

Stars because of you wonderful - induced female astronomer

I was fortunate to be taught in two outstanding female astronomer sects. They are Professor my play Frozen Games master tutor Jiang Wei and Pitt doctoral tutor Eva K. Grebel. Their talent and charm, rigorous and friendly so I have been bathed in the spring in astronomical research. Their educational background and research directions are slightly different, but the meaning of the definition of "lubricant" by the respective methods. I am learning to work in contact with the distinguished Mr. Ye Shuhua and Mr. astronomical community Cuixiang Qun, he gave me the same feeling. I had the privilege and the discoverer of pulsars Joyce Bell jazz meet, she took the initiative to shake hands with me, and I listened to the presentation of their work. As the younger generation, to meet with the industry legend itself is wonderful, not to mention I saw the gentle beauty of jazz from Bell eyes. Historically, to Henrietta Swan Leavitt, represented by a group of Harvard female computing staff, stellar spectral classification and Cepheid period-luminosity relation made pioneering contributions. In the absence of the computer era, massive data analysis are men bothered to do and yet indispensable work. Harvard hired a group of women who work tirelessly to complete the calculation of the boring work, and on this basis to make a great discovery, perhaps, this is what we want women astronomers who learn. They are part of the history of astronomy, are the human model. Modern, female astronomer (women astronomer) should receive special attention. Women astronomers in astronomy including learning, teaching, research, science and related management of women students and workers, they learn, work in Academy observatory stations, schools, planetariums, science museums. Today, with the progress of society, we can see the increasing proportion of female astronomer at the observatory, research institutions, universities, with an increasing number of female students, female colleagues, female teachers, women scholars engaged learning and research astronomy. Areas they have made and are making a very good job, they need to pour in this great personal effort doing my part, but they gave the ancient male-dominated industry has brought diversity breeze slowly. However, female astronomer in history and reality is not always so smooth. Because of cultural reasons, female astronomer was not well accepted by the scientific community and the public. Even achievements such as Marie Curie, also still due to personal life ridiculed academic circles, not to mention the majority of female students to endure the kind of injustice. Even school achievements and get academic acceptance and respect, but also had to suppress their own femininity, male standard, or to go gendered culture as a standard approach to life and work. Held in 1992 in the United States Baltimore female astronomy conference, the participating countries female astronomers discussed their respective regions and female astronomer working conditions in the field, unanimously signed a female astronomer, "Baltimore Charter" calling astronomy and astronomical bodies practitioners attention to gender inequality and to take action to deal with them. This programmatic document adopted 20 years ago, China today for the specific environment does not seem very outdated. Including my doctoral supervisor, including many who signed the year just young astronomer, most of them today has become the industry authority and dean. Charter clank their good words, two decades later read today still has important practical significance. Today, we are particularly gratifying to see that history is changing. Such as Amy Mainze such outstanding female astronomer, astronomy can be engaged in research, teaching, and science communication, because of its beauty and cheerful widely recognized. Highlighting the scientific and cultural diversity in science, which is several generations of scientists to be the goal. Purely academic level as the evaluation standard, which is the public would like to see justice. Looking at the stars in the industry take the lead in eliminating discrimination and cultural bias, which is our common wish. But at the same time, even in today's media watchdog, political Changming, a guarantee of the basic rights of women age, status of women astronomers also has a vulnerable side. I only coached the Department of Astronomy, Beijing Normal University, 69 graduate students in reading Female Graduate 30,play Barbie Cooking Games accounting for 43.48%, is proportionally acceptable results. But in planning their career path, it reflects the intriguing differences. In addition, the unequal relationship between male teachers and female students triggered colored scandal, only 2015 year reported more cases, so that the entire astronomical community suffered quite embarrassing question, there is no scandal exposed how much it ? Astronomy, is just one of many academic road. Scientific also just one of many alternative industries one. But this is a very special professional identity. On the one hand, in order to obtain access to vocational qualifications, women and men must accept the challenge of the same intellectual and even physical, Ph.D., ranks among the researchers. On the other hand, this is a particularly through individual talent and creativity to produce great achievements of the industry, the names of the history of our ancestors is still shine, attracting a large number of young women to join. From female students to female professors Today, in the absence of war and religious oppression of local women as men go to school, 18-year-old began undergraduate study, graduate student 22 years old, well, then, 24-25 years old doctoral student turned around to get the 30-year-old Ph.D. degree, which lucky ones can begin their first post-doctoral positions immediately. Almost 35 years old, did two postdoctoral female students may consider applying for a university faculty or research institute researcher identity. Almost 40 years old, teaching can be done relatively stable, or in the research associate positions steady for several years. In the road after that, depending on the dual role of luck and their own efforts. It appears that this chronology seems plausible, not everyone is so? So I ask that female students should be at what time love, get married, and when childbirth, when breastfeeding? Even if we do not consider women bottleneck in the physical difficulties of small and middle-aged, and on top of these issues, how to achieve gender equality it? In today's system of career development, which if female students before becoming a female professor, shining stand up and asked what time they should give birth, I am afraid disgrace. "Life and work are unrelated to two topics," the male perspective has dominated the seemingly selfless us too long. We are accustomed to from the female students to female professors road veteran, exhausted, submissive, did not dare to talk nonsense on their lives. Female students are accustomed to, male students have also become accustomed. But we all know that the development of science is the process takes time to accumulate. Accumulated astronomical observations can not be separated, the introduction of new ideas, bold trial and error, a solid theoretical knowledge. These are good way for young people. But if the vast majority of outstanding female students, exhausted early on chose to give up the road, which is the loss of astronomy, but also the loss of women themselves. The survey found that female graduate students in the Department of Astronomy, a high proportion of female postgraduates research industry will leave, he turned to a relatively stable basic education. Students bluntly: "It's a stable life I most desire, I did not use for anything else." The female doctoral students, almost always choose to continue their studies to specialize in academic way. This is a very interesting difference. Master graduation stage of course means a diversion, but points out the predominantly female. Doctoral graduation stage, the students have gone too far on this road, there are many good students achieved very good results. Oops historical circumstances Some very influential female astronomers appeared in history. Obviously, other disciplines like astronomy as a male-dominated field. In a male-dominated field, there will be deep-rooted prejudice against women. To compensate for this bias, they usually have to work harder than their male counterparts to work. It is worth highlighting the glory of these names include • Caroline Herschel (Caroline Herschel) - eighteenth century comet hunter and famous British star chart guru Herschel's sister; the world's first female astronomy professor Maria • m Mitchell (Maria Mitchell); and the early twentieth century, Harvard Women reckoner • Annie Cannon (Annie Jump Cannon) and Leavitt et al., Cannon improved classic star classification is still widely used today, Leavitt find standard candles the law can be used to estimate the distance in the universe. Stars because of you wonderful - induced female astronomer • Caroline Herschel While Harvard's female members who astronomy computing has made an indelible contribution, but most of them are not the person's name is known. They always "reckoner" The whole name appears in the minutiae of literature which seems to be diluted in the value of its existence deliberately. They were called up, it is only because the men bother to do a lot of repetitive work to pass the time while they, deaf and mute them, I can not say, but eager to prove their existence. Unknown, worry about their work, do not make their voices heard, after the achievement of the corners of the recorded literature ...... this is a good treatment of women in the history of astronomy is difficult to expect a. Great comet catcher • Caroline Herschel always "Herschel's sister and assistant" status appear in people's field of vision. In 1865 it appears the first female professor of astronomy, and is working to start their own university. Ancient Greece to modern times, it is possible to name female astronomer, you can use a hand count them. In ancient Greece, women are not eligible to participate in free debate, they can not appear in the athletics stadium and men together, learning astronomy, slaves of their slightly better than a little bit. In medieval Europe, women themselves is regarded as the devil's advocate, so that women acquire knowledge, heinous thing, would provoke serious scourge. In ancient China and India, women are only men affiliated property. Modern American women simply just busy to increase fertility mission. Ancient civilization, civilization has never been on this issue too. Women have no right to take to the streets to participate in social work's just not long past, we are talking about the interests of women astronomers, it seems too extravagant. But it is precisely because we have been silent for too long, just let the real future of the fragrance seem valuable. Silence Rose Astronomy, art seems to be a tall look on. For ordinary public, astronomers seem to have penetrated or are reference details of the universal truth of the wise, every day they care about the highest level of problem every day dedicated to human depict a true picture of the universe. Such a person would hurt people? In October last year the University of California at Berkeley astronomy professor Geoff Marcy was found many years of sexual harassment of female students, more than the victim's allegations and conclusions after the survey showed that Professor Geoff Marcy accustomed to groping female students out into the clothes go below. And the famous professor Marcy, the extrasolar planet research leader. First discovered 100 extrasolar planets, there are 70 for his contribution. The case of sexual harassment occurred before the earliest years. Then obviously the minds of students respect teachers, public eye star astronomers, scholars of human grace opened the curtain of the theater universe, control his groping. The most annoying is that there is one victim said, "Everyone knows he's broken things, but no one dared to speak!" The same science professor Pa star, although unable to control their groping, but with academic authority to control the female students of voice and manner. Silence rose ah, this is how sad. Materialized women, especially young female student, was the pride of individual astronomers. Marcy isolated situation? Unfortunately, not. Professor Young early today in the field of gravitational wave research Caltech Christian Ott flagged for female students of play Angela Games sexual harassment. Professor Ott deep love for himself a female graduate student unable to extricate themselves, long-term use of electronic information harassment. After the students are no longer respond Lost Professor Ott turned to another female student talk heart and love with each other. The bombing of the information, so that female students have been overwhelmed. To cope with the harsh side mentor pressure of work, but also to one side and then the dead of night time to listen to private tutors emotional Sui Suinian ...... female students collapsed. These examples would be difficult to believe an isolated case. In different parts of the world, between the academic authority in many different areas of astronomy, and their female graduate students in those well-known and unknown office is, in the private mailbox during working hours and night, work instructions and night observation, how many violations? How much freedom do not silence? How many swallow collective understanding? Those victims who do not, can not, can not bear to appeal to the public evil professors, how many are we innocently as a model? Rose was silent dying, it is the saddest thing. Whether in the West or the East, deeply imprinted in our hearts are still some ugly culture everywhere the way. "Injured girl is itself responsible behavior are normal men ...... ...... personal injury should be subordinated to the overall situation ...... ...... to respect teachers," these words, toxic! From the politically correct point of view, I believe that once this time to expose the public will condemn the responsible party. But we have to ask ourselves, how many people will really sympathize with the situation of the girls in the bottom of my heart? How many people are willing to give them the most sincere understanding and gentle warmth? They do not shy away has been commendable, maintain their beauty and wisdom simply enjoy luxury great. Scientific sex it? I was very young, a number of elders in the family has expressed a similar view as follows: "The boys are more suitable for mathematics, such a professional physical, while girls may learn a good start, the longer it will be more difficult . "similar comments are a lot of people's beliefs. Some scholars and books to promote public art exists for a lot of women do not engage in the profession. For example, Mr. Zhou Guoping more than once that "women's studies philosophy, of philosophy and women are hurt." I want to believe the words of Mr. Zhou Guoping care for women from the perspective of a certain amount of exaggeration and ridicule. But such remarks fans are very public. Astronomy, said that from a certain level, is a comprehensive large areas of science, it is very dependent on mathematics, physics, chemistry knowledge base, even in the forefront of the field of astrobiology and planetary science, atmospheric science can not be separated completely, knowledge of geology, biology, ecology and other disciplines. Coupled with the advent of observational data dependence and big data era, astronomy has become increasingly dependent on computer technology assistance. Thus, the peak areas of astronomy became Luo Ji thinking, superstition will become unsuitable for women engaged in forbidden domain. However, scientific studies have been carried out for many years shows that gender differences simply do not exist in intelligence. We are particularly pleased to see that, in the Department of Astronomy Observatory and the environment, there are more and more young female students showed wonderful charisma and academic strength. Their patience, transfer note, astronomy passionate, willing to pay a great deal of effort, there is a clear plan, outstanding inspiration, you can get very good results. Such a situation more and more, of course, not because women have wisdom in just a few years of evolution, but because we are building play Dora Games a more level playing field for everyone to show themselves. Factors other than the individual to limit harm to women working in astronomy research, women own brain never the problem. Educational opportunities, social tolerance, support for native families, security based on a special physiological ...... all this gradual progress, so that women in our country more and more could easily plunge into their favorite fields, including astronomy scientific research.

