

Senior gang buy buy buy chop hand party, what a one hundred million financing

A night five years ago, when are still worry about the collapse of his blog, he must not think,play baby games "What is worth buying," will become a daily visit amounted to tens of millions of websites. March 2015, "the world network operators" who interviewed "What is worth buying," the founder of Sui Guodong, trying to explore the masculine qualities shopping guide website will go in. January 11, 2016, announced the acquisition of what is worth buying CRE capital financing of $ 100 million, which is financing the first five and a half it was established since, allegedly, the money will be used to enhance the content and user feedback incentives, Construction of China's largest consumer platform for original content. June 30, 2015, Sui Guodong to disclose a set of data: what is worth buying global Alexa traffic ranking No. 262, No. 38 Chinese websites; length over 20 minutes daily when logging user access, the mobile client Number of starts per day over six times weekly retained 55% and 60% of the retained month. For a long time, this site profit model is very simple: First, get a commission through diversion to electronic business platform, the second is the income of the sale of advertising space. More important is the content. Despite the revelations from the user, but is also subject to review, screening and processing, according to the following years of accumulated knowledge of the user and for commodities expertise editorial team will judge the content, and then proceed to write the recommendation and positioned in a rational, neutral and objective, the formation of "what is worth buying" unique qualities, and then discuss and attract more contributors. So, what is a group of people digging out quality content to attract users? January 18, "world network operators" to return to what is worth buying, a senior chop tell you how to make hand group. "To provide convenience to people's lives is higher feelings" In July 2015, a news spread throughout the media circles: "Beijing News" chief correspondent hole Pu separation, added to what is worth buying, the contents of any director. Hole Pu (right) and team members Prior to this, the hole Pu has been nothing worth buying heavy users, she voted in 2013 on a resume, and later for various reasons to give up, after two years, she finally entered this house she described as "very promising" Internet companies. Hole Pu think they are not ideal for people-oriented, able to attract her is very intuitive thing. In her view, what is worth buying practices and her personal qualities quite fit: shrink to the user's choice, so that they can more easily buy good things, than the media's to people's lives facilitate the sound is more feelings thing. More direct reason is that she also loves to "buy buy buy", in order to curb their desire to buy, she was unloading something worth buying App, she has entered this house with electricity suppliers as the core of the site. Jump to the Internet from traditional media, face a completely different way of working, hole Pu experienced a period of anxiety, COO and was even taught over how to write weekly Chao. After three months, see the website of the PV, UV and other data, and product departments to do docking, and then set the operational guidelines, a step she completed his transformation. Along with guilt and stress, pore Pu gradually learned something. In her words, what is worth buying play baby games for the user experience a sense of requirements of almost "harsh", at the beginning, she could not find a direction in writing copy, a copy of each must be checks, after which she was handed over to more discretion, work has become easier. Now, the pure liberal arts students learn to write programs and products operating flowchart, and proudly show off their old colleagues to learn new technology, for her, painful transition period has passed. What is worth buying, Pu hole is determined by the user is responsible for submission of original channel, every day 10:00, she will organize the morning will be assigned the task. Background will receive a large number of users to contribute every day, but these articles can not be released at once, but to complete the review in the shortest possible time by the editor, and then give the user feedback. In the afternoon, the entire team will work hand to stop, discuss what quality content to put resources to better position, but also a lot of interesting ideas generated at this point in time. At first, thought it was a hole Pu can help users more easily shopping platform, and later, she began to see more value this platform brings, not only for consumers, what is worth buying for businesses, entrepreneurs and high-quality products itself has a responsibility to use his power to make them better survive. The contents of the original channel is very strict control, will never allow the presence of soft paper and advertising, including the lack of respect for commodities, distributors and users of content, in order to create a good atmosphere of a commodity exchange experience platform. Pair of holes Pu and her team, work must first ensure that the audit rate, but more important is to give quality content better position to be fully exposed. Hole Pu said that the main responsibilities of the site editor is screening soft advertising and false propaganda article, but not to control the user, but to guide the user to establish screening mechanisms. Thus, the editing team must be very understanding of site users and their needs, review the article for a list of a dozen pages long. A simple example is that if a user has an article did not send for an unknown product have too many kind words, or fraud in the measured data, belittle competing products, etc. These problems are likely to be Edit judged as soft, let the other party to make changes, commercials will be directly filtered. Sometimes, even if the content itself is already very good, but also edit pictures in such detail color excellence, content becomes more readable. Now, what is worth buying are being established open content platform, in the hole Pu opinion, the original channel for site users, audit standards are very stringent, this practice behind closed doors for those who play the most valuable content can not enter. In fact, there are many excellent authors are not necessarily familiar with the site, but the content of their high degree of match, the authors hope that through the hole Pu incentive system to attract high-quality content, and allow authors to create fun outside income. The author is not a career incentive plan aimed at writers, but those who have expertise in a play Frozen Games particular field of ordinary people, they may have anti-theft locks, air purifier filters such popular products well known, but the lack of a way to share them knowledge, what is worth buying in hopes of giving them a chance to sleep content. For some topics, the existing content may have been very thorough, editing will guide them to write more content with their eyes to look at some of the merchandise, at the operational level will come up with more games are played. In it is all editorial team after 92 years, was born on 82 holes Pu regarded as predecessors, but little do not like their predecessors: bounce to come to work, to the 21:00, it will simply give up overtime, start shopping Get page, breath buy 11:00; every vowed to ensure longer chop hands, but soon the "god price" before the surrender; the weekend also like to office, wandering in the jungle of commodities, eating Everyone snacks ...... Join what is worth buying for six months, Pu hole has a new habit: observed around the girl on the subway mentioning bag, shoes, judgments brand, then put them back out of the price. This "skill" is not used to bargain, but to help her to focus more focused on the quality of goods. In her words, what is worth buying is always a value-oriented, whether it is the user of this site or the staff will gradually be assimilated, on the "quality of life" it viscerally identify with.

