

Accomplishing the mission and the Temple of accumulated valuable experience for the Chinese space station

Temple has fully completed the task in-orbit tests, formally terminated the data service is play girl games still in its design orbit. Temple of the 1630 days in orbit, the mission is not only to complete the desired tasks, beyond design life flight, ultra-planned expansion of a number of technical tests, construction and operation of the space station and manned space application and popularization of achievements accumulated significant experience. Flying does not disgrace mission well done rendezvous and docking mission Temple is independently developed by China's first manned space test platform, a total length of 10.4 meters, the maximum diameter of 3.35 meters, the effective use of the internal space of about 15 cubic meters to meet the three astronauts in the cabin working and living needs, design in-orbit life of two years. November 3, 2011, Temple of the Shenzhou VIII spacecraft successfully completed China's first spacecraft automated rendezvous and docking mission, and the second automatic rendezvous and docking. China also became the world's first of three separate master spacecraft rendezvous and docking space technology country. After this, the Temple of well done with the other two Shenzhou spacecraft rendezvous and docking mission four times. June 2012, Temple of the Shenzhou 9 spacecraft successfully conducted the first manned rendezvous and docking, Jing Haipeng, Liu Wang, Liu Yang three astronauts for the first time to enter the Temple. During the flight in orbit, the astronauts Liu Wang manipulation spacecraft docking with Temple One to achieve the first manual rendezvous and docking. In June 2013 Shenzhou ten docking mission, Temple took on more mission: Nie Haisheng, Zhang Xiaoguang, Wang Yaping three astronauts on a temple in orbit maintenance, and carry out the "teaching space" around the spacecraft fly intersection test, and other short-term presence in orbit. In order to give full play to the overall efficiency of the Temple after the June 2013 Shenzhou spacecraft on the 10th to return, Chinese scientists for the characteristics of the Temple of beyond design life flight, considering the state of the aircraft's own platform and device capabilities, and our subsequent manned space technology test verification needs, the scientific development of the Temple of mission planning and careful operation and maintenance, to monitor closely the implementation, expansion has conducted a number of technical tests and validation. Test fruitful experience to provide follow-up mission One temple manned spacecraft docking with the short flight, the future long-term space station manned flight of the transitional stage, reliability is the most important product of flight assessment basis. Complete the three tasks, from the technical level to break a number of key technologies. The main thing is to break through and mastered the key rendezvous and docking technology to master the combination control technology, but also to verify the long-term in-orbit flight of life support techniques. One Temple in orbit for three years during the flight, but play Angela Games also affect the near-Earth orbit space environment of manned spacecraft has been fully validated. These are all provided experience for the Development of Temple II. Accomplishing the mission and the Temple of accumulated valuable experience for the Chinese space station Astronauts Temple of cabin space to carry out teaching activities Temple One and Shenzhou nine, Shenzhou on the 10th twice combined operation, six astronauts participated in the mission, the astronauts in flight procedures performed outside the care of flying platform, but also in accordance with plans to complete a number of tasks aerospace medical experiments, including the use of weight loss means to carry out the regulation of cardiovascular and brain function advanced experiments, cytological research experiments under conditions of weightlessness, and the noise measurement, gas quality sampling and other related experiments. These experiments for future deeper space exploration data accumulated a large number of scientific experiments, but also for the long flight astronauts explored important way. In addition, the Temple of further verification undertaken by the redundant platform design and test potential design, load-related functional verification test and exploration of new models, as well as monitoring and control relevant test for space station design and development and long-term reliable operation has accumulated play Barbie Dress Up Games valuable data and experience; by Temple of operations management practice, and continuously explore and sum up, improved, and the formation of a scientific and rational management and smooth and efficient operation of the organization and operation mechanism for space station operations management has accumulated valuable experience, has laid a solid foundation. Pay attention to people's livelihood and the future of integrated application services Accomplishing the mission and the Temple of accumulated valuable experience for the Chinese space station Southern Jinta County of Jiuquan City, Gansu Province near the high spectral panchromatic Temple returned (partial) Temple during rail operations to the national economic construction and social development for the purpose to carry out a number of space applications, as well as application of the results to promote manned spaceflight made a useful attempt. Temple mounted hyperspectral imager has acquired observations Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and other cities, as well as desertification in western China, the Three Rivers Ecological hydrology and other key areas for land resources survey, marine applications, forestry applications, city application of environmental monitoring, hydrological and ecological monitoring in areas such as emergency disaster monitoring provides a strong support. Currently, hyperspectral imager has been successful study of the Earth environmental monitoring mineral, forestry, marine and other applied. In addition to monitoring the Earth's environment, the Temple also launched a space environment exploration and composite colloidal crystal growth experiment. Space environmental exploration primarily to aircraft safety and security provided, including a charged particle detection, detection of atmospheric composition, ionospheric disturbance detection. Colloidal crystal growth theory is based science experiments, it is mainly composite colloidal crystals crystallization and phase transformation kinetics of the process in microgravity space. By comparison experiment world, it has laid a good foundation for the preparation of future space materials, new materials for the floor. To focus on integrated application efficiency play, the Temple of space applications to promote the services platform in March 2014 opened and operated as a public service users and domestic commercial users at home and abroad, as well as individual users with a large number of valuable public Temple of application data and services . In terms of the use of public interest, already being served, including Land and Resources, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Transport, Department of Housing and Oceanic Administration, Bureau of the earthquake more than a dozen ministries and more than 20 colleges and universities nationwide. The initiative for the economic and technological development in a positive and social services, it is also to promote the commercial application of the mechanism has been multi-faceted exploration of manned spaceflight to promote application of the results made a useful attempt. Temple II "relay" manned spacecraft re-start a new journey In "Thirteen five" first, China's manned space project has entered a new stage of development. As planned, the Temple II space laboratory will launch the third quarter of 2016, and subsequently carrying two astronauts of the Shenzhou spacecraft docking 11th, the first half of 2017, will also work with Temple II One day boat cargo ship docking.buy Ella Dress Meanwhile, as China's new generation of launch cargo spacecraft launch vehicle Long March the 7th, it will also be in June this year in our new launch site in Hainan first flight test. Accomplishing the mission and the Temple of accumulated valuable experience for the Chinese space station Long March 7 As a target aircraft, the main objective is to break the task Temple rendezvous and docking technology, a combination of body control as well as medium-term presence of astronauts, these are early technology validation. Temple II "relay" Temple, will be the space laboratory in the true sense. Although both the same shape, but the content varies greatly Temple II, will also assume different tasks. Temple II will verify the presence of astronauts and other key technologies interim space station construction and operation, breakthrough and master the cargo spacecraft rendezvous and docking and additional propellant technology, and conduct space science experiments for the system to provide greater load support.

