

There are three major stumbling block of virtual reality: your content is short board products

Over the past three decades, virtual reality technology has been considered "The Next Big Thing" (next great invention).play Anna Games But it seems there has been no significant technological breakthroughs, until Facebook with $ 2 billion acquisition of virtual reality helmet manufacturer Oculus, and after a series of giant action before we see a ray of hope in this field. At this year's CES show, Oculus VR launched a virtual reality helmet prototype of its newly developed Crescent Bay, which is the latest version after both Oculus VR acquisition last December and 13th Lab launched Nimble VR, the device creates a strong sense of immersion. Nimble VR is engaged in a gesture tracking startups, since 2012, has been working with the 3D camera technology to track gestures. Resolve virtual reality control is one of the biggest challenges currently facing Oculus VR, so it is not surprising that the acquisition of Nimble VR. CES opening day, CNET held "next big invention: new reality" forums. Invite virtual reality and augmented reality leader in the field to share 2015 these two technologies will evolve. Augmented reality glasses CastAR inventor, Technical Illusions founder Jerry • Ellsworth (Jeri Ellsworth), virtual reality equipment maker Oculus VR founder Palmer • Le Ji (Palmer Luckey) were invited to participate in the discussion. Le Ji said that to solve the problem of virtual reality, "I am personally interested in is the first complete virtual reality technology to make it more perfect, and then figure out how to bring the real world to the virtual world, rather than to continue to go add something in the real world. " Meanwhile Le Ji stressed that the current lot of people are not satisfied with virtual reality technology, such as computers that year, we feel bad with just the rise, not much help, but once found interesting things, to a certain time node, everyone will get used to it. For ordinary consumers, virtual reality might look like science fiction, as was still relatively far away. But in fact, virtual reality is all around us. Our notebook features multiple folders, each folder can save frequently remember the specific content; but if it were your apartment, there are also numerous items, such as 1000, we can be relatively clearly describes which items placed in what position. Virtual reality give you is such a sense of space. It is by means of computer simulation to produce a three-dimensional virtual world, provides the user with an analog visual, auditory, tactile and other senses, such as immersive general so that they can be timely, unrestricted look at things three-dimensional space. Watched believe virtual reality version of "Interstellar," the audience has experienced Oculus Rift helmet that brings a strong sense of immersion. It enables you to realistically feel a sense of weightlessness in space, truly experience sitting across interstellar spacecraft that wonderful feeling. Once the popularity of virtual reality technology to the average consumer, there will be a great market room for imagination. According to global market research firm Markets and Markets predicts that by 2018, the virtual reality market will exceed $ 1 billion. Public companies bet on virtual reality Last year, Sony's Project Morpheus virtual reality head-mounted display unveiled at GCD2014; Samsung Galaxy Note4 when publishing play Dora Games new flagship machine, also introduced virtual reality devices Gear VR; Microsoft will launch Xbox One wearing a device this year, against Oculus Rift . At the same time, last year, Intel invested Avegant company developing a virtual reality helmet called Glyph; Microsoft has spent $ 150 million to buy a lot of equipment and virtual reality related patents from Osterhout. Giants in the form of independent research and development or acquisition of virtual reality into the market, hoping to come out on top in the market before the outbreak. It is worth mentioning that the VCs Rothenberg Ventures is at the end of December last year, launched the world's first virtual reality accelerator River, virtual reality start-up companies to provide capital and services. Last year, Facebook acquired Oculus VR, the industry caused a sensation. But most people might focus on "$ 2 billion" this figure, while ignoring two facts. When one is being acquired Oculus VR founder Palmer Le Ji (Palmer Luckey) is the name of the only 21-year-old dropout; the other is the whole dilemma Oculus VR and virtual reality faced before the acquisition. "Virtual reality technology was caught in a dead end, I took it from the brink of dying over, give it a second life." Le Ji recalls, "It was not because I was doing well in this area than others, but because of the small percentage of people like me to adhere to, expect virtual reality technology breakthrough. "when Le Ji Tencent technology interview said. When later accepted US technology media The Verge interview, Le Ji once again stressed that "we really hinder the development of virtual reality helmets are not necessarily technical aspects of things, it was the second half of 2007 has been developed Rift, was priced at a few thousand dollar. they could be developed in 2008 when the price of a $ 500 helmet equipment, but no one to care about this thing. " Le Ji and virtual reality become attached at the end of 2009, when he spent months of research in this market, and some crazy times to buy all kinds of helmet-mounted display on the market, after the trial found that virtual reality experience of the consumer far not in place. I had thought military virtual reality technology will be better, but later found that the effect is not good, so I decided to try it yourself to do this thing. 11 years, Le Ji found the University of Southern California to do a mixed reality research head Mark Bolas, and began to work there, which makes him the opportunity to come into contact with a wide variety of virtual reality head-mounted display. He founded the Oculus VR, and in early 13 launched the first virtual reality devices Rift VR. Currently Oculus VR team members mainly to software developers and programmers based. When asked why choose Facebook, rather than a company like Google (microblogging), as Microsoft has hardware company, Le Ji said they are not looking for a hardware partner to understand, because they themselves have a great team of hardware . They refuse to be acquired by large companies, which only became part of the overall product line. Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg after the acquisition of Oculus representation, Oculus virtual reality head-mounted display to change a lot of people think about video games. Virtual reality will be the future of the platform, it might change the way we work, play and communicate the way in the future. Three commercial road "stumbling block" Virtual reality can be when large-scale commercial? From the game developers to the hands of ordinary consumers' homes still needed? Commercial What must be overcome bottlenecks? The following are the three current virtual reality commercial road "stumbling block." First, the core technology and user experience. When we establish a location for the core of the virtual environment, we must ensure that the user experience. If the game or poorly designed applications, users are dissatisfied with the initial stages will be more bad. For example, some virtual reality helmet after wearing the device, the user will feel dizzy. Second, the content of the short board. Users to buy hardware products not for the hardware itself, but requires extensive and high-quality content. While the number of currently supports virtual reality experience games, videos and other products of the unmet needs of users. Some experts said that, "At present, only Oculus Rift HMD is a product, not a content system, while the real future of virtual reality driving forward the development of the ecosystem is the content. So if you want to see the emergence of virtual reality platform, as well as a lot of integration work to do. " Third, the product pricing. Oculus VR has not yet launched the consumer version of the virtual reality helmet, mainly because of the high cost of research and development. And in order to popularize the user must locate the user can afford. In fact, the aforementioned lack of content, the key is the high cost of sophisticated content creation, Oculus end users is relatively small. Zuckerberg previous position that the acquisition of Oculus VR entirely is an investment for the future. Ji Tian Xiuping president of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios (Shuhei Yoshida) also believes that virtual reality product from the game developers to ordinary consumers, need to go through a process. Now the most important thing is constantly developing new technologies to produce more high-quality content, and establish a complete ecosystem. Virtual reality allows people to be more confident? The virtual world is so realistic, it is easy to forget living in a virtual environment, it is often hard to tell in the end is the real world or the virtual world. So when people leave the virtual reality environment What happens? Virtual Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory at Stanford University Jeremy Bai Lunsen (Jeremy Bailenson) said that in the self-presence-based virtual interaction, the avatar will intentionally or unintentionally affect the user's perception, attitude and behavior, namely psychology on called "Proteus effect" (Proteus effect). At the end of July last year, Bai Lunsen invited to Baidu one hundred "The Big Talk" activities, he cited several cases, impressive.play Cooking Games He said avatar beautiful girl would feel more confident, her manner of speech, tone of voice, choice of words, are due to the embodiment of beauty and change. Also in the virtual interaction, the image of a tall man with his income will, confidence positively correlated. Then this beautiful and tall in real life feel for how long? The study found that after take off the helmet, the impact of virtual reality will still exist for some time, such as an avatar with a beautiful girl will be more actively participate in various social activities in real life, with tall male avatar will in reality become more confident, has stronger leadership. Virtual reality also helps to reduce the US obesity epidemic. Bai Lunsen said that in virtual reality, you do three times a leg exercise, you'll obviously find their incarnation lighter pound. Before you could not believe you can lose weight, but the avatar gives you the feeling that as long as I exercise, it can be done, this is the social cognitive theory of "self-efficacy" concept. Future commercial applications of space The concept of virtual reality originated in the 1960s; the development of computer graphics technology, simulation technology, artificial intelligence and multimedia technology, the 1980s then, virtual reality helmets have been used in military, aerospace simulation training; current virtual reality technology is mainly used in gaming; the future of virtual reality technology in the fields of education, health, business meetings, etc. will have a great imagination. The first is the field of education. Last October, VIPABC launch a wearable smart glasses TutorGlass, users make online learning a kind of feeling immersed in the real environment, improve user online English learning experience. Meanwhile, in the three-dimensional virtual world, teachers give students to demonstrate some of the things the books and tablets can not be displayed. Followed by the medical field. Innovation Institute of Technology University of Southern California Albert Rizzo (Albert Rizzo) study found that immersive virtual reality simulation training therapy can improve or even restore brain injury patients life skills in the real world. There are business meetings. Oculus VR founder Palmer Le Ji expressed, Oculus Rift virtual reality helmet can reduce the frequency of our trip, do not run around busy as before, to travel around, we can save valuable time and resources. However, known as "the father of virtual reality," said US VPL founder Jay Lanier (Jaron Lanier) recently in an interview that "consumers could afford play Baby Hazel Games it head-mounted display device, the distance build a complete ecosystem is still some way to go. "

