

Medal from the planet's first visit to Carl Sagan Prize laureate Zheng Yongnian

Carl Sagan is notified to become the first Chinese winner of the award, when Dr. Zheng Yongchun National play Frozen Games Astronomical Observatories of being a primary school for the park's popular science lectures. Although never jumped over the planet, he often encouraged the audience to look back to a more distant point of view. For example, when exposure to the moon 380,000 kilometers away, we will see the "month flat line", also has a "moon" rising, shining bright. That is actually our Earth, reflecting sunlight. "You've got that award what is Editor's Note?" Friends asked him. Zheng Yongchun quietly after winning the prize, we all learned from the news. The planetary science field of science communication award major awards attention in the country few people. Even as scientists, they are unfamiliar. Zheng Yongchun acceptance speech published in a few days in the circle of friends. In this case a micro-channel built-in applications are hot, friends can pay to ask questions or listen to answer other questions. Zheng Yongchun also had interest, charge acceptance speech a triple, inclusion in the "why to emigrate to Mars." "" Where is the father "Where Stars ball better," a series of questions in. "Our society needs sound science." He said this during a long speech at the end of 59 seconds. Award for Planetary Sciences Branch of the American Astronomical Society explained Dr. Zheng Yongchun "tirelessly to the Chinese public on planetary science, science, science and show the western world China's achievements." His friend accepted the astronomer "super contagious." Super 70 astronomers appeal to walk fast, rushing to pick up his son from school especially. Bright green back mountaineering bag shaking, he quickly into the crowd, shirt corner in Beijing in May infiltration of sun sweating. Looking back, the disc's smile rolls, black-rimmed spectacles is not low, the sound volume is not large, after many years living in Beijing with his hometown Shaoxing still soft accent. Zheng Yongchun only recently purchased one of their own desk. For a long time, he has bent over the table in his son's little book, Qiaoxia text about the universe fragmented time. Within two years, he published more than 100 articles of popular science article about growing potatoes or run the story on Mars Moon. He felt "destined to be insurgents." At 70, after 80 groups of scientists, the value of science communication are almost universally accepted, but also a lot of people's interests. New media era has come, scientists have embarked on a public platform. Daniel Rao as academic, Lu Bai, Hsieh Yu, the creation of a micro-channel public number. More scientists active in the shell network, scientific squirrel, know almost scientific networks and other communities. Zheng Yongchun enthusiasm to join in this day and age. On his cell phone, there are often dozens of unread WeChat. Rao gathered, including a more than 100 scientists, including micro-letter day group active in strength from around the world to promote the updated page: Nobel Prize, was on the spot; gravitational waves is found, there is just expert. He is also a message of international planetary research within the group. Through this group, Zheng Yongchun domestic news have been published news about the Chinese lunar written in English published, both rigorous scientist, but also a science writer Deep. National Observatory colleague Li Ran surprised at the speed of the older draft of the amount of hot pursuit: "Almost a hot morning news out of the manuscript on the issue came at night." When "Mars Rescue" was released, Zheng Yongchun bursts of three popular science articles, seed potatoes Speaking from Mars, astronauts talk to the future survival of the circulatory system, the Martian soil and human migration universe. The lunar soil experts and efficient thanks to their accumulation. Science behind the article in simple terms, is his everyday work: on several occasions to participate in the evaluation work related to the moon and, each time data piled in a human high. Once hot broke out, scientists in the minds of the file management system running at once, find the play Barbie Cooking Games label, find the folder, output ordinary people can understand the text. "I started doing the lunar soil." He was in such a public speech to introduce their work, "We have PM2.5, PM2.5 on the moon, the moon is dust, which is more than we PM2 Earth. 5 more toxic. I have done this experiment, toxicity to mice will be greater, the toxicity of the astronauts will be greater. I also want to do simulated Martian dust in the Martian soil, and simulation. I have done from the earth to the moon, Mars and from the moon did. " In a science peer opinion, explosion models article Zheng Yongchun has a similar structure: "first introduced hot, and then elaborate knowledge of the last bright future prospects of China's space industry." Zheng Yongchun most concerned about is how many people they can reach. His popular science writing originated ten years ago, a magazine asked him. With interest deepened, he will put himself published articles freely available to a number of other media outlets. "The more communication, the more people see it. Science is, they should share." However, in the eyes of Lee, Zheng Yongchun amazing patience. Question of almost every known, no matter how naive, he is always careful reply. Even those interested in finding fault, he will be careful to find a word to smooth things over: "You are very special point of view." " 'Ground gas' is to reach the most ordinary thing in the crowd." Zheng Yongchun admitted undergraduate Southwest Agricultural University (now Southwest University), learning farming practice is required. Students in Chongqing heat in pruning weeding, inevitably complain again and again. Now look back only to find that it was the first experience to develop a character. "You really can not think of how many people do not know even the basic common sense." Zheng Yongchun friend Chen Ke said with a laugh. He graduated from the Peking Union Medical College, Dr. medical science ever felt quite boring, until it encounters a scientist families. Because she mistakenly believed "health" remedies delayed treatment of cancer. Chen Ke began to participate in science dissemination. He realized that, against common sense, blank, sometimes you need reiterated simple truth. "We do not lack knowledge, no shortage of smart people, is the lack of scientific literacy." Zheng Yongchun said. "Basic education, there is no how to use logic, reason and common sense to solve the problem part." He went to elementary and Science Museum, and telling the children the planets and the universe. The introverted youth silent man, is now an active speaker, talking about the universe to open and close facial features, dancing, and sometimes also with music and video. The children wrote him a long letter, color letterhead stationery attached. Some of the micro-channel contact parents care, the video you want to watch the planets run repeatedly. "Exploration is human nature." In his class, never instill standard answer. Science is not stagnant, but turbulent. He told the children, his childhood, there are nine planets of the solar system, there are only eight of. Who knows what will happen in the future then? In addition to the increasingly busy social activities center Zheng Yongchun life is still located in the Olympic Village near the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Zoology, Physics, more than a dozen affiliated research institutes are separated by the avenue, such as the sea sparkling summer leaf moving. Shortly before the wall was demolished. Why should it interdisciplinary wall? Zheng Yongchun current issue is learning to be a central figure. "You reported my views on the line, do not concern myself." He repeatedly stressed to reporters. He applied to enter the scientific squirrel. The process is very long, the astronomers honestly column column fill it. "You write directly to you Carl Sagan Prize winner like it." Scientific squirrel, a senior member of Xiao Ji used as a joke. And indifferent parallel is with great enthusiasm. Zheng Yongchun circle of friends at least four brush on dynamic day, all his recent published scientific articles or concern. He participated in the recording of the broadcast program, the video production for the aerospace Open Day. The time is approaching forty years old man driven by a sense of mission, as if every cell in the body is to mobilize science communication platform. He sit and watch the coming and going of public events, was clear: if science does not sound, so there are always other voices will occupy the right to speak. He admires Hawking open microblogging excitement - "more than a good example of science communication." Also thinking, maybe one day, they would fight to obtain public attention. But this is not the traditional image of scientists. "You is not met someone asked recently on TV, people immediately feel Hualiyouhua." Zheng Yongchun at a different scientists in the field of internal discussion and talk to "intellectuals most exquisite face. Do science, money is not the issue, afraid people say Figure you famous. "knowing laughter in the room explode. Zheng Yongchun can clearly feel, Carl Sagan awarded bring their own pressure is not less than honor. In fact, when Carl Sagan has faced similar accusations: science done fast, and hard to influence research phase and far, fine? "What scientists do science is worthless?" I have simply asked him directly in the micro letter. Dissemination of scientific interest in the younger generation of scientists can feel the pressure: even spare time to do science, it is difficult to expect the face of scientific predecessors - how much energy should be spent in pursuit of sophisticated, so Chinese research to catch up. National Observatory of Young Astronomers study black holes Gou Lijun is "Interstellar" Chinese version of the novel's translator. He felt that the best scientists to eighty percent of their time on research, the remaining time can be given to science. Otherwise "cart before the horse upside down", you will feel guilty. Zheng Yongchun experienced similar emotions, but it is already past. He felt "more and more thick skinned." It was dedicated to the office to criticize him, he is not looking to change, please go back to - he did not do anything wrong. Zheng Yongchun friend, Yang Wei of the Institute of Geology remember, Once, his old friend convinced a proposal contributes to the development of planetary scientists in the field. When the proposal was rejected by the Council vote, Chinese Academy of Young Innovators Association, there are so few weeks, Zheng Yongchun in every office building met a representative of reasoning proceeds to work tirelessly. It all stems from 2000, Zheng Yongchun admitted to the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Geochemistry of graduate students. Opening soon, the old play Angela Games academician Ouyang Please newborn dinner, for they describe a distant field: lunar research. Listen academician Ouyang Ziyuan, then before because "no place of employment" only graduate school of Zheng Yongchun was ignited enthusiasm. "I suddenly felt this thing fly, so I want to do this thing." By 2015, he recalls the mood in a speech, "Chinese people, some at the moon." He took a gamble. When the old professor asked, "Who is willing to do the moon" when the two tables of people, more than 20 graduate students, only one person raised his hand. Chang E project involved years later, Zheng Yongchun also difficult to say, then select what is a successful situation, or a lucky brave youth. He sure is, the old professor's remarks, his life changed direction. The scientist sometimes think, before the entrance, in his hometown high school, he never had any contact with scientists, science has no idea. He or she will at a certain moment, Professor Ouyang played as a role? Zheng Yongchun little look: this life, he can use science to touch one million people in it? If one of them became interested and willing to take it as a lifelong career, then it is worth it. The Carl Sagan Prize winner, is currently in the planning of primary and secondary schools to the classroom to hang the solar system and even the galaxy map. China Map encourage children to learn outside of the house there are beautiful mountains and rivers, the map of the world to show the world outside of play Dora Games the country, so this picture, it is to give them a "more distant, more ambitious point of view."

