

Regulatory Services Strategies

The new format requires the development of a new regulatory philosophy,play baby games regulatory methods and means of supervision, industry and commerce sector regulators focus on rural e-commerce, it should be a simple network market supervision and management, to the supervision and management of both support and guidance, particularly in the rural e-commerce development in Fujian Under specification is not high, small businesses, the fragile chain of real conditions, on the one hand, should focus on efforts to increase the supply of incentive system for rural development of electronic commerce in Fujian injection force, supporting rural e-commerce to flourish in Fujian Province; another regard, to regulate and maintain the network market economic order and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of rural e-commerce operators and consumers, to avoid problems, and promote the healthy development of Fujian rural e-commerce law. Business functions play a role in fueling the rural e-commerce development in Fujian The business sector should focus on the overall strategy for rural development of electronic commerce in Fujian province, based on the government think, business best companies hope for rural e-commerce development in Fujian Province to provide the necessary assistance and facilities to the economic, social and cultural aspects, guided Fujian e-commerce development in rural provinces to a higher level, better quality forward. Business sector perform their functions to accelerate the development of e-commerce for rural, should be adopted in accordance with the practical and problematic rural e-commerce development in different regions targeted way. Starting region's most urgent is to provide a driving force of innovation to help them jump to the advanced stage of development. Therefore, the business sector can take the organization to guide the establishment of rural e-commerce industry associations, advocacy to promote rural e-commerce integrity Union, the Organization of e-commerce experts in-depth field research and interrogation pulse enterprises, organizations in the national e-commerce Development Forum, etc., as Its broaden their horizons, changing concepts and provide can learn from the advanced experience. After-prone areas can play through industrial and commercial registration of chattel mortgage, equity pledge regulatory role functional role for the needy rural e-commerce enterprises to provide financial support multiple channels; through contracts helping to provide farmers with standardized network transaction contract, guide agricultural enterprises standardized contract management to help rural e-commerce businesses, farmer cooperatives to sign mutually beneficial contracts; creation activities through "Credible" enterprises, promoting rural development of e-commerce in Fujian integrity. With the advertising regulatory functions, so that rural e-commerce business online advertising body clear boundaries, boundaries and content behavior boundaries, when you publish the relevant online advertising to do both should give full play to the effect of online advertising, but also effectively avoid network advertising violations; guidance cultural industries and services to carry out e-commerce businesses in rural countryside dig outstanding cultural resources and folk customs of Fujian Province, to support qualified electrical apply for special funds for the development of cultural industries, improving cultural characteristics of Fujian Province to promote the brand of the network system, promote rural characteristics cultural resources to modern culture product conversion. For underdevelopment, lack of network infrastructure, stagnation-prone areas, infrastructure, logistics development and personnel training is a priority. Business sector by making full release Shoji reform dividend, further reduce market access barriers, improve rural e-commerce increased the number of enterprises registered in Fujian Province to guide social forces to participate in stagnation-prone areas network infrastructure, to encourage logistics enterprises have settled or rural extension services to the "last kilometer", enabling graduates to return home business; the use of broker management functions, fostering the growth of rural e-commerce brokers, brokers play a positive role in economic development, promote the circulation, prosperity of the market, driven by development of ; organize awareness training, seminars, culture or custom tutorials for aspiring young people coming back, battles for many years the return of migrant workers, long-term stay in the village hotshots teach the basics of e-commerce, business operations theory, modern business practices and marketing planning strategies, these potential body courage entrepreneurial innovation, develop into a major force in emerging e-commerce development in rural areas. Implementation of brand strategy for rural development of electronic commerce in Fujian contribute The business sector should actively guide the development of rural e-commerce enterprises in Fujian Province Network trademark strategy; open up the green channel, the guide has a distinctive rural e-commerce enterprises to apply for trademark registration network of agricultural products, geographical indications, to promote "company (Farmer Cooperatives) + trademark + farmer" The new agricultural industry business model, to cultivate internationally competitive network of agricultural products brand, geographical indications;play baby games guide rural focus of e-business application Chi (a, known) were trademarks; encourage owns well-known trademarks and geographical indications of rural e-commerce enterprises to apply Madrid international trademark registration, to enter the international market; to guide the rural areas of e-commerce has the industrial base and cluster size of the individual advantages into business advantage; Guidance Chi (a, Zhi) rural e-commerce enterprises play a brand demonstration effect, create a Fujian Province distinctive regional network brand; boot small electricity supplier and Chi (a, known) name electricity supplier by OEM, trademark licensing and other forms of strengthening the division of labor, to extend the industrial chain to expand the scale effect, the formation of "regional brand + Company brand "promoted by interactive pattern, build rural e-commerce ceramics professional brand bases in Fujian province, and to brand the kulaks, brand and strong business, e-commerce brand to promote rural regional economic leapfrog development in Fujian Province. Network monitoring force for the development of electronic commerce in Fujian Rural escort Network monitoring fundamental responsibility of the business sector is to maintain the good order of e-commerce market, so that e-commerce companies to operate freely, consumer confidence consumption, healthy economic growth, the market gradually grow. To increase the daily supervision. Combined with their annual reporting system, increase rural e-commerce market inspection efforts, do a solid job network business entities, especially in rural Fujian e-commerce business entities data collection, updating, maintenance work, find out the service targets, the implementation of precision services. Do apply for the issuance and management of industrial and commercial electronic link logo to promote e-commerce network of business entities in rural Fujian shine brighter implementation of online real-name management, establish the image of rural e-commerce business integrity in Fujian Province. Focus on Internet trading platform in accordance with the guidance of the "Network transaction management approach" requirements to fulfill the statutory responsibilities and obligations, well-developed network operator qualification review, commodity quality inspection management, consumer protection, information disclosure and credit management system to ensure that it does not use standard terms and other e-commerce operators and consumers against the legitimate rights and interests. Guide online trading platform has the ability to expand the agricultural market, to carry out a pilot channel sink to improve logistics, advanced concepts docking rural e-commerce in Fujian Province, Fujian Province, to promote e-commerce development in rural areas. To increase the intensity of law enforcement investigators. Depth Hongdun protecting agriculture, the network contract terms regulation and Red Shield network sword special action, regulation against the interests of rural electricity network violations; strengthen market inspections daily network monitoring, timely discovery and excavation of various types of cases the source leads, increase case investigating major cases of particularly investigated and severely punished false propaganda, counterfeiting, unfair competition, and other network illegal, clean rural e-commerce market environment in Fujian. To increase the network of consumer rights protection. Focus on their daily network monitoring network trading platform, in particular to strengthen the content monitoring holidays and focus on a specific date online trading platform related information dissemination, regulatory provisions, event organization, rights protection and other aspects, the timely preparation of monitoring results and publish consumer alerts, reminders, publicity and education in Fujian rural e-commerce operators and consumers to protect their own interests, monitoring, warning and suppression of wrongful implementation of rural e-commerce platform operators and consumers' legitimate rights and interests against the Fujian province. Urge focus WebTrader improve consumer protection system, the implementation Xianxingpeifu system, open network channel consumer rights, implementation of the relevant sale safeguards to protect consumers' legitimate rights and interests of rural e-commerce in Fujian Province. Strengthen the source traceability, scientific sampling to determine the scope and focus of varieties of goods, to carry out targeted network commodity sampling, timely publication of sampling play Frozen Games results, investigate and punish illegal sales of substandard quality goods, and create a safe and secure environment for consumers, effectively activate the rural consumer online shopping potential. Explore the establishment of online dispute resolution mechanism, building ODR online service platform, set up e-commerce dispute mediation committee, a professional online mediation, arbitration team, Fujian rural e-commerce operators and consumers online legal advice, provide legal guidance to resolve consumer disputes, by way of the Internet for the first time to inaccessible rural e-commerce operators and consumers to provide legal protection. To strengthen departmental interaction, the formation of a monitoring force. Further strengthen cooperation and quality supervision, food and drug administration, tourism, public security, prices, customs, commerce, communication management and other related departments to explore the establishment of inter-departmental rural consumer electronic business information exchange system, the joint conference system, the case collaboration system, joint law enforcement system and other, exchange information, joint cooperation, building collaborative supervision, comprehensive management work pattern. Accelerate the "Run monitoring and supervision of the Internet economy in Fujian and public service platform" building, information sharing, networking regulators cohabitation system, improve joint trustworthy incentives and promises punishment mechanism to promote the social credit system construction in rural areas of e-commerce enterprises in Fujian Province. To encourage social supervision, and promote social cohabitation. To support the news media, trade organizations, Stakeholders and consumer use of public credit information, e-commerce enterprises in Fujian Province rural business entities and market order to implement a comprehensive supervision. Guide the community on rural e-commerce enterprises in Fujian sex illegal dishonesty market, industry and social constraints and discipline, the formation of social enterprise autonomy, self-discipline, social supervision, administrative supervision combine the broad participation of the whole society cohabitation pattern, the healthy development of e-commerce for rural Fujian escort.

