difficult period. Apple years ago in the iPhone 5 smart phone equipped with Siri function, according to some media sources, the company will also be extended to the Siri functionality into Mac computers. (In fact, the former Apple CEO John Sculley in 1987 had raised the concept of artificial intelligence based dialogue aide called "Knowledge Navigator", has envisaged a strong current was mostly features than similar products of dialogue digital assistant.) The reason I doubt the existence of Apple, based primarily on the following three reasons. First, in general, based on the history of Apple cloud service has been very weak, and there is no continuity. Second, Apple almost did not make full use of Siri lead. Third, Apple is firmly committed to the privacy issues, and the lack of search and social networking services, which means that the company lacks a sufficient amount of data, making it difficult to support a viable artificial intelligence personalized service. Apple and cloud services: Not a perfect match With the increasingly obvious importance of cloud services, Apple has to use some cloud services to improve their facilities,buy Ella Dress but these measures have success and failures. Currently, Apple contacts and calendar services with the company's device to synchronize are still at a preliminary stage, however, it can be purchased on iTunes song a user to synchronize multiple devices. Apple's iMessage and FaceTime services has achieved great success, and helped Apple to win over a large number of users. In all major products and services Apple introduced in 2011 was undoubtedly the introduction of artificial intelligence voice control service "Siri", then this is an important feature among iPhone. However, in the following way, Apple is weak because the scope and reliability of its online service and destroying some reputation. Apple's MobileMe cloud service series is almost complete failure. At the same time, Apple's Ping social music network also ended in failure. In addition, Apple launched in 2012 based on Apple's map service cloud services and data, but also did not succeed, and even the industry was ridiculed. Compared with Google Maps, Apple maps a lot less. Today, Google Maps and even appeared in the iPhone handsets. To say the least, Apple's iTunes Match and iCloud Photo Library performance is not consistent. Apple's cloud-based music (Apple Music), this should be Apple's digital music business, one of the important forces, only to encounter a mess, or even let the user is difficult to know how to use. Apple music service-related news is that the service user deletes a file, and the uniqueness of its artists unrelated. Until recently, even the rather vague iCloud Drive, Apple has refused to provide a like Google Drive, Dropbox or Microsoft OneDrive cloud as simple common virtual hard disk to store files. I suspect that the end result is that the majority of Apple users do not rely on this product. Siri: When will more intelligent? Perhaps the most disappointing Apple cloud service, it is a service that the company now needs most, namely Siri. Siri before being acquired by Apple, there is still hope to become popular and has many features digital assistants, but also to integrate many services, although Siri initially built by a very limited funds and staff from start-up enterprises. Apple's acquisition of Siri, it seems began behind closed doors, limited to just let Siri rarely complete tasks, and improve Siri function is also very slow pace, and therefore, after being acquired by Apple, Siri can only say that some of the weather, events little information scores, movie and restaurant listings, etc., or just control functions of the device. To this end, Siri's founder had very dissatisfied, thus leaving Apple, and artificial intelligence to create a new service called "Viv". Apple's Siri often under the control of an error, the issues raised by users answer the question, or the facts can not be described clearly. Even self-defeating, it will show the user the search results page. Last year, Apple was named Siri adds a "Proactive" function, mainly in order to catch up with Google Now. This feature can show the latest applications, contacts, and a number of nearby retail services heading to the user. In addition, Proactive can also remember the user to play music, and Jianwen user e-mail to be included among the efforts to identify play Barbie Cooking Games the e-mail and phone number. However, this is not a current industry intends to build significant intelligence and natural language assistant assistant. Google voice assistant with the current difference is that, at least in my opinion, Siri can not remember when a user tries to raise follow-up questions are talking about content. Now, I still look forward to demonstrating the new version of Apple's Siri function improved in the World Developers Conference a few weeks later on, or even a new version of Siri available to third-party developers. In fact, the media news that Apple is planning to do so, but also developed a household supported by the Siri speakers. If Apple really do, and do more, then I would think that Siri will be a wasted opportunity, one of the largest science and technology products. Privacy constraints brought If a company is well aware of you, then you need to worry about, this may violate your privacy. However, if a company you know little about, then you have reason to question the ability of this company to build highly efficient artificial intelligence in their products. Google and Facebook are able to know or deduce a large number of user-related information, including user favorite to see the movie, the user's age, family members, occupation and hobbies. However, since Apple firmly protect the user's privacy, so the company always claimed not infringe users' information cloud. In fact, Apple is very committed to the privacy of users, so also with the FBI (FBI) show the development of legal dispute on the user's privacy in the company. In last year's Worldwide Developers Conference, Apple demonstrated at Proactive, also high-profile claims that the company does not require the use of cloud data to make smarter Siri, but only need to use the local phone information can achieve this goal, as long as user agrees. Perhaps this is so. However, I doubt that Apple will be based on local information stored on my phone to customize chat robot or complex Siri requests. Many of my music, pictures and e-mail is not stored locally on the phone, so Apple did not make too much of this data is to be used. If I asked my Facebook or Google I would recommend a favorite restaurant, just say "Milwaukee (Milwaukee, Wisconsin, southeastern port city)," without the need to say out lots more information at this time, Google may I will search for relevant data in other cities to eat, so they know my tastes and the information intended to be selected dishes price.play Barbie Games Facebook might praise from my point of postings or postings published by my friend to catch my dining needs relevant information. In comparison, Apple in this regard, there is nothing like the resources available.


Today scraper US military experts is to use 1989 data to prove that VR will never succeed

Steve Bake cited papers turned out to be from May 1989, that Steve Bake according to the findings 27 years ago,play Olaf Games the future development of VR generated frustration. Moreover, according to friends broke the news, in this paper, only 10.7% of the testers felt sick, that the impact of 1.2% to training. Steve Baker still need to verify the correctness of the conclusions, but 27 years ago he used the data to prove the death of future VR, really is not very strong persuasive. We then eyeing him to VR, VR brings a sense of vertigo, practitioners have been trying to solve the problem. Quora on this issue, there are still a lot of people made a wonderful interpretation, VR dimension were screened for finishing. VR vertigo symptoms have improved significantly OF: Before Intel architect, Oculus developer Gautam Bhatnagar Dizziness caused by questions about VR products in the industry, how serious is already many times caused controversy, it should be said early VR product indeed there is a considerable dizziness problems, but recently introduced products have greatly improved the situation. Generally speaking, the consumer virtual reality products lead to dizziness, nausea and some of the problems like "motion sickness" (motion sickness), which is actually a normal human neural response mechanisms to prevent the invasion of neurotoxins produced. For example, the human eye can see moving pictures, but captured the ear is not the case, so the brain will be determined which is a false picture, and will urge the body through vomiting and other means "clear" in vivo neurotoxin. For now, the best way to solve this problem is to make VR device screen display follows the movement of the actual devices vary, and this is the so-called "head-tracking" technology so important reason. In the previous developer preview version of Oculus Rift DK2, a lot of experience who are found wearing a helmet was 15-20 minutes after a serious case of dizziness, but the problem in the retail version of the Oculus Rift has been and HTC Vive a substantial improvement, and now the average consumer can experience did not feel any discomfort when one hour virtual reality game while wearing the helmet. As to whether this problem hampering the development of virtual reality technology, it seems that we do not worry too much about this issue. Sometimes, part of the screen that appears on the TV can cause epilepsy disease patient population, many people will be aboard a plane airsick, industry experts believe that there are numerous play phone before going to bed will seriously affect the quality of sleep. However, all these problems have failed to stop the development of these technologies.play Talking Angela Games Moreover, some of the existing flight simulators for military applications and dizziness problems may lead to even more serious than the virtual reality technology. Dizziness resolve, to do three Author: Daniel (Daniel Sjölie), VR industry for 15 years of work experience This is a significant problem, but the problem is not a serious impediment to the development of VR. Current technology, the issue of restricting the use of VR products. However, in many cases, we can think of ways to solve this problem, but also a fundamental solution to the problem of advanced solutions are being developed. Today scraper US military experts is to use 1989 data to prove that VR will never succeed Internet is the main source of the disease: 1. The head-tracking delay People are more sensitive to these issues are big individual differences. However, if you have a high-end PC and recent HMD, most people should be negligible. For example, Oculus Rift DK2 company tracking delay is 2 milliseconds. Distorted use of technology by asynchronous time, allows the movement to the screen (motion-to-photon) is reduced to 5 ms delay. Moreover, the use of some advanced techniques, the motion to delay the screen can even be reduced to about 1 millisecond. The 2.VR uncoordinated movement and the real world of sports. The sensitivity of this issue, is the largest individual differences. Some people put up very strong, while others are very sensitive. Flight simulator or FPS games such conventional VR applications, uncoordinated movement is a fundamental problem, but if you look at the current virtual reality game, you will find some of the most popular virtual reality game totally dependent on the real world. movement and haul transmission (teleportation) combination. Obviously, there is a big difference now popular virtual reality applications with traditional virtual reality applications. Developers are aware of the problem, they are working on it. 3. vergence adjusting conflict Although recent HMD helmet use is made specifically for VR lens and low latency monitor, regulate conflict vergence (vergence / accommodation conflict) can not solve the fundamental problem remains. However, I now see it as a matter of comfort that most people need more time to adapt. I think this is certainly a technology currently significant limitations, but will be resolved in the near future. Four reasons to VR produce vertigo Author: Dejan Gajsek, Viar360 company marketing director This is a big problem. If the result is people first VR experience nausea or vomiting, then VR will lose the audience. Why VR can cause nausea and dizziness, people have quite a lot of explanation. I'll try to mention the most common and theoretical. 1. The impact of information overload and novelties For decades, we have been experiencing virtual media on a rectangular flat screens, we have become accustomed. On how to use VR to tell stories, I wrote a few tips. In fact, it seems that the basic rules of VR development seems to have not canceled the viewer control over the camera, in any case, it will be said, to make VR content appears to be the audience with his own camera. If the head of the viewer is stationary, then change the view will immediately lead to dizziness. 2. Imbalance This problem is most likely to cause vertigo. Because your brain VR virtual reality as a true reality. Therefore, the virtual reality of play Barbie Dress Up Games each unusual sight will make the audience confused. When viewing virtual reality content, your eyes on the screen to see the scene and feel your body movement is inconsistent, such conflicts can lead to disorientation and nausea. You probably know the vestibular system (which is located in our ears, help us to locate the body), which is responsible for our body balance. So, imagine you are in a virtual reality roller coaster, and you are about to spiral down, your eyes see this accelerated decline, but your vestibular system remained unchanged. I am one of the people will feel dizzy to read in the car. This leads to dizziness and virtual reality is a reason. When you read in the car, your vision tell your brain that you are stationary, but in fact the driver of the car was circling the mountain. The image quality When Oculus Rift DK1 introduced, most of those who have gone through the experience of vertigo. The problem is that a liquid crystal display (LCD). LCD has now been replaced by OLED. "When the audience have VR dizziness, image refresh rate of the screen is often not enough high image refresh rate is slower than the speed of the brain, which can cause users to feel a lack of coordination, while that screen out of trouble. Both feel together, the user will experience a similar feeling of motion sickness. 4. Adaptability vertigo Different people are not the same sense of vertigo compliance. If you are a airsick or seasick person, VR can make you feel the same dizziness. Many people in the cinema will feel dizzy. A few years ago, there was a movie attracted many viewers dizzy, this thing still on the headlines. The play Cooking Games film is a 2008 American horror film "Cloverfield", which uses a lot of handheld camera shake lens.

Wang Jian: Internet into the social and economic infrastructure before allowing the same level with the world Guizhou

China Second Big Data Industry Summit was officially opened today in Guiyang. Alibaba Group Chairman Wang Jian Technology play Elsa Games Committee at the meeting keynote speech, he talked about seven years ago, China Alibaba set up a cloud computing company, mainly to help the development of SMEs in China. Wang Jian expressed, for example, the average life expectancy in the United States statistics for SMEs is 7 years, while China only two years. Alibaba will be held every year Yunqi General Assembly, Wang Jian said:. "Yunqi Assembly six years ago only 400 participants, but have twenty thousand people last year indicating that the Internet has become a social and economic infrastructure of the whole, this allows us the opportunity Guizhou with the world as flat. " Wang Jian in view, in human history, humans have been consuming the resources of nature, but the Internet so that humans can produce independent "data" resources. Finally Wang Jian said the data to make the world better and create more value is something to be happy about. The following is the speech: Thank you very much, especially to see a lot of old friends, a lot of times I came to Guiyang, but also very touched every time, every time Guiyang to think of cloud computing company seven years ago I first set up in Alibaba. At that time we all know, innovation in SMEs, entrepreneurship is very difficult. We all know that there is a basic data, is in the United States about the average life expectancy is seven years for SMEs in China, only a little more than two years. So how to help these people grow and develop, it is a very big challenge. At that time we started doing cloud computing, three years ago we made a base for innovation and entrepreneurship in Hangzhou, a place where these play Baby Hazel Games practices makes us feel a lot of feelings. The biggest feeling is the last year in October, we in Hangzhou luck town (sound) opened a General Assembly, had given 400 people, but in the end to more than 20,000, except from abroad, but also there are other 31 provinces and autonomous regions from China. It has also seen a cloud after the effects of socio-economic development of the entire technology. Two days before the "Fortune" magazine statistics of the global valuation of more than one billion dollars in the company, there are about 170 of several start-up companies, is pleased to China accounted for 35, came in second, the first is the United States. This 35 inside half with Ali cloud, I think this will achieve our goal, then aim was the establishment of Ali cloud, we said to grow a bigger business than the Taobao Ali cloud . So with this 35, away from our dream closer. This exhibit three characteristics of today's development, first experienced the Internet in developing a technology and a simple industrial development into the infrastructure of the world socio-economic development. Because, after it became the infrastructure that makes us have a chance, Guizhou and other provinces and cities with the world pulling so flat, and the second thing also reflects the theme of the conference, in the history of human development on human beings have been consuming nature God has given us the resources, but because of the Internet after the first human being to generate a natural resource we called the data. So I think this thing of data in the Internet it marks the great thing is that human beings produce in a very important quality of production, natural resources, technology also gave a very big chance this data to generate the value of natural resources, the only way is by computing. Today, we think about computing has become a very, very dynamic, but also vary a great form, it is to become a very important public service. So these three together, you can see whether you are talking about cloud computing, artificial intelligence, robotics or, in fact, are inseparable from the Internet data and calculations, I think this is a very, very important for the Development of the inflection point. Because after this inflection point, so that Alibaba such companies can use technology to help many small and medium enterprises do not dare to do them in the past, I can not do the things that are with China provides a unique opportunity to contribute to the development of the world. Whether talking about the European digital economy, Europe speaks of Industry 4.0, with the Internet industry, in fact, behind this is to calculate the economic hand. I think of myself as living in a very interesting era, we are talking about just host the first lasting bonds with Guizhou, Guizhou to each meeting there is a thing I am very touched. I heard the words cloud Guizhou feeling is not the same, I was discussing with a few people in Guizhou this name, I was on cloud seen in Guiyang, Guizhou, and in 2014 when we invited Guizhou colleagues to Hangzhou, which is the first in Guizhou colleague big range with which the Chinese people say that we have a very good wish is cloud Guizhou. And later in Beijing to see the cloud, Guizhou, more interesting thing is Hannover once again saw the cloud Guizhou. So I think the cloud is not just proud of Guizhou Guizhou, but also the pride of my personal life. Secondly, yesterday I saw so much across Intel's side there is a hall called the State Hall (sound), they are also Ali cloud. Early last year, when China Central Television to shoot a documentary, called China the cloud, I recommend Huo-side state (sound), let the CCTV play Girl Games saw this thing. Today I saw such a business in Guizhou, cloud development today in this way, in fact, for me, is a very big inspiration, also see the industrial development situation. Finally feeling very, Guizhou with our fate, a few days ago met Ali Tintin several colleagues, they told me, it is to use the Guizhou Aviation Tintin their traditional ways of working to change. As it happens, this time to come to Guiyang, I am also of the old international air passengers. But this happened in order to Guizhou to a special thing, I've set up a ticket at the airport, it was found not know what to be canceled, and more incredible, I let the travel agency helped me set up a tickets, the results of the international Air tell me, this ticket is not used. I still do not understand why, I thought, as if Air China can embrace big data like Guizhou Aviation, embracing new Internet to improve the way it works, then I may come to Guiyang this would not have happened. So I think Guiyang fact, not only in large data above a simple walk in the front, in fact, many companies are in the Guiyang for us to do a very good demonstration. Finally, I think, in fact, because we can meet here, in fact, not just for in Guizhou, Guiyang doing data, which is the whole China thing, it is a matter of the world, there are so many companies together it is very interesting thing. I think the same thing we do in Hangzhou, also think this is a thing the world needs, if we have the opportunity to Hangzhou, then you will see our first enterprise data in Hangzhou, government data as well as public data together to solve a global problem the city is the traffic problem, which is that we build things in Hangzhou. Finally, it would have such an opportunity, an opportunity to be able to have such a life counterparts with everyone here, with the data make the world a better place, to create more value, is a very happy thing, I wish the success of the last play Barbie Games General Assembly, thank you.

"Chinese number Valley" Rise in Guiyang: Guiyang 91.6 billion yuan industrial scale data

Since 2013, in the Big Data industry has not yet formed a monopoly, the industry is in the race to the layout stage background,play Anna Games Guiyang to cooperate with Beijing Zhongguancun as an opportunity to keep a close eye cutting edge of technology, build a large data to lead a modern industrial system, foster the development of new kinetic energy, promote industrial upgrading overall. At present, Guiyang Big Data industry has stood in the forefront of industry development in 2015, and the total amount of data associated with large-scale industrial city reached 91.6 billion yuan, an increase of more than 38%. Early summer of Guiyang Qianling mountain wind to cool breezes. May 25, "2016 China E-commerce Guiyang Guiyang International Conference and Big Data Expo" opened in Guiyang. At present, Guiyang Big Data industry is showing "fusion" growth trend, at the forefront of industrial development. By 2015, the total amount of data and related industries large scale of the city reached 91.6 billion yuan, an increase of more than 38%, large industrial and commercial enterprises registration data and associated increase in the number more than 1,300 compared with 2014. A "Chinese number Valley" is on the rise. Development of Big Data - Exceptional conditions To lead the new normal, we need to find new motivation, cultivate new industries. Guiyang in the development of the third echelon, in the backdrop of the new normal, how to achieve the curve straightening latecomer to catch up? Guiyang faced with the dual pressure, dual task. Guiyang municipal government believes that as the capital city, Guiyang must accelerate the development, accelerate the transformation of Guizhou Province to assume the lead of economic and social transformation and development of the "locomotive" and "engine" of the mission, to shorten the gap with the brothers of the city; on the other hand, Guiyang the ecological environment is relatively fragile, and must keep firmly sky blue, green mountains, clean water, to clean the bottom line and improve the ecological environment quality. Guiyang City, Guizhou Province also required to accelerate the development and ecological protection, "Not One Less", it is necessary to accelerate the development of win gold and silver mines, but also improve the ecological expansion lies to take the road to development lies to complement each other and Jinshanyinshan . Vigorously implement the innovation-driven strategy to become the inevitable choice of reality, big data industry as a breakthrough. Since 2013, in the Big Data industry has not yet formed a monopoly, the industry is in the race to the layout stage background, Guiyang to cooperate with Beijing Zhongguancun as an opportunity to keep a close eye cutting edge of technology, build a large data to lead a modern industrial system, foster the development of new kinetic energy, promote industrial upgrading overall. Although practical needs, but the development of large data nor whim, but with unique conditions. Natural environment, regardless of terrain or climate, both for the development of large data Guiyang provides advantageous conditions; in the geological structure, Guiyang is a no earthquakes, no storms, floods and dry "three noes" cities for the data center construction provides a natural security barrier; Guizhou sufficient power, can provide a stable power support for the big data industry. At the same time, Guiyang, the annual average temperature is about 15.3 ℃, even in the hottest July, the average temperature of only 23.7 ℃, the data is the most appropriate equipment operation temperature. In addition, since 2013, China Telecom (microblogging), China Mobile (microblogging), China Unicom (microblogging) in Guizhou have been building data centers, but also for the development of large data Guiyang industry provides industrial base. Deep "block data" - Draw "Guiyang cloud" Big data is a new thing, the value of all walks of life and the future is promising, but the path of industrial development and implementation play Dora Games of large data value but needs further exploration. In this regard, both the developed eastern cities, the Midwest or underdeveloped regions, are in the same starting line. Guiyang ready in one hand and speed up data "compartmentalization integration" in one hand and promote the use of data, the whole industry chain to build big data, big data focus on the important industrial training to economic development growth point, drew a "Guiyang cloud" . For a long time, industry data showed the formation of "strip" distribution, departments, industries and do not exchange the accumulated data, forming a data island, so that the value of data is greatly reduced. While the "DATA" open sharing, gathering to form a "data block" more conducive to clean and efficient use of data analysis. In early 2015, Guiyang issued "Opinions on accelerating Big Data Industry Development" clearly, to promote social enterprises and individuals dynamic data "block" on the cluster, and strive to 2017, in Guiyang built the world's first "block" the large gathering of data on the public internet. In the deep "block data", while actively promoting the wisdom of Guiyang city cloud demonstration, through cross-sectoral, cross-industry-government cloud, livelihood clouds, cloud industry, environmental protection and cultural cloud cloud-peer sharing demonstration project, the construction industry cloud application platform, driven computing, applications and data resources integration and gather in "bar" on. Data on the "bar", "block" on the gathering to promote the birth of the country's first large data exchange. "Building Big Data market, not only can solve the traditional carriers because the company has a large number of data resources policy has led to the realization of assets data difficult problems, but also to attract massive quality data resources, foster innovation and enterprise data industry, to make large data Guiyang seize Industry commanding heights. "San Shou Wang Guiyang big data Exchange president. Launched operations a year, Guiyang Big Data Exchange transaction amount realized more than 7,000 yuan, more than 300 members of the development, the single largest transactions exceeded 10 million yuan. The value of data lies in the application. The key development is the big data industry value-added services and data, application data, and the call center is the most specific data services and data applications, data center, and it forms the basis for key Big Data industry. According to "catch two middle promote" the development of ideas, Guiyang City, on the one hand to promote the construction of the data center, on the one hand the positive development of the call center, consolidating a large data basis for industrial development, foster and promote the development of the software industry chain, the middle of the large data processing and analysis, hardware development, design and manufacturing, the emerging big data applications and services, and other enterprises to gather Guiyang, promote the formation of large data core industries. Since 2014, Guiyang has issued "on the support services outsourcing and call center industry views" "Interim Measures for Equity Investment Fund call center industry" and other policies, and for three consecutive years invested 100 million yuan each year to support the service outsourcing and call center industry. Meanwhile, Guiyang also supporting the development of the call center personnel training plan, according to "main vocational, vocational, supplemented by other social training institutions to supplement" the idea of ​​creating "a base, two centers, three demonstration, multi-point radiation" the call center personnel training pattern. In addition, the Guiyang City arrested application through promoting industrial development, will feature close integration of data with large capital, policies, parks, promoting the end product manufacturing, chip and integrated circuit industries, e-commerce industry, industrial design and software services, Big Data finance and other related industries, the formation of "1 + N" pattern. In the data center and call center industry has a comparative advantage as a starting point, adhere to the bar fusion, first try first, to encourage innovation, the courage to trial and error, the construction of the whole industry chain of big data industry environment, industry development, Guiyang large data further enrich industrial development path, guide the development of further clarity. At present, Guiyang has become China's well-deserved "the number of Valley" - the first big data strategy Laboratory established; China's first global public free WiFi; made big data industry development theory block data, and promote the construction of China's first on a large block of gathering data on the public platform; promote the building of China's first open government data model city; China's first listed open a large data exchanges; construction of China's first large data industry gathering area. Entrepreneurial hot spot - "Your drift" has become the new fashion Xing industry talent together. In the years of Zhongguancun Venture Yang Ying, who led the team developed a distributed dynamic network information system virtual reality, three-dimensional digital city, police and crime scene simulation and other fields are widely used. Just catch when doing business, that Guiyang develop big data industry, Yang should be resolute decision to Guiyang development. "Guiyang personnel policy in the country as a whole is very attractive." Today, we are a dynamic space-time Technology Co., Ltd., general manager of Guizhou play Cooking Games Yang Ying told reporters, Guiyang National Hi-tech Zone of its business support given great support, not only provides 2 million yuan venture start-up capital support, also provides national digital content industry park rent-free for three years, more than 500 square meters of office space. The rapid development of large data industry, coupled with superior entrepreneurial innovation support policies, a strong magnetic effect, attracting a large number of investors and entrepreneurs to Guiyang development. More and more people feel Guiyang Stage innovation, entrepreneurship there is soil, there are channels fusion research. Currently, innovation and entrepreneurial passion rising, but there are "no way man of ideas, there is no way people thought," the embarrassment, such as scientific and technical personnel and technological achievements into, but not much product, but there are a lot of young entrepreneurs keen to repeat of pseudo-innovation, creating local governments strongly support passenger incubator, but usage is not high ...... The face of "pain points", Guizhou prompt start "pain off plan", organized by the "pain off" as the protagonist of the game - Chinese passenger pain Contest and social cohabitation · corporate credit pain points relating to competition, and as a basis to create "pain DreamWorks off "to stimulate public entrepreneurship and innovation, new vitality to the idea people have a way with people to build an exchange platform for entrepreneurs no longer blind to work, at the same time, we can also communicate with senior people in the industry to better understand market demand and improve the quality of entrepreneurship. July 23, 2015, the Economist Intelligence Unit released in Beijing "2015 China boomtown report," Guiyang City topped the list in the Ranking, economic growth and foreign direct investment, ranking the first three terms. "Guiyang actively involved in the big data and continuous improvement in infrastructure for the development of the next few years to do a good bedding." Economist play Baby Hazel Games Intelligence Unit China economist Chen Chen said.

Medal from the planet's first visit to Carl Sagan Prize laureate Zheng Yongnian

Carl Sagan is notified to become the first Chinese winner of the award, when Dr. Zheng Yongchun National play Frozen Games Astronomical Observatories of being a primary school for the park's popular science lectures. Although never jumped over the planet, he often encouraged the audience to look back to a more distant point of view. For example, when exposure to the moon 380,000 kilometers away, we will see the "month flat line", also has a "moon" rising, shining bright. That is actually our Earth, reflecting sunlight. "You've got that award what is Editor's Note?" Friends asked him. Zheng Yongchun quietly after winning the prize, we all learned from the news. The planetary science field of science communication award major awards attention in the country few people. Even as scientists, they are unfamiliar. Zheng Yongchun acceptance speech published in a few days in the circle of friends. In this case a micro-channel built-in applications are hot, friends can pay to ask questions or listen to answer other questions. Zheng Yongchun also had interest, charge acceptance speech a triple, inclusion in the "why to emigrate to Mars." "" Where is the father "Where Stars ball better," a series of questions in. "Our society needs sound science." He said this during a long speech at the end of 59 seconds. Award for Planetary Sciences Branch of the American Astronomical Society explained Dr. Zheng Yongchun "tirelessly to the Chinese public on planetary science, science, science and show the western world China's achievements." His friend accepted the astronomer "super contagious." Super 70 astronomers appeal to walk fast, rushing to pick up his son from school especially. Bright green back mountaineering bag shaking, he quickly into the crowd, shirt corner in Beijing in May infiltration of sun sweating. Looking back, the disc's smile rolls, black-rimmed spectacles is not low, the sound volume is not large, after many years living in Beijing with his hometown Shaoxing still soft accent. Zheng Yongchun only recently purchased one of their own desk. For a long time, he has bent over the table in his son's little book, Qiaoxia text about the universe fragmented time. Within two years, he published more than 100 articles of popular science article about growing potatoes or run the story on Mars Moon. He felt "destined to be insurgents." At 70, after 80 groups of scientists, the value of science communication are almost universally accepted, but also a lot of people's interests. New media era has come, scientists have embarked on a public platform. Daniel Rao as academic, Lu Bai, Hsieh Yu, the creation of a micro-channel public number. More scientists active in the shell network, scientific squirrel, know almost scientific networks and other communities. Zheng Yongchun enthusiasm to join in this day and age. On his cell phone, there are often dozens of unread WeChat. Rao gathered, including a more than 100 scientists, including micro-letter day group active in strength from around the world to promote the updated page: Nobel Prize, was on the spot; gravitational waves is found, there is just expert. He is also a message of international planetary research within the group. Through this group, Zheng Yongchun domestic news have been published news about the Chinese lunar written in English published, both rigorous scientist, but also a science writer Deep. National Observatory colleague Li Ran surprised at the speed of the older draft of the amount of hot pursuit: "Almost a hot morning news out of the manuscript on the issue came at night." When "Mars Rescue" was released, Zheng Yongchun bursts of three popular science articles, seed potatoes Speaking from Mars, astronauts talk to the future survival of the circulatory system, the Martian soil and human migration universe. The lunar soil experts and efficient thanks to their accumulation. Science behind the article in simple terms, is his everyday work: on several occasions to participate in the evaluation work related to the moon and, each time data piled in a human high. Once hot broke out, scientists in the minds of the file management system running at once, find the play Barbie Cooking Games label, find the folder, output ordinary people can understand the text. "I started doing the lunar soil." He was in such a public speech to introduce their work, "We have PM2.5, PM2.5 on the moon, the moon is dust, which is more than we PM2 Earth. 5 more toxic. I have done this experiment, toxicity to mice will be greater, the toxicity of the astronauts will be greater. I also want to do simulated Martian dust in the Martian soil, and simulation. I have done from the earth to the moon, Mars and from the moon did. " In a science peer opinion, explosion models article Zheng Yongchun has a similar structure: "first introduced hot, and then elaborate knowledge of the last bright future prospects of China's space industry." Zheng Yongchun most concerned about is how many people they can reach. His popular science writing originated ten years ago, a magazine asked him. With interest deepened, he will put himself published articles freely available to a number of other media outlets. "The more communication, the more people see it. Science is, they should share." However, in the eyes of Lee, Zheng Yongchun amazing patience. Question of almost every known, no matter how naive, he is always careful reply. Even those interested in finding fault, he will be careful to find a word to smooth things over: "You are very special point of view." " 'Ground gas' is to reach the most ordinary thing in the crowd." Zheng Yongchun admitted undergraduate Southwest Agricultural University (now Southwest University), learning farming practice is required. Students in Chongqing heat in pruning weeding, inevitably complain again and again. Now look back only to find that it was the first experience to develop a character. "You really can not think of how many people do not know even the basic common sense." Zheng Yongchun friend Chen Ke said with a laugh. He graduated from the Peking Union Medical College, Dr. medical science ever felt quite boring, until it encounters a scientist families. Because she mistakenly believed "health" remedies delayed treatment of cancer. Chen Ke began to participate in science dissemination. He realized that, against common sense, blank, sometimes you need reiterated simple truth. "We do not lack knowledge, no shortage of smart people, is the lack of scientific literacy." Zheng Yongchun said. "Basic education, there is no how to use logic, reason and common sense to solve the problem part." He went to elementary and Science Museum, and telling the children the planets and the universe. The introverted youth silent man, is now an active speaker, talking about the universe to open and close facial features, dancing, and sometimes also with music and video. The children wrote him a long letter, color letterhead stationery attached. Some of the micro-channel contact parents care, the video you want to watch the planets run repeatedly. "Exploration is human nature." In his class, never instill standard answer. Science is not stagnant, but turbulent. He told the children, his childhood, there are nine planets of the solar system, there are only eight of. Who knows what will happen in the future then? In addition to the increasingly busy social activities center Zheng Yongchun life is still located in the Olympic Village near the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Zoology, Physics, more than a dozen affiliated research institutes are separated by the avenue, such as the sea sparkling summer leaf moving. Shortly before the wall was demolished. Why should it interdisciplinary wall? Zheng Yongchun current issue is learning to be a central figure. "You reported my views on the line, do not concern myself." He repeatedly stressed to reporters. He applied to enter the scientific squirrel. The process is very long, the astronomers honestly column column fill it. "You write directly to you Carl Sagan Prize winner like it." Scientific squirrel, a senior member of Xiao Ji used as a joke. And indifferent parallel is with great enthusiasm. Zheng Yongchun circle of friends at least four brush on dynamic day, all his recent published scientific articles or concern. He participated in the recording of the broadcast program, the video production for the aerospace Open Day. The time is approaching forty years old man driven by a sense of mission, as if every cell in the body is to mobilize science communication platform. He sit and watch the coming and going of public events, was clear: if science does not sound, so there are always other voices will occupy the right to speak. He admires Hawking open microblogging excitement - "more than a good example of science communication." Also thinking, maybe one day, they would fight to obtain public attention. But this is not the traditional image of scientists. "You is not met someone asked recently on TV, people immediately feel Hualiyouhua." Zheng Yongchun at a different scientists in the field of internal discussion and talk to "intellectuals most exquisite face. Do science, money is not the issue, afraid people say Figure you famous. "knowing laughter in the room explode. Zheng Yongchun can clearly feel, Carl Sagan awarded bring their own pressure is not less than honor. In fact, when Carl Sagan has faced similar accusations: science done fast, and hard to influence research phase and far, fine? "What scientists do science is worthless?" I have simply asked him directly in the micro letter. Dissemination of scientific interest in the younger generation of scientists can feel the pressure: even spare time to do science, it is difficult to expect the face of scientific predecessors - how much energy should be spent in pursuit of sophisticated, so Chinese research to catch up. National Observatory of Young Astronomers study black holes Gou Lijun is "Interstellar" Chinese version of the novel's translator. He felt that the best scientists to eighty percent of their time on research, the remaining time can be given to science. Otherwise "cart before the horse upside down", you will feel guilty. Zheng Yongchun experienced similar emotions, but it is already past. He felt "more and more thick skinned." It was dedicated to the office to criticize him, he is not looking to change, please go back to - he did not do anything wrong. Zheng Yongchun friend, Yang Wei of the Institute of Geology remember, Once, his old friend convinced a proposal contributes to the development of planetary scientists in the field. When the proposal was rejected by the Council vote, Chinese Academy of Young Innovators Association, there are so few weeks, Zheng Yongchun in every office building met a representative of reasoning proceeds to work tirelessly. It all stems from 2000, Zheng Yongchun admitted to the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Geochemistry of graduate students. Opening soon, the old play Angela Games academician Ouyang Please newborn dinner, for they describe a distant field: lunar research. Listen academician Ouyang Ziyuan, then before because "no place of employment" only graduate school of Zheng Yongchun was ignited enthusiasm. "I suddenly felt this thing fly, so I want to do this thing." By 2015, he recalls the mood in a speech, "Chinese people, some at the moon." He took a gamble. When the old professor asked, "Who is willing to do the moon" when the two tables of people, more than 20 graduate students, only one person raised his hand. Chang E project involved years later, Zheng Yongchun also difficult to say, then select what is a successful situation, or a lucky brave youth. He sure is, the old professor's remarks, his life changed direction. The scientist sometimes think, before the entrance, in his hometown high school, he never had any contact with scientists, science has no idea. He or she will at a certain moment, Professor Ouyang played as a role? Zheng Yongchun little look: this life, he can use science to touch one million people in it? If one of them became interested and willing to take it as a lifelong career, then it is worth it. The Carl Sagan Prize winner, is currently in the planning of primary and secondary schools to the classroom to hang the solar system and even the galaxy map. China Map encourage children to learn outside of the house there are beautiful mountains and rivers, the map of the world to show the world outside of play Dora Games the country, so this picture, it is to give them a "more distant, more ambitious point of view."


Now entrepreneurs to engage in artificial intelligence! VCs like throwing money

"This is the hot areas of the moment." Stephen Purpura (Stephen Purpura) said that, since 2012 founded his play Free Dora Games company ContextRelevant AI has accumulated more than $ 44 million financing. He said that about more than 170 start-up companies to join the field of artificial intelligence. The new force in the field of artificial intelligence believe that this technology has finally ushered in the dawn, will computer intelligence to new heights. They promised to develop new interactive mode - the machine in an unprecedented way the invasion of the human world. "Technically, the original use is from human to machine input command, the future is to allow the computer to observe human beings, and active learning." Another AI entrepreneur Daniel Nadler (DanielNadler) said. Kensho his company recently raised $ 15 million, and their goal rather ambitious: instead of computer training financial analysts and other high-paying white-collar workers. "We do not put their work is called artificial intelligence, which we call 'automated personnel-intensive knowledge work'." He said. Herd mentality can explain to some extent why artificial intelligence become the most popular field of venture capital. This is one of thousands of entrepreneurial dreams after the rise of big data trends emerged. However, the artificial intelligence of the current scale of investment is still small, mainly because most startups still in its infancy. But there have been a large number of enterprises to obtain financing, while participating investors also source a wide range. Apart from some of Silicon Valley's top venture (such as Khosla Ventures and Greylock Partners) and technology tycoon (such as Elon Musk (ElonMusk) and Peter Purcell (Peter Thiel)), the artificial intelligence of the most active supporters also include expected benefit from such technology companies, Goldman Sachs is one of them. Nadler said that any venture capital companies now need to be involved in this field: a venture capital fund of funds provider, the partners want the money to invest in the most promising areas popular. Mode to be explored The latest trend is largely derived from artificial intelligence to simulate human intelligence in a machine programming techniques. One of the most notable is machine learning, this technology can be trained to identify the machine in various forms, and through the massive data analysis to predict the future. But other entrepreneurs triggered a wave of new technologies in this area there are also risks: Many companies may be difficult to really take advantage of this technology to achieve profitability. "A lot of artificial intelligence platforms like the Swiss Army knife," Tim Tootell (Tim Tuttle), said his company ExpectLabs AI recently raised $ 13 million, "They can do a lot of things, but the real highlight where the value it is not clear. " He said the result is a whole industry a "Wild West mentality", the application of artificial intelligence technology entrepreneurs eager to think they can all computing problems. "I think, as an independent machine learning technology, and there is not much commercial value." Purpura said, "Now a lot of companies will be acquired." The industry hopes will not become yet another short-lived artificial intelligence technology. And big data, the program is not a single technology or use within the meaning of the term, but a set of methods have broad application prospects. Seattle venture capital firm Madrona partner Matt Mike Wayne (MattMcllwain) expressed deep learning technologies can help companies more in-depth analysis of customer. These techniques can determine customer preferences and customer behavior to predict, for example, when customers are most likely willing to receive business information,play Bubble Shooter Classic as well as which customers are most likely not to renew. Since the influx of a large number of start-up companies in this area, resulting in an increasingly competitive. The biggest advantage of artificial intelligence embodied within Google (microblogging), IBM and Facebook and other technology companies, these companies have also started to invest heavily in the technology. For their specific investment amount of secrecy, but the public display of the results have already been recognized by experts: a test Google can recognize a cat from YouTube, Facebook's DeepFace system can recognize human image, IBM has more name Q system noise momentary Watson (Watson). Art collection However, Tootell and other entrepreneurs and not put too much effort into developing the latest cutting-edge technology, but efforts to the set of existing technologies aimed at specific application mode. Specific to ExpectLabs, they can enhance the convenience of online directory search using voice recognition service. He said, "Large companies are solving everything through this technology, we are trying to solve different problems." The basic use of this technology from several different areas. Thanks shape recognition, image recognition (which have been regarded as a major difficulty of the computer) the difficulty has been greatly reduced. As one of the most ambitious in the field of business, has just raised $ 72 million Vicarious recently presented a technique to solve --CAPTCHA CAPTCHA is a visual puzzle project, which aims to help the website automatically distinguish between humans and computers. The same technology can also help a computer to "understand" human language, so-called "natural language recognition technology." IBM Watson and other systems on the use of this technology, it is through the mass of information analysis gives the most likely answer. The third most popular way is to use the correlation identification - including the upgrading of the network and the recommended content relevance, and improved targeting ads. And many promising new ideas, like some of the artificial intelligence technology has been initially used in the financial markets, but because of the huge funds involved, resulting in related financial enterprises have avoided. "If the financial application really effective, why should disclose and reduce their own arbitrage space?" Sentient Technologies company chief scientist Babak Hoggart (BabakHodjat) said. His company get huge computing power through the data center, and then fully simulate operating conditions in financial markets: With "revolutionary algorithm" to understand the market reaction to different situations, they hope to develop a variety of models to predict future market trends . To such a wide range of ideas put into practice, the need for large investments to expand the field of artificial intelligence.play Nail Games For example, SentientTechnologies recent financing more than 100 million US dollars will apply its technology to more areas, reflecting the high cost of artificial intelligence systems to deploy more industry required to pay. SentientTechnologies believe that the most attractive are those with a lot of data available, but also a potential problem with a high-value industries, such as medical, insurance and e-commerce. Computer security and fraud detection also has good prospects. ContextRelevant Poole Pula believe, to put into practice these techniques also need to pay other costs: "The real challenge is not the development of the underlying machine learning technology, but to make it truly build a functioning support system." These subsidiary delivery technologies include massive information data "pipe", and to ensure that the control system of artificial intelligence operating within acceptable parameters business. As many start-up companies are facing tremendous pressure to prove their technology to the outside world have a more broad prospects, and therefore how much investment will determine the final winner. Advances in technology Artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, neural networks, this series of technical terms are derived from a common trend: Many companies want to develop a variety of devices in order to resolve a wide range of issues had seemed to be in the human brain can be solved. Science and technology with other branches of the same, the industry divided on the best mode, and sometimes as a religious battle: "You use what vocabulary, revealing what camp you come from." Purpura said. Since its inception, the use of artificial intelligence is used to define this vast field, its dream is to give humans the same "thinking" computer. However, we should take the logical computer to decode the human mind is not easy, and this is an important reason for AI until recently just a breakthrough. The reason why the technology industry to re-ignite interest, mainly due to machine learning, which is a deliberate imitation of the human way of thinking technology. Machine learning has been able to achieve, because the information processing cost reductions, combined with a sharp increase in digitized data. When filtering data in the machine, by means of probabilistic techniques can be "trained", until they can not recognize some of the initially programmed shape. As a branch of machine learning, deep learning recently triggered a huge concern. Another idea from the depth study on the history of play Hair Games artificial intelligence: neural networks, that is, by simulating the human brain to accelerate the "learning" speed software. Nara Logics CEO Jana Eggers (JanaEggers), said neuroscience progress on the development of this technology to make a contribution. He added that the goal of this technology is to understand how the human brain decides something, and let the computer do a better job in this regard.

Zhuhai Customs to respond to "the United States together seized smuggled cosmetic" rumors

In short encounter overseas and collective action the United States together superior products suffered play Baby Games another "former employee" broke the news. January 5 afternoon, the new fiscal reporter broke the news received two messages from the mailbox, an unnamed former employees claiming to be the United States together superior products company reported smuggling of forced severance, warehouse was closed, or flight director was arrested, serious problems of supply chain and other fakes. January 6, the United States together superior product aspect is directed to this mailbox sent to hundreds of media "broke the news letter" to make a statement, completely denied all allegations. To this as "major revelations" allegedly purchased fake checked-US warehouse blocked "messages were sent from jumeiyuangong@126.com and jumeiyuangong@sina.com two email addresses to the new financial reporter mailbox. Sender claiming to be an employee of the United States together overseas business, the company for alleged procurement unidentified overseas cosmetics checked, resulting in overseas business division has been canceled, which led to their being shunted facing demotion with pay reduction sector and turn to resign no compensation for the two options, the employee decided to broke the news company. The message said, in September 2014, Zhuhai Customs found the United States together superior product suppliers 20 million smuggled cosmetics. By tracing a single supplier and logistics information, Customs found that most of the contraband flows into the United States together superior products company warehouse. Since then, the United States together in Beijing warehouse was seized, customs and police headquarters to arrest people in charge of overseas operations, vice president of Ye Fei know in advance the message first on foot, then, surname director and two staff responsible for the business was taken away, At the same time the office of information and computers were taken away. United States together superior product has been blocked outside the news, but because Beijing warehouse was closed, so had without notifying suppliers of temporary opening of the new warehouse. Stringing people pointed out the United States together superior product lobbying by four senior public relations officer was taken away a few days after the release. Ye Fei but also back home: "It is said that he first went to Southeast Asia to revive went to the United States, and we have heard nothing back home." For to this point to clear, specific events, naming names broke the news letter. Ye Fei himself and the United States together superior product CEO Chen Ou, vice president of the United States together superior product on January 6 Foreign rumor after another. United States together superior product in terms of the first seal official statement said: "shocked at the news of which absurd play Dog Games fabrications." The company said the three broke the news at the same time to send different versions of professional reporters: "lamented the 'former employees' strong professional ability." United States together superior products, said: "The company has never strictly in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, legitimate business, our operations are always carried out in normal, have never been disturbed by any external factors that no responsible, deliberate attacks on rumors, not. affect us. "the company also said that the real name for the attack to justice rights reserved. Subsequently, the United States together superior product to provide a more detailed response to the new financial reporter. Described as "said to the magic and the United States together a few former employees" in the title, in response to the allegations broke the news letter. Note first broke the news of people from starting strong public relations capacity, questioned the "United States together former employee" status. Hereinafter referred to as Ye Fei still work, do not know themselves "on foot", said the Southeast Asia and the United States not to go before Ye Fei, but to South Korea, Japan and the United States together superior product for the sea Amoy business construction supply chain. For the warehouse it was closed, indicating that the United States together, said currently there are Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Shenyang, Zhengzhou six warehouses, and not Beijing warehouse. Beijing warehouse as early as April 2014 on the invitation by the Government moved to Tianjin Wuqing Tianjin logistics park, and has been publicly reported. Other warehouse has never been sealed, has been running. To prove this warehouse is operating normally, the United States together superior product also comes with a staff January 6 shooting in the warehouse photo. United States together superior final product that the company focused on supporting sea Amoy business "Fast overseas purchase":. "Business momentum is very fierce, will naturally offend some people," the United States together for the competition aspect doubt this mail processing, final appeal in all competitions carried out under the sun. The new fiscal reporter broke the news letter is alleged 20 million cosmetic Zhuhai Gongbei Customs seized the issue to verify aspects of the customs office, the relevant staff, told reporters on the new wealth of information in terms of the presently disclosed, in September 2014 no cosmetic smuggling cases, 10 one month involving an amount of 4.6 million yuan of tissue water off smuggling cases, but does not point to the United States together superior product Beijing warehouse, the case has also been publicly reported. The writer who has yet to respond to the new financial reporters further inquiry messages. United States together superior products to cosmetics electricity providers started after the listing on NASDAQ has several times in the vortex of public opinion, and suffered short. Earlier, the United States together superior product claiming to Chen, founder partner outside Europe, wrote Chen Ou resume fraud, and other partners and drive away. Since then, short bodies questioned the United States together superior product supply chain and fake issues. To December 2014, the United States together superior product hit the US class action law firm, and the past six months, almost stocks in the overall upward when the United States together superior product but suffered short. Shares in May 2014 public offering price of 22 yuan / share, August 10 rushed to nearly 38 yuan / share high after the play Cat Games shock down today (January 6, 2015) to close at 14.50 yuan / share, has fallen below the issue price, down 60% compared to high. In fact, China's electricity supply and cosmetics supply chain has been questioned, the dealer "changing" (without the consent of brands and inter-regional cross-channel sales) and overseas smuggling issue has been difficult to solve the electricity supplier platform cosmetics The problem. December 2014, published an open letter claiming Chen Ou the United States together superior product Beauty Direct business has been completely changed, to strengthen the supply chain management and control at the expense of short-term interests. He also said the company began to force the purchase of overseas business, has entered the current hot "sea Amoy" market. However, the open letter to the transformation of the United States together superior products put on the front desk, also suffered a US law firm action again, saying the business model transformation did not disclose the investors and cause losses. The purchase of overseas business in the country suffered defamation anonymity can also be seen, the United States together superior product in the transition process to deal with more complex internal and external competition. ■ Report: United States together superior product issued in response to the full text of Caixin Say a few words on the magic and the "former employee of the United States together" 1, the so-called "former employee of the United States together," I do not know whom you're working, actually have such a professional public relations capacity, overnight different versions of the "revelations" accurate sent to hundreds of professional media reporter mailbox . If you really "former employee of the United States together," I can only say sorry and did not find such a talent reuse. 2, Ye Fei, vice president of the United States together today at the company office, he did not know he had been "on foot." Ye Fei has always been a "quiet, handsome man", today was forced to send headshot clarification. Say "run", he went not "Southeast Asia", not "American", but the last two months on the run Korea Japan, the United States together to see the sea Amoy brand build business supply chain. 3, the United States together there are Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Shenyang, Zhengzhou six warehouses, broke the news in just no call "Beijing warehouse." As early as April 2014, at the invitation of the government of Tianjin, the United States together had migrated to the original Beijing warehouse logistics park in Tianjin Wuqing was publicly reported as possible search, how could the September Beijing warehouse also "sealed"? United States together six positions never checked has not been sealed, has been running. Just last month, because storage play Girl Games upgrades and cooperation self logistics, we also invite friends to investors and the media visited Shanghai warehouse. 4, speed purchase overseas business is focused on supporting the company direction, force gaining momentum, naturally will offend some people. Again, I hope that all of the competition are out in the sun.

Fields Ford CEO: We will not take the lead to push driverless car

Triumphant Mark Fields (Mark Fields) Back to the Las Vegas International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) on play Angela Games again. As early as 2007, when Fields on stage together with Bill Gates (Bill Gates), jointly issued by Ford and Microsoft jointly developed car multimedia communications and entertainment system Sync. Eight years later, Fields has replaced Alan Mulally (Alan Mulally), Ford became the chief executive officer (CEO). You know, Microsoft CEO Mulally was once the most promising candidates, even when Gates had his lobbyists. In this year's keynote address, Fields first talked about the problem of traffic congestion in Mumbai and Los Angeles metropolitan super-faced. Super growing metropolis will lead to a global gridlock. Fields said: "Our solution is not only more intelligent cars, while also focusing on smarter roads and cities." Fields said that the people's future will use a variety of means of transport to travel, so through science and technology, especially mobile devices to coordinate travel routes. As an investment in this area, Fields announced that the company will create 25 intelligent traffic management (Smart Mobility) project in the world. In addition, Ford also committed to developing software and sensor systems, the introduction of automatic and semi-automatic driving system. Fields said the company produces automatic cars, automatic cars not involved in the production of war. Instead, the company hopes to develop ordinary people can afford cars models. In addition, Ford will also study for the ride as well as other car sharing programs. In London and India, the company will test a similar Car2Go car sharing service Mercedes-Benz operation. Ford is also currently involved in a car staff exchange program. The program allows car owners to each other by car. For example, if someone needs a truck at the weekend, which could coordinate with others through mobile applications to borrow the car matters. Smartphone app in New York and London, Ford also is testing a product called "dynamic shared bus", which is similar to buy Ella Dress Microsoft in the Seattle area opened shuttle service. In addition, Ford will work with 16 universities in conducting research projects, and invite software developers to work together to deal with the company "Traffic Challenge" (mobility challenges) posed problems. Not the first to introduce self-driving cars On CES, autopilot technology has become a hot spot, Fields said: "Now we have a lot of cars use a lot of sensors and other technology, can support automatic parking, cruise control adjustment, but also in the face of traffic lights according to the traffic situation even adjust the speed brakes. " When asked whether Ford will be allowed to own a future in which all operate driverless car driving, Fields replied with a smile: "Of course, and will certainly be perfect." But asked whether people like Fields, like love driving will give up driving, and by the time the autopilot control, Fields said:. "This is indeed a fundamental problem facing our company," Nair said this: "We in terms of driving pleasure to spend a lot of time, how can be transferred to ride the fun? " Ford vice president and CTO Raj Nair pointed out that the driver's vehicle dynamics make benefit, but if the driver into a passenger, whether this experience would change? How should design cars? He asked: "There is an emotional connection between us and the car, if no longer the driver of the car, such feelings will change?" "That is why we are not interested in large-scale marketing, it will not be the first company to launch a self-driving cars of the company. We are really interested in is that after our car available, can cause consumer interest, the range can reach, price on can withstand. "Fields said. Transfiguration "Consumer Electronics" Ford has for several years to participate in CES, and by virtue of the first edition of the Ford Sync system caused a sensation play Barbie Cooking Games in 2007. The company has always wanted to be seen as part of the consumer electronics field, of course, now this is difficult to achieve much lower than in the past. Fields said: "Look at this year's event you know, the car put unprecedented attention." In order to allow the company deep into the consumer electronics field, Fields and Raj Nair every year several trips to Silicon Valley to visit companies and business incubation platform, learning experiences and establish contacts. Fields worked in IBM PC sector, he said Ford plans to "significantly expand" its own research center in Silicon Valley. He recalled that in the 1980s everyone that the car will become a computer on wheels, but then it did not become a reality. "And based on the current situation, we are faced with a new opportunity, just as the year when Henry Ford created the same company." In the CES keynote, Fields talked about QNX support Sync 3 system, which is the next generation of Ford's automotive connection system. Nair said the QNX OS "is a truly powerful system can complete a key operating system tasks." "Sync to enter the market for over eight years," Fields said, "at this time, we listened to customer feedback, so Sync 3 on voice commands to make a lot of improvement, it is easier to use interface more intuitive, when the operation is more like a smart phone. " Adapt to new world Fields said that Henry Ford's aim is not just products, but also to change the world, so he will mention to deal with "the world's most pressing transportation challenges" through innovation in the speech. He said that the current world population of over 10 million There are 28 cities, to 2031 will reach more than 40, these cities will boost the purchasing power of the car, and the birth of the better, more intelligent demand policy and traffic management technology. "We will mention some concrete measures to meet these challenges and uses." Fields said. He said that the content of your speech mentioned are interrelated, "like an umbrella, like automotive networking, here are driverless cars, take the opportunity to share large data, etc., which are connected to each other." . Some people think, Fields faces no small challenge, after his predecessor, Alan Mulally, Ford is known as save people. So, Fields can be left to play Barbie Games the company what? How to Ford, "Fields era" defined? "I have often emphasized in the company, not divorced from vision to improve the product outside, to consider how we use innovation throughout the company released more business opportunities and to create better products and services." Fields said.