

SAIC: Internet will be severely punished false and illegal advertising

SAIC said the online trading platform and network to trademark infringement, the sale of play Anna Games counterfeit and shoddy goods, false propaganda, fried scalping illegal letters and other outstanding issues as the focus of regulation, handling a number of major cases, announced a number of typical cases, especially for repeat investigations repeat offenders of illegal operators, according to more stringent market regulation, more stringent administrative penalties, more effective penalizing bad, deter illegal operators, building social cohabitation pattern. Internet Governance notification requirement of false and illegal advertising. SAIC said the industrial and commercial market regulatory authorities to strictly enforce the provisions of the new "Advertising Law", earnestly strengthen the study of hot and difficult issues of regulatory enforcement, strict management of the Internet advertising market continues to strictly control. To strengthen monitoring and supervision, severely crack down on illegal Internet false advertising. Give full play to the role of regulation of false and illegal advertising department joint conference to strengthen coordination and communication between departments, information sharing and law enforcement cooperation, carry out Internet advertising financial rectification. The following is the 2016 SAIC network market supervision in full: SAIC 2016 on the issuance of market supervision network Notification of special action program Provinces, autonomous regions, municipal administrations, market supervision and management department: To implement the Party Central Committee, State Council leaders a series of important instructions spirit of continuous duty according to the law to strengthen the network according to market regulation, market concentration and control chaos, and earnestly safeguard the market order and web consumers' legal rights and interests, promote the healthy and orderly development of the network market, SAIC decided this year from May to November 2016 depth system-wide network market supervision special action. Now "2016 network market supervision special action program" issued to you, please conscientiously implemented. SAIC May 4, 2016 2016 network market supervision special action program To firmly implement the Party Central Committee and State Council leaders a series of important instructions spirit of continuous duty according to the law to strengthen the network by market supervision, and earnestly safeguard the market order and the network of consumers legitimate rights and interests, promote the healthy and orderly development of the network market, the consolidation of the results of previous work on the basis of this year, from May to November, the national industry and commerce, market regulators carry out market supervision 2016 network special action, we must always adhere to problem-oriented, keep the pressure up, heavy regulation market chaos, strive to create a market environment for fair competition network and network safe and secure environment for consumers. Special action program are as follows: First, the overall goal Adhere to the law pipe network to network management network, credit networks and collaborative network, innovation and regulatory measures to enhance law enforcement capabilities to online trading platform and network of trademark infringement, the sale of counterfeit and shoddy goods, false propaganda, scalping scrambled letters and other prominent law issues is the focus of regulation, handling a number of major cases, announced a number of typical cases, especially for repeated investigations repeat offenders of illegal operators, according to more stringent market regulation, more stringent administrative penalties, more effective penalizing bad to deter illegal operators, building social cohabitation pattern. After strong regulation, network operators illegal promises to play Dora Games increase the cost of a sense of responsibility have been strengthened, the network market order outstanding problems curbed, network product quality has improved significantly, significantly improving online trading credit environment, network consumer confidence growing, the network entrepreneurial passion for innovation further excitation. Second, the progress of work and specific tasks measures Organization and implementation of special action is divided into three stages: mid-May on the mobilization stage, local industry and commerce, market supervision department of the work program, the deployment of remediation tasks, organize media to increase publicity, to create a good atmosphere for public opinion; late May -11 mid stage of concentration and control, according to the task measures, key issues for special treatment; in November to assess the stage of supervision, supervision and management work, and to consolidate the results of rectification, sum up experience and practice, insufficient analysis of the problem. Specific tasks measures: (A) for the key commodity areas, and strengthen monitoring and supervision. During the special operation, local industry and commerce, market supervision departments should combine to consumers, operators and the media focus of the problem of sorting out goods to strengthen the children's older products, electrical and electronic products, decoration materials, auto parts, garments, fertilizers and based around the actual increase in other categories of goods and implementation of key supervision. Centralized network outstanding for holidays and other promotional nodes on the main online trading platform and multi-shop platform Poor, rural electricity providers, cross-border electricity supplier, the online travel market, reflecting strong social offenses such as supervision and monitoring of the orientation, timely detection of illegal clues, strengthen the follow-up investigation landing, and resolutely crack down on Internet market appeared various illegal violations. (May-November) (Ii) the implementation of real-name system shop, standardized network management body. To effectively identify the true identity of the network of market players, industrial and commercial, market regulators to encourage network operators to support simultaneous business registration, to strictly implement the "Web site on their own light shine," "platform for shop light shine", "platform network shop light standard (issued and affix personal identification information is true and legitimate tag) "requirement to conduct a special inspection. Violation of relevant provisions, and resolutely investigate and punish. The difference between fake business name, fraudulent use of different names of other companies involved in illegal body site remediation. SAIC will organize a special search, concentration and control group of illegal body sites. (June to November) (C) to strengthen quality supervision network trading commodities. AICs, market supervision departments must follow the "do a good job in 2016 commodity circulation quality sampling inspection notice" arrangements, organize online trading commodity quality sampling, to crack down on illegal Internet sales of substandard goods. (May-November) for the ten trading system and to carry out specific sampling, according to sampling problems found, and conducting interviews with administration, supervision and guidance to strengthen the management of its online shop, perfect product quality control systems and measures the implementation of product quality management responsibility, and actively assist industry and commerce, market supervision department of law enforcement supervision. (May-July) (D) trademark infringement and other illegal activities against the network. AICs, market supervision departments should intensify the legitimate rights and interests of the network of high-profile sale of counterfeit trademark, trademark efforts to deal with foreign goods, and safeguard the rights of consumers. Investigate and punish the network abuse, fraudulent, counterfeit agricultural products of geographical indication trademarks behavior. For the "Trademark" for the word Internet sales on goods, packages or containers, or for advertising to be ordered to correct and impose a fine. Large-scale, cross-regional, trademark rights and consumer complaints involving centralized network typical cases of trademark infringement and counterfeiting, to strengthen the production, sales, registered trademarks and other aspects of the work of the whole manufacturing chain blow. (May-November) (E) the Internet Governance false and illegal advertising. AICs, market supervision departments should strictly enforce the provisions of the new "Advertising Law", earnestly strengthen the study of hot and difficult issues of regulatory enforcement, strict management of the Internet advertising market continues to strictly control. To further strengthen monitoring and supervision, severely crack down on illegal Internet false advertising. Give full play to the role of regulation of false and illegal advertising department joint conference to strengthen coordination and communication between departments, information sharing and law enforcement cooperation, carry out Internet advertising financial rectification. (May-November) (Vi) strengthen competition law enforcement, maintain fair competition order. AICs, market supervision department according to the law to crack down on false advertising online, the sale of counterfeit goods well-known specific name, packaging, decoration of goods, unfair lottery sales and other illegal activities. Strengthen antitrust enforcement in the field of Internet, focused on investigating monopolistic agreements and abuse of market dominance violations, punish the abuse of intellectual property rights to eliminate or restrict competition. Severely crack down on use of the Internet to engage in pyramid schemes, pyramid schemes using the Internet to disseminate information, provide Internet information services to MLM cases. Improve the network designated jurisdiction cases, supervise the handling of major cases and other institutional mechanisms to optimize cross-regional law enforcement and regulatory enforcement command and coordination linkage mechanism, earnestly electronic evidence retained and related technical support work. (May-November) (Vii) concentration and control network trading platform issues. Around the business, the market regulatory authorities to supervise internet operators to fulfill these legal obligations and responsibilities of self-correction: First, the platform operators within the business qualification, registration, publicity; Second, enter into an agreement with play Cooking Games the inner platform operators, specifically the right to enter and exit the platform, quality of goods and services security, consumer protection and other aspects of the obligations and responsibility; Third is to develop and implement management system platform operation and maintenance; Fourth spot inspection monitoring platform operators and transaction information; Fifth, we shall bear Shouwenzeren, consumer protection, mediation or assistance rights; Six is ​​marked to distinguish proprietary trading platform and business; Seven is to assist deal with illegal business activities, providing information about the data; Eight is prepaid platform has established compensation system, should be publicized and strictly enforced; Nine is the platform shall not use the standard terms of consumers against the legitimate interests of the platform volume, turnover false propaganda to assist the operator platform within Xugou transaction volume or fake user reviews, as well as restrictions, exclusion platform within operators to participate in other platforms organize promotional activities. Local industrial and commercial platform, market supervision department finds that the platform does not fulfill management responsibilities, continue to engage in illegal activities, will be punished according to law. (June-November) over the business, market regulators should take major local online trading platform (including major national network of local branches TWS) platform for the implementation of management responsibilities to focus on, carried out a special inspection and rectification of the problem about the assessment talk, and the formation of a special inspection and rectification of the problem Evaluation platform report. (July-November) (Viii) activist network unimpeded channels to combat acts of violation of consumer rights. Around the business, the market regulatory authorities to improve the online trading and online sale rights complaints mechanism, to further smooth channels for consumer demand. Actively promote the online trading platform operators to set up a "consumer rights service station", and urge them to fulfill the social responsibility of consumer rights, the timely receipt and handling of consumer complaints. Carding consumer complaints, to break the line, inter-regional "versus referral" channel, the source case expand network cases. Increase the violation of online shoppers seven days no reason to return the right to deliberately delay or unreasonably refused crackdown behavior. Severely punished disclose personal information of consumers and other violations. Play an active role in the organization of the Consumers Association, the damage the legitimate interests of online consumers a typical case, the injured consumer support sue and take interviews operators, issued consumer warnings and other measures to promote consumer rights network sooner. Central Consumers Association organized collection, research online trading platform trading rules and other agreements, review unfair terms of format, the platform through unfair standard terms against the legitimate rights and interests of many consumer issues, and urge enterprises to rectification, filed public interest litigation if necessary. (May-November) (Ix) to strengthen credit supervision and implementation of the network illegal penalizing bad. AICs, market supervision departments to the network operator's administrative penalties credited credit file information in a timely manner to the public through the corporate credit information publicity system, and into the local credit information sharing platform, with the national credit information sharing platform for docking. Focus on strengthening its public network operators in setting up websites and network operators to supervise and inspect the shop name, address and other information through the annual report of concealing the truth, fraud, and the inclusion of abnormal inventory or marked abnormal operating state. Based on the "Provisional Regulations on enterprise information publicity," "Interim Measures for serious violations of dishonest enterprise list management" should be included in the list of serious violations of dishonest enterprise network management enterprises, should be included in the "blacklist" Implementation constraint management. (May-November) Third, relevant job requirements (A) careful organization, strengthening job security. Around the business, the market regulatory authorities from politics, the overall situation, practicing the five development philosophy, a profound understanding of the importance to carry out special operations. According to local conditions, development of targeted research, operational work program, highlighting local key characteristics, detailed mission requirements, ensure the implementation, in particular, to strengthen supervision, law enforcement, detection, monitoring and other work expenses, strengthen supervision law enforcement forces, establish and improve network monitoring mechanism. (Ii) improve the internal working mechanism, strengthen the responsibility to implement. Market supervision market supervision network is full aperture, each business line should be responsible for defending their territories, as an initiative, deployment to cover both online and offline. SAIC has established a network of market regulation leading group, driven by all business lines online and offline integrated supervision. AICs, market supervision departments should establish and improve the reference to the corresponding co-ordination mechanism to upgrade the system under the networking market, both online and offline integration of regulatory efficiency. (Iii) the strengthening of external coordination, the formation of a monitoring force. According to the State Council, the Central Information Office network requirements, SAIC is actively promoting the establishment of a network of market regulation inter-ministerial joint conference system. Around the business, the market regulatory authorities to promote the establishment of regulatory coordination mechanism at all levels of government level network market, improve the linkage between law enforcement authorities and joint acts of dishonesty disciplinary mechanism to promote information exchange and sharing clues, strengthen law issues found on the Internet, the source of traceability, prosecute, combining online and offline governance, effective implementation of related upstream and downstream corporate responsibility. Criminal justice and other parts of business, market regulators and the public security departments to smooth convergence, increase criminal crackdown; online trading supervision and coordination mechanism to improve communication with authorities, according to the relevant provisions of law brought to its close illegal websites; to timely quality control departments informed online trading commodity quality sampling, targeted monitoring information to support its clean production sources; support complex food and drug regulatory departments for Internet food, drugs, medical devices, health food advertising regulation; support departments to coordinate net letter network security management relevant coordinated work; the special action found in the alleged price violations promptly inform clues price management departments, and support its good field of Internet anti-price monopoly law enforcement work; bUSINESS performance of law, market regulatory authorities to combat counterfeit infringement duties in support of business departments for network operators to focus on anti-monopoly market review; support and cooperation of customs, quality inspection departments and postal management, cross-border e-commerce to do regulatory work to protect the legitimate interests of consumers and intellectual property rights, the fight against illegal violations. (Iv) improved publicity, focusing on education and guidance. Around the business, the market regulatory authorities to adopt or news Topics cooperation, etc., take the initiative to recommend to the various media focus to promote its theme, reflecting the policy measures, effective regulation. Do a good job monitoring and analysis of public opinion, concerned about the network market burst hot issues, timely disposal in accordance with law, to respond to social concerns. Post a typical case, pay attention to the case statement, and guide rational consumption, warning illegal business. (E) to strengthen supervision and supervision, strengthen the work of guidance. AICs, market supervision department according to remediation tasks, remediation measures and remediation requirements, a comprehensive inspection, random inspections, random special inspection, etc., step by step to carry out supervision and inspection, both to ensure play Baby Hazel Games efforts to strictly enforce the law and norms. Fruitful place for special action to encourage recognition; to carry out the work of the local poor, to reprimand, to urge the rectification. Areas where conditions permit can be tried a third-party evaluation of the way, local study evaluated the effectiveness of the special action. August-September, network monitoring SAIC leadership team members will form a special operations unit inspection teams went to the place to carry out mid-term supervision. (F) enhancing the information submitted, and continuously improve the summary. AICs, market supervision departments should establish and improve the information submitted to the system, step by step Special Action timely reporting on progress, problems and rectification results, good information collection and statistical analysis. Please AICs, market regulators to submit before the end of June, the special action stage of progress, on December 12 before the special action summary report on the special inspection and rectification of the problem Evaluation Platform report, "2016 network market supervision special action tables "," close the site and stop the platform service shop list ", 5-15 pieces of illegal typical cases (with the penalty decision), network monitoring law enforcement inspection of the associated field picture and video information (including instructions), by SAIC network monitoring platform or mail, submit its commodity trading network supervision Department. In case of a major case, please report to the local government and the SAIC Party.

