

Today scraper US military experts is to use 1989 data to prove that VR will never succeed

Steve Bake cited papers turned out to be from May 1989, that Steve Bake according to the findings 27 years ago,play Olaf Games the future development of VR generated frustration. Moreover, according to friends broke the news, in this paper, only 10.7% of the testers felt sick, that the impact of 1.2% to training. Steve Baker still need to verify the correctness of the conclusions, but 27 years ago he used the data to prove the death of future VR, really is not very strong persuasive. We then eyeing him to VR, VR brings a sense of vertigo, practitioners have been trying to solve the problem. Quora on this issue, there are still a lot of people made a wonderful interpretation, VR dimension were screened for finishing. VR vertigo symptoms have improved significantly OF: Before Intel architect, Oculus developer Gautam Bhatnagar Dizziness caused by questions about VR products in the industry, how serious is already many times caused controversy, it should be said early VR product indeed there is a considerable dizziness problems, but recently introduced products have greatly improved the situation. Generally speaking, the consumer virtual reality products lead to dizziness, nausea and some of the problems like "motion sickness" (motion sickness), which is actually a normal human neural response mechanisms to prevent the invasion of neurotoxins produced. For example, the human eye can see moving pictures, but captured the ear is not the case, so the brain will be determined which is a false picture, and will urge the body through vomiting and other means "clear" in vivo neurotoxin. For now, the best way to solve this problem is to make VR device screen display follows the movement of the actual devices vary, and this is the so-called "head-tracking" technology so important reason. In the previous developer preview version of Oculus Rift DK2, a lot of experience who are found wearing a helmet was 15-20 minutes after a serious case of dizziness, but the problem in the retail version of the Oculus Rift has been and HTC Vive a substantial improvement, and now the average consumer can experience did not feel any discomfort when one hour virtual reality game while wearing the helmet. As to whether this problem hampering the development of virtual reality technology, it seems that we do not worry too much about this issue. Sometimes, part of the screen that appears on the TV can cause epilepsy disease patient population, many people will be aboard a plane airsick, industry experts believe that there are numerous play phone before going to bed will seriously affect the quality of sleep. However, all these problems have failed to stop the development of these technologies.play Talking Angela Games Moreover, some of the existing flight simulators for military applications and dizziness problems may lead to even more serious than the virtual reality technology. Dizziness resolve, to do three Author: Daniel (Daniel Sjölie), VR industry for 15 years of work experience This is a significant problem, but the problem is not a serious impediment to the development of VR. Current technology, the issue of restricting the use of VR products. However, in many cases, we can think of ways to solve this problem, but also a fundamental solution to the problem of advanced solutions are being developed. Today scraper US military experts is to use 1989 data to prove that VR will never succeed Internet is the main source of the disease: 1. The head-tracking delay People are more sensitive to these issues are big individual differences. However, if you have a high-end PC and recent HMD, most people should be negligible. For example, Oculus Rift DK2 company tracking delay is 2 milliseconds. Distorted use of technology by asynchronous time, allows the movement to the screen (motion-to-photon) is reduced to 5 ms delay. Moreover, the use of some advanced techniques, the motion to delay the screen can even be reduced to about 1 millisecond. The 2.VR uncoordinated movement and the real world of sports. The sensitivity of this issue, is the largest individual differences. Some people put up very strong, while others are very sensitive. Flight simulator or FPS games such conventional VR applications, uncoordinated movement is a fundamental problem, but if you look at the current virtual reality game, you will find some of the most popular virtual reality game totally dependent on the real world. movement and haul transmission (teleportation) combination. Obviously, there is a big difference now popular virtual reality applications with traditional virtual reality applications. Developers are aware of the problem, they are working on it. 3. vergence adjusting conflict Although recent HMD helmet use is made specifically for VR lens and low latency monitor, regulate conflict vergence (vergence / accommodation conflict) can not solve the fundamental problem remains. However, I now see it as a matter of comfort that most people need more time to adapt. I think this is certainly a technology currently significant limitations, but will be resolved in the near future. Four reasons to VR produce vertigo Author: Dejan Gajsek, Viar360 company marketing director This is a big problem. If the result is people first VR experience nausea or vomiting, then VR will lose the audience. Why VR can cause nausea and dizziness, people have quite a lot of explanation. I'll try to mention the most common and theoretical. 1. The impact of information overload and novelties For decades, we have been experiencing virtual media on a rectangular flat screens, we have become accustomed. On how to use VR to tell stories, I wrote a few tips. In fact, it seems that the basic rules of VR development seems to have not canceled the viewer control over the camera, in any case, it will be said, to make VR content appears to be the audience with his own camera. If the head of the viewer is stationary, then change the view will immediately lead to dizziness. 2. Imbalance This problem is most likely to cause vertigo. Because your brain VR virtual reality as a true reality. Therefore, the virtual reality of play Barbie Dress Up Games each unusual sight will make the audience confused. When viewing virtual reality content, your eyes on the screen to see the scene and feel your body movement is inconsistent, such conflicts can lead to disorientation and nausea. You probably know the vestibular system (which is located in our ears, help us to locate the body), which is responsible for our body balance. So, imagine you are in a virtual reality roller coaster, and you are about to spiral down, your eyes see this accelerated decline, but your vestibular system remained unchanged. I am one of the people will feel dizzy to read in the car. This leads to dizziness and virtual reality is a reason. When you read in the car, your vision tell your brain that you are stationary, but in fact the driver of the car was circling the mountain. The image quality When Oculus Rift DK1 introduced, most of those who have gone through the experience of vertigo. The problem is that a liquid crystal display (LCD). LCD has now been replaced by OLED. "When the audience have VR dizziness, image refresh rate of the screen is often not enough high image refresh rate is slower than the speed of the brain, which can cause users to feel a lack of coordination, while that screen out of trouble. Both feel together, the user will experience a similar feeling of motion sickness. 4. Adaptability vertigo Different people are not the same sense of vertigo compliance. If you are a airsick or seasick person, VR can make you feel the same dizziness. Many people in the cinema will feel dizzy. A few years ago, there was a movie attracted many viewers dizzy, this thing still on the headlines. The play Cooking Games film is a 2008 American horror film "Cloverfield", which uses a lot of handheld camera shake lens.

