

Particularly trouble online shopping

In teleshopping, the object of consumer complaints involving major electricity play fishing games provider platform to derivative represented by the individual networks and television shopping and other aspects of the business. Issue electronic business platform complaint are: First, the quality of substandard and counterfeit goods are quite serious; second is seven days no reason to return is difficult to implement; Third consumers' personal information was leaked; Fourth, online payment security is difficult to guarantee. Compared with the electronic business platform, derivative transactions are updated network model, developed rapidly. As most derivative transactions for individuals is personal, and government regulation of derivative incorporated not a long time, so the problem is more. For example in 2015, derivative poison mask event has caused widespread concern, but the lack of micro-credit guarantee system provider, after the emergence of consumer disputes, consumer rights to redress. Meanwhile, there are false propaganda derivative behavior, physical and propaganda does not match; partial derivative of "like product" and other activities are difficult to honor their commitments and other issues. "Particular vigilance is derivative of the hierarchical pyramid sales model attracted some fought derivative, has attracted the attention of relevant departments." Dong Zhu Li said. March 15, 2014 introduction of the implementation of the "Network transaction management approach" clearly requires the natural person engaged in online commodity trading, business activities should be carried out by a third party trading platform, third-party trading platform and submit their name, address, valid proof of identity, effective contact real identity. With registration requirements, shall apply for business registration. However, the actual situation, the industrial and commercial registration of derivative few even provide real identity information to the trading platform is not much. "The traditional regulatory approach can not adapt to the electricity supplier, the number and derivative transactions." E-commerce transactions National Engineering Laboratory, Tsinghua University Chaiyue Ting recommended the establishment of e-commerce market, standardized management and monitoring platform for all market players engaged shall be registered by the e-commerce market and standardize management and monitoring platform before e-commerce market and ongoing maintenance activities. Internet trading platform operators have not registered will not be any legal, relevant institutions received as a registered user to gradually clear the Internet is not standardized, inaccurate, incomplete, illegal illegal e-commerce market subject information. Transnational complaints surge of cross-border shopping, different market environment, resulting in product standards differ rights difficulty The year of 2015 was the outbreak of cross-border electricity supplier in the global purchase, but also caused a surge of transnational cross-border consumer complaints presented situation. Consumers Association report released by the transnational cross-border complaints are: First, cross-border tourism,play bubble shooter some travel agents, tour guides, the use of information asymmetry consumer fraud, or force consumers to shop; the second is the cross-border electricity supplier , purchasing goods quality problems, including the loss caused during transportation, domestic and foreign models discrepancies; Third, cross-border trade in the service is not perfect, such as the manufacturer's warranty for products purchased outside, return and other issues. For example last year, the Beijing Consumers Ms Lau search through a search site to a brand's official microblogging, and enter the brand through the microblogging official shopping site. Since the site is available on its official microblogging, so Sharon "relief" on this website to buy a 600 yuan beauty products. Upon receipt of the goods use, Sharon skin allergies, fever, swelling and other phenomena. Since its origin suspect, Liu query to EMS delivery order number, confirm that this product does emanating from South Korea. But Liu check online comparison, its products are not buy this brand is authentic, allegedly cottage. Miss Yu Shiliu the matter of complaints to the Consumers Association organization, the matter is currently under investigation. "This is a typical case of cross-border consumer complaints." Zhang Zhi, director of the Consumers Association Complaints Department, said China has not yet established the mechanism of cross-border consumer rights, cross-border consumer rights environment is not mature, a lot of cross-border consumer rights difficult. "For example, foreign products are not 3c certification, after domestic consumers buy it back, there is a problem, there is no basis for the complaint; the presence of Sima both standard and metric twenty-two kinds Hong Kong, mainland consumers often can not tell; language barriers are likely to cause consumer rights obstacles. "Zhang Zhi believes that these issues need to comprehensively address the relevant departments. Post Express ranked first increase in complaints in the service class, fitness service complaints for the first time into the top ten The rise of electricity supplier caused a chain reaction, the delivery of express logistics has become a big complaint. 2015, the National Consumers Association organized postal delivery type of complaints received 13,240, an increase of 62.37% over last year, an increase of ranking first in the service category in. The main question the existence of the postal delivery service category are: First, the courier delays when circumstances have occurred, and there is no explicit delay compensation standards and regulations; the second is in the mail, send e-mail is wrong, damaged, lost, etc.; Third, If consumers encounter problems related to the compensation standard is not clear, not insured for consumer goods difficult to obtain full compensation. In addition, health services for the first time in 5137 the volume of complaints board service categories of complaints the top ten, replacing last year ranked tenth place is intermediary services (5620). "It reflects the emerging awareness of fitness." Zhang Chi analysts say, but in the fitness industry, there are non-standard phenomena, such as prepaid health ills, urgently relevant departments to manage the introduction of appropriate policies. link: Support proceedings according to the law's first nationwide consumer is eligible for the family car back a lose three Currently, the Consumers Association of mediation organization's main exercise the right to mediation fails, consumers can seek an administrative penalty to the business sector or to the courts, but the program is quite complex, often forced to give consumers rights. Zhang Chi said that the current CASE organizations are actively exploring mechanisms to support consumer lawsuit, legal instruments to provide consumers with an auxiliary handle, litigation analysis and other support. 2015, Shandong Province Consumer Association received the Jining City, Shandong Province Liu consumer complaints reflect May 2014 in Jining city in a car sales Ltd. price of 128,000 yuan to buy a certain brand of family car, in a scrape rub accident repairs, car repair master had been told mend paint, paint an area of ​​about 1.2 square meters, up painting later found traces of the side door, trunk left a gap is significantly wider than the right slot. Having identified the problem, numerous experiences of finding consumer play Angela Games sales negotiations, but the company refused to return the car and assume consumers are demanding compensation for losses. Consumers Association, Shandong Province, after receiving complaints, according to the law to support consumer litigation. After an investigation, when the car company to sell the vehicle involved to the plaintiff in May 7, 2014, did not truthfully informed, but deliberately concealed the car had sold to Wang, and by the use of an important fact in the same year in January, they have constituted fraud. February 4, 2015, High-tech Industrial Development Zone, Jining City People's Court made a judgment based on the facts, Jining City, a sentence the defendant Automobile Sales Co., the plaintiff in vehicle sales during Sharon had concealed the sale to Wang the fact that sales have constituted fraud, should bear the obligation to compensate for consumer fraud. According to the first paragraph of Article 55 of the "People's Republic of China Consumer Protection Law," the new amendment, the sentence the defendant to 128,000 yuan car models will be returned to the plaintiff, according to car models tripled to compensate the plaintiff 384,000 yuan Liu. This is the newly revised "Consumer Law" implementation of the national family car back a lose three of the first cases.

