

The most promising venture 35 years old Star

Yancy Sichuan Luzhou, junior high school, he was naughty,play baby games "the school is not good teenagers." High School, "suddenly wake up", he embarked on the road of science Pa, since then, gone. College Entrance Examination voluntary reporting, taking the conservative route he scores higher than Tsinghua University's School of Management, he was admitted to Beijing Normal University. Such a course of higher mathematics, from his freshman to senior, has been out, sophomore he began to participate in postgraduate courses. Like mathematics and physics, and this is his final opportunity to enter the financial sector. School of Management, the first results of four years, so he naturally was sent to Peking University's Guanghua School of Management master degree. Seize opportunities, take risks In 2004, in the North of Master Yancy cock went CDH practice. CDH was just carved out from gold, the body is very small. Nearly ten months of full-time internship, put him into the investment industry. After the 2005 Master graduation, he entered the monarch linking capital. To this end, he paid the price. All bets are confident of their own. At that time, the national VC industry practitioners also a hundred people, as a graduate, in order to among the industry, the difficulty is obvious. In May 2005, when the king went to Peking University to recruit people linked capital, with a central rate Yancy has signed. Jun time requirements associated only recruit MBA, but the VC industry vision, so that he was "very presumptuous to go cast a resume." Fortunately, he got a job interview; unfortunately, he was refused. More dramatic is that more than one week after the new monarch linked to the person in charge of investment saw his resume, he got the opportunity to interview again. Eventually, he entered the monarch Union, but this opportunity is fraught with uncertainty. Through his first two months, the second four-month test to positive twice. And this is similar to temporary job, he must be liquidated before the central rate. Punish violations, his account was beaten back from Beijing, Sichuan. But he hesitate to choose the work he likes this, although very risky, but he believed himself. In 2008, Yancy added Draper Fisher Jurvetson, DFJ Global Core Fund was just beginning to open investment office in China. Where he was exposed to the Silicon Valley, looking, sensitive investment philosophy and style of play, advance to grasp the trends and directions, unlike domestic institutional investors were more focused on the analysis of both the industry and market. After 2013, he began to put two concepts blend of local and Silicon Valley, to form their own investment methodology. From 2005 the official entry VC, founded in August 2015 to raise capital Feng, he ten years, from the investment after investment management and exit a full range of leading work. These accumulation, let him come out with confidence to create a brand of their own investments. Yancy considered good investments, there are basic three points: First, investment in this play baby games thing have originated from blood, bone marrow from the bottom of love, which is the premise of all; the second is that there is a strong learning ability, constantly with an open mind to learn new things; and third, there must be adventurous, he believes that the investment industry, you are always faced with uncertainty in decision-making, no matter how you analyze and judge, it is difficult to have something in the bag . Discovery project initiative, "tightly locked in to a long stick that he" "Active, positive, healthy," Yancy use these three words to sum up his investment characteristics. He used to use a forward-looking vision to find investment areas of concern, and then systematically mining related industries and research, positioning the industry chain layout of the most worthy aspects of the project and identify potential target. Even then there is no financing needs of these projects, but also to maintain long-term stable communication. This initiative to find ways source project, from exposure to real investment, a relatively long period, which gave him just enough time to examine the entrepreneur. He believes that "the entrepreneur of the people are the most critical," and understand a person takes time. Basis of sound investment, and that is a real understanding of the entrepreneurs. He does not like to get a passive source project, only the ability to stay in the judgment and analysis of the project. "I want to locate in our ability to take the initiative to find value, tap the value." Once selected areas, will be a good subject, "We will go tightly locked in, long stick him, to ensure that when their financing, must be able to think of me." In the area of ​​investment capital focused Yang Feng, there is little grass-roots entrepreneurs, most entrepreneurs have industry technology or customer resources accumulated for a long time, which is typical of his investment. "We cast people is nothing more than two categories, one is biased technology, the other one is the partial sales, mostly from large companies with foreign or domestic." Entrepreneur leadership, whether pragmatic opening up, there is a spirit of cooperation and Can you share with team employee benefits is his very valued. Prospectively for investment, proactive management and flexible after administration to withdraw a number of ways. Good projects are not voted out, but investors and entrepreneurs together to do it. 1. Set Star Technology 2008 began to focus on energy storage, but abandoned the market demand to determine the competition of the Red Sea lithium battery, prospectively selected segments - super capacitor. Was invested in focusing on ultracapacitor monomer and system set-Star Technology at DFJ Yancy leading, $ 4 million of investment accounted for a set of satellite technology more than 40% of the shares. Set Star Technology experienced immature technology, production difficulties, the founding team play Frozen Games divisions and many other issues, DFJ, as the largest single shareholder in Yancy led a lot of integration work. "This case direction, but progress is slower than we expected, but the middle of the process of solving the problem of how do you pragmatically after administration management has accumulated valuable experience, how to introduce the industrialization of research and development personnel and the partial fusion of the founding team, how to introduce strategic investors important follow-up, how to deal with differences and other founding team. "Now, set the satellite technology is the nation's top super capacitor manufacturers, Yutong and Shanghai Telecom are set to become a strategic shareholder in satellite technology, satellite technology has set the China carried out a strategic joint venture in the car. 2, Ying Han Tong Early in 2010 Yancy fuzzy feel, network information technology will gradually penetrate in industry, namely, known today as industrial networking and industrial areas 4.0 Yancy investment in 2010. focused on networking equipment to communicate with the device Enterprise - Ying Han Tong, invested about 15 million yuan to acquire more than 20% stake. Today, Han Ying Tong has become a smart grid, industrial and commercial equipment and applications mainstream networking vendor, 14 years John Tong Ying successfully listed three new board and sustained rapid growth, is expected to return more than 10 times.

