

Phone real name will not stop next year are still 100 million users is not real-name registration

Yesterday, the Ministry official issued "on the implementation of the" Anti-Terrorism Act "and other laws, further play Baby Games improve the user's real identity information registration notice" (the "Notice"). "Notice" requirement to ensure that all basic telecommunications business December 31, 2016 all phone users real name rate of 95% until 30 June 2017 all telephone users to implement real-name registration. Within the prescribed time does not go through user registration, basic telecom companies to suspend their communications services and summon. Summons which expires retroactive, shall stop its communications services. Yesterday, the Beijing News reporter asked three operators the practical implementation of real-name system, as of this writing is not to get specific data. However, the three operators have expressed regard, according to the Ministry of Industry is to actively promote the real-name system. The Ministry of Network Security Bureau, responsible person has to accept the "People's Post and Telecommunication News" interview, he said that since last year, telecom companies through a variety of preferential measures to facilitate and encourage and guide not branded user up registration, a total of about 40 million users to make registration, all current phone users real name rate has reached 92%, but there are still nearly 100 million users is not real-name registration. It is understood that in 2010 the Ministry of Industry has proposed to implement phone real name system, but progress is slow. September 1, 2013, the country was formally implemented the telephone user's real identity information registration, the Ministry also conducted a national implementation of unannounced visits, unannounced visits found social channels may not be implemented and other issues. The Ministry of Network Security Bureau, responsible person, 2015, the real-name registration gradually standardized, new subscribers basic realization of real-name registration, but there is still the network channels real-name registration lax, resale business irregularities highlighted, not the real name and old user fill registration slow progress in other issues. Telecommunications fraud caused "the most strict real-name system" introduced Industry insiders said that after the phone real name system proposed five years, until 2015, call "black card" governance special action, phone real name system began full implementation. Phone "black card" refers not real-name registration and lawless use of dissemination of pornographic information, implementation of information communication fraud, organization and implementation of terrorist and other criminal activities of mobile phone cards (including wireless internet). Ministry had since January 1, 2015, to carry out a joint multi-sectoral call "black card" governance special action; and from September 1, 2015 requires telecommunications companies to various entities marketing channels fully equipped with second-generation ID card recognition device , verification of the user's own resident identity; before the end of branded rate must reach 90%. But recent media reports indicate that spam messages where the virtual operator segment numbers 170, 171, harassing phone calls and communication information layers of fraud and other issues. Ministry in the end of April 2016 issued a notice, requiring virtual operators within a month of not pre-register their real names, false registration number,play Dog Games complete the user identity information to fill registration work. Beijing News reporter learned that, in order to effectively protect the normal traffic order, the Ministry of Public Security jointly established a crime involving illegal phone number quickly shut down notification mechanism. Since November 2015 to the end of April 2016, the Ministry has organized more than 14 telecom companies on communications involving fraud and other crime information telephone number rapidly shut down. Wherein the basic telecommunications business numbers 85189, 60202 Number of virtual operators. According to telecommunications users Li (pseudonym) recalls his last January in Taobao online store to buy a phone card number belonging to Shandong Telecom, there was no real-name requirements, Li did not think. However, despite the recent real-name system requirements become more stringent, but Li told the Beijing News reporter, he did not receive a replacement card or telecommunications him Supplementary Notice of real-name system information. Another mobile users Zhang (not his real name) is not a real name system users in 2009, he was still in school at university to buy a phone card, paragraph 152, which belongs to Beijing Mobile. From the beginning of February this year, Zhang began to receive a request to move the achievements handle real-name system of SMS alerts, and has already received a total of six text messages. Liu's father, who lives in Wenzhou, a few years ago in a small shop to buy a non-real-name system phone card, after receipt of notice to move, move up to the real-name system information this year, is now normal use. Beijing News reporter in the interview that, the non-real-name system has not experienced a real name on the user downtime situations. "First SMS notifications do not real name is shut down," who lives in Ms Tsang Guangdong, said her mother's mobile phone number are non-real-name system, and receive real-name system messages, because no time to go through, just a month before being stopped running. Later, with the ID card to register, it can now be used normally. (Liu Suhong) focus Virtual business "headache" real-name certification costs By the end of 2013, to break the monopoly, approved by the Ministry of Industry, "170" number section number section dedicated as a virtual operator, and awarded the first mobile communications resale business operations pilot qualifications 11 private enterprises. April 2016, China Central Television news channel to "runaway section 170" as the subject reported virtual operators real-name registration system may not be implemented, the situation became section 170 communications information to defraud the hardest hit. According to statistics, malicious fraud SMS, nearly 44% are from the segment 170. For more more strict real-name system, insiders pointed out that many false are currently no physical stores, the next line of real-name system certification cost is high, these constraints have become a virtual implementation of real-name system provider stumbling block. A virtual operators and the media had revealed that the real-name authentication device The cheapest 1000 yuan / Taiwan, to make a real-name authentication user about a dollar, these small-scale users of virtual providers is undoubtedly a heavy cost. Even more troublesome is the virtual operators, with the top three only three operators can distinguish which operators are different, the former number of virtual providers need 7 to determine is which number, which is actually to compliance management strictly virtual real name have brought great distress. The virtual provider staff said, compared with the three most virtual operators providers, but also the relative lack of experience, so play Cat Games the real-name system may have to pay more tuition, but since to do related business, the enterprise must pay appropriate in compliance costs. ID card identification device costs 700-1000 yuan, but the enterprise is bound to spend. Virtual mobile operators snail to Beijing News reporter, said the implementation of the "3 + 3" initiative, to secure 100% of new users register their real names, and promised since May 17, found a case of non-exempt real identity card registration card number, the 100,000 self-punishment. While the stock of non-real-name user, snail moving said that arrange special team to data analysis, customer visits, random checks, etc., of the stock of the user several rounds of investigation, and strictly promote non-real-name registration of users to fill. Visit Non-branded card is not extinct encountered Beware May 24 morning, the Beijing News reporter came close to several telephone card Liujiayao resale store visits, have been told to do real-name system card, you can not do not provide ID card. At the same time, the store is also posted on the wall of a "Beijing area of ​​non-real-name registration of user information to fill Notice" issued by the three major carriers jointly. However, non-real-name registration of phone card has not disappeared. According to media unannounced visits, some small number of card wholesalers claimed that he could sell no real-name registration section 170 phone cards, there are stores come up with a letter space, phone cards HNA and share communication, and said that those phone card does not require real-name registration, plug in the phone on can be used. Beijing News reporter in the interview found that the non-real-name phone users do not have to produce identity card information, more convenient. However, these users have to be careful, according to the requirements of the Ministry, the number of virtual providers before flowing out of the non-real-name system card strong to stop, even buy such a card can not work properly, if you do, going with two operators time identity verification. Some card providers use cracked software, authentication bypass, and for such a card, part of the virtual operators are using the data analysis, judgment and strong non-stop after the real-name system. However, there is a case, these cards have been authenticated, and then sold to consumers, so consumers equal with other people's identity information using a calling card. For this type of card, a virtual operator staff prompt, "The card itself is no authentication, certainly at risk." From the information security perspective, the card corresponding to another play Girl Games person's identity information, once the user has irregularities, public security departments have difficulty tracking.

