

Now entrepreneurs to engage in artificial intelligence! VCs like throwing money

"This is the hot areas of the moment." Stephen Purpura (Stephen Purpura) said that, since 2012 founded his play Free Dora Games company ContextRelevant AI has accumulated more than $ 44 million financing. He said that about more than 170 start-up companies to join the field of artificial intelligence. The new force in the field of artificial intelligence believe that this technology has finally ushered in the dawn, will computer intelligence to new heights. They promised to develop new interactive mode - the machine in an unprecedented way the invasion of the human world. "Technically, the original use is from human to machine input command, the future is to allow the computer to observe human beings, and active learning." Another AI entrepreneur Daniel Nadler (DanielNadler) said. Kensho his company recently raised $ 15 million, and their goal rather ambitious: instead of computer training financial analysts and other high-paying white-collar workers. "We do not put their work is called artificial intelligence, which we call 'automated personnel-intensive knowledge work'." He said. Herd mentality can explain to some extent why artificial intelligence become the most popular field of venture capital. This is one of thousands of entrepreneurial dreams after the rise of big data trends emerged. However, the artificial intelligence of the current scale of investment is still small, mainly because most startups still in its infancy. But there have been a large number of enterprises to obtain financing, while participating investors also source a wide range. Apart from some of Silicon Valley's top venture (such as Khosla Ventures and Greylock Partners) and technology tycoon (such as Elon Musk (ElonMusk) and Peter Purcell (Peter Thiel)), the artificial intelligence of the most active supporters also include expected benefit from such technology companies, Goldman Sachs is one of them. Nadler said that any venture capital companies now need to be involved in this field: a venture capital fund of funds provider, the partners want the money to invest in the most promising areas popular. Mode to be explored The latest trend is largely derived from artificial intelligence to simulate human intelligence in a machine programming techniques. One of the most notable is machine learning, this technology can be trained to identify the machine in various forms, and through the massive data analysis to predict the future. But other entrepreneurs triggered a wave of new technologies in this area there are also risks: Many companies may be difficult to really take advantage of this technology to achieve profitability. "A lot of artificial intelligence platforms like the Swiss Army knife," Tim Tootell (Tim Tuttle), said his company ExpectLabs AI recently raised $ 13 million, "They can do a lot of things, but the real highlight where the value it is not clear. " He said the result is a whole industry a "Wild West mentality", the application of artificial intelligence technology entrepreneurs eager to think they can all computing problems. "I think, as an independent machine learning technology, and there is not much commercial value." Purpura said, "Now a lot of companies will be acquired." The industry hopes will not become yet another short-lived artificial intelligence technology. And big data, the program is not a single technology or use within the meaning of the term, but a set of methods have broad application prospects. Seattle venture capital firm Madrona partner Matt Mike Wayne (MattMcllwain) expressed deep learning technologies can help companies more in-depth analysis of customer. These techniques can determine customer preferences and customer behavior to predict, for example, when customers are most likely willing to receive business information,play Bubble Shooter Classic as well as which customers are most likely not to renew. Since the influx of a large number of start-up companies in this area, resulting in an increasingly competitive. The biggest advantage of artificial intelligence embodied within Google (microblogging), IBM and Facebook and other technology companies, these companies have also started to invest heavily in the technology. For their specific investment amount of secrecy, but the public display of the results have already been recognized by experts: a test Google can recognize a cat from YouTube, Facebook's DeepFace system can recognize human image, IBM has more name Q system noise momentary Watson (Watson). Art collection However, Tootell and other entrepreneurs and not put too much effort into developing the latest cutting-edge technology, but efforts to the set of existing technologies aimed at specific application mode. Specific to ExpectLabs, they can enhance the convenience of online directory search using voice recognition service. He said, "Large companies are solving everything through this technology, we are trying to solve different problems." The basic use of this technology from several different areas. Thanks shape recognition, image recognition (which have been regarded as a major difficulty of the computer) the difficulty has been greatly reduced. As one of the most ambitious in the field of business, has just raised $ 72 million Vicarious recently presented a technique to solve --CAPTCHA CAPTCHA is a visual puzzle project, which aims to help the website automatically distinguish between humans and computers. The same technology can also help a computer to "understand" human language, so-called "natural language recognition technology." IBM Watson and other systems on the use of this technology, it is through the mass of information analysis gives the most likely answer. The third most popular way is to use the correlation identification - including the upgrading of the network and the recommended content relevance, and improved targeting ads. And many promising new ideas, like some of the artificial intelligence technology has been initially used in the financial markets, but because of the huge funds involved, resulting in related financial enterprises have avoided. "If the financial application really effective, why should disclose and reduce their own arbitrage space?" Sentient Technologies company chief scientist Babak Hoggart (BabakHodjat) said. His company get huge computing power through the data center, and then fully simulate operating conditions in financial markets: With "revolutionary algorithm" to understand the market reaction to different situations, they hope to develop a variety of models to predict future market trends . To such a wide range of ideas put into practice, the need for large investments to expand the field of artificial intelligence.play Nail Games For example, SentientTechnologies recent financing more than 100 million US dollars will apply its technology to more areas, reflecting the high cost of artificial intelligence systems to deploy more industry required to pay. SentientTechnologies believe that the most attractive are those with a lot of data available, but also a potential problem with a high-value industries, such as medical, insurance and e-commerce. Computer security and fraud detection also has good prospects. ContextRelevant Poole Pula believe, to put into practice these techniques also need to pay other costs: "The real challenge is not the development of the underlying machine learning technology, but to make it truly build a functioning support system." These subsidiary delivery technologies include massive information data "pipe", and to ensure that the control system of artificial intelligence operating within acceptable parameters business. As many start-up companies are facing tremendous pressure to prove their technology to the outside world have a more broad prospects, and therefore how much investment will determine the final winner. Advances in technology Artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, neural networks, this series of technical terms are derived from a common trend: Many companies want to develop a variety of devices in order to resolve a wide range of issues had seemed to be in the human brain can be solved. Science and technology with other branches of the same, the industry divided on the best mode, and sometimes as a religious battle: "You use what vocabulary, revealing what camp you come from." Purpura said. Since its inception, the use of artificial intelligence is used to define this vast field, its dream is to give humans the same "thinking" computer. However, we should take the logical computer to decode the human mind is not easy, and this is an important reason for AI until recently just a breakthrough. The reason why the technology industry to re-ignite interest, mainly due to machine learning, which is a deliberate imitation of the human way of thinking technology. Machine learning has been able to achieve, because the information processing cost reductions, combined with a sharp increase in digitized data. When filtering data in the machine, by means of probabilistic techniques can be "trained", until they can not recognize some of the initially programmed shape. As a branch of machine learning, deep learning recently triggered a huge concern. Another idea from the depth study on the history of play Hair Games artificial intelligence: neural networks, that is, by simulating the human brain to accelerate the "learning" speed software. Nara Logics CEO Jana Eggers (JanaEggers), said neuroscience progress on the development of this technology to make a contribution. He added that the goal of this technology is to understand how the human brain decides something, and let the computer do a better job in this regard.

