

Homelink good and evil walking on the tip of madness

The country's largest chain of home accident agency, which is the hottest topic of gossip recently,play fishing games before that, in addition to the real estate industry have questioned the chain of home mode, all fairly peaceful until February 23, Shanghai Consumer Protection Association press release will be exposed two cases of complaints, caused an uproar. Despite the chain of home heavily in Shanghai Media Group in-depth cooperation, the media did not have to face too many chain hotels, Shanghai and subsequent national media reported at great length, Construction Committee of processing and the like, the chain of family pushed to the cusp. In fact, long been a sign event, the owners of network rights in the article came out, the chain of home did not attract enough attention, as of press before, and Homelink Homelink chairman Zuo official statement only reflected in the attitude, the overall effect that: events exist, we will not quibble, the following will continue serious work. But the question for the community, especially the question of financial services, did not have enough response. The chain of home suffered the biggest crisis in the history of the establishment, this is not alarmist. So, in addition to the financial risks of the business, the chain of home mode in the end also What are the potential problems exist? Behind the contest between good and evil monopoly Have to say, the chain of family business model logic, so that the intermediary industry's most admired, nature is the chain of family size and improve the system of Internet applications. Homelink has been advertised himself as true of housing, it is indeed difficult to do a lot of companies, brokerage houses, and more generally to develop their own broker or exchange, in order to obtain a set of exclusive listings, the agency may promise a higher price to the homeowner even homeowners to lock in advance, Homelink will sign the agreement with the owner, and pay a fee. This expansion method wolf indeed contribute significantly to the chain of home. Originally the size of the chain of home in Shanghai is not large, all that crazy expansion of chain hotels in the past two years: Chengdu Iraq Prudential real estate mergers and acquisitions within the Real Estate, Union Properties Shenzhen, Guangdong and other national or regional full house has a high position in the market intermediaries Homelink companies have been acquired. The accident, Blissful is the original, and now the chain of home. Blissful could have been a well-known local intermediaries, mainly engaged in high-end boutique in Shanghai local listings before the chain of family acquisitions, Blissful attaches great importance to brand reputation, so the recruitment requirements are also higher, did not appear before the acquisition had such a large management crisis, we can say word of mouth is good, which belongs to the mediation field has been rare. Acquisition of the chain of home, bring home chain's corporate culture, nature is the pursuit of the wolf, the chain has militarized home training base in Beijing Shahe, complaints and news media buyers, the surface may be the reason brokers, behind this reason, the default home chain management and corporate culture are inseparable team. In addition, an event to raise prices, sell high and other low-income Mediation does not regulate the operation, but also by the media continue to dig. Acquisition, requires a lot of funds to complete the acquisition of staff expansion, also requires a lot of personnel and stores to support, so the amount of money required for the chain of family is very great. Then the chain of home provided for 2.7% of intermediary costs, but also the logical thing, but 2.7% is clearly not sustain such a large company operations, because of the very most 2.7%, is allocated to the employees, brokers room from entry source, housing ownership, site survey, key custodian, exclusive commission, exclusive sales, etc. link speed, the broker can get their own income, in fact, the company's own retained very little. Behind the unscrupulous are inevitable: Homeowners want to sell expensive, buyers and sellers have capital play girl games needs, brokers need to quickly create sales get high commission. Exclusive listing means commitment expensive houses in the chain covers a major second-tier cities, the property market in recent relatively hot, hot sell good housing inevitably, is a seller's market. Chain hotels in other listed real houses, the price is actually a naturally disguised shill. With the continuous improvement of the chain of home market position, enhance the scale of such bidding, then the price also pulled naturally go up. Acquisition of the chain of home continues, according to the chain of home goal setting: 2017 turnover to 1 trillion yuan, while the stores from the current 1800 to 10,000, the number of brokers from 3 million to 10 million . Recently a large number of national ads, much monopolized momentum. So the question is, do anything to take listings on unscrupulous people buy sets flicker, do not you? Is a national company as it should be? In addition, related to the people's hard-earned money, apology really useful? Homelink financial business risk? P2P frequently on foot, including many well-known media played in the ads. Then the agency might have run away it? The answer is the same, not uncommon in the media agency event on foot, are mostly caused by a chain of funds, such as the agency took the money to buy a house, did not carry out procedures for the warrants, sold more than one room or the like chaos. In this regard, almost all around the living Construction for regulatory capital requirements during the implementation of different local circumstances. Since a second-tier cities prices are high, buyers and sellers also have financial needs, according to the chain of family's official statement, their financial business is "innovation" business, with low risk. The actual situation really so? Financial services for the chain of home sellers and buyers include ransom floor loans, the full amount of the loan, for mortgages, personal loans, down payment loans, loans as well as regulatory and other financial products through the processing room. These products mainly to provide bridge loans to home buyers and sellers. Second-hand housing business, belonging to three real estate markets, but with the purchase of real estate, as long as it comes to loans, will inevitably involve leverage. For example: 20% down payment calculation, purchase leverage ratio is 1: 5, on this basis, and through half of the down payment mortgage down payment, then the leverage buyers will be enlarged to 1:10. The current property market situation is better, the possibility of the seller defaults increase, the media have been reported due to the rising house prices, the original house default number of incidents, and even led to physical conflict. On the surface, the house is kind, and can be secured, but in the field of second-hand housing, there are many potential risks, such as: private lending relationship, many mortgage housing, marital conflicts, property rights conflicts, etc., are likely to lead to trading failure, the storm well. 5 occurs, although interest is high, real estate speculators who may take advantage of a full suite of suites 5 sets out the down payment money to buy a house, once the market fell, unable to repay the loan, it is easy to form bad, very similar to the United States before: Because there are levers 1 subprime mortgage crisis, which is also great risk. Once the property market downturn, it is possible to buy a house the event of default occurs, such a thing is not uncommon, for 14 years, many new home owners on the pretext of developers to cut prices, an event of default in many cities nationwide outbreak. Under 5 to 10 times leverage, if Duo Miluo domino effect occurs, may eventually lead to a security company or intermediary cash flow break, the result of high risk is obvious. Leverage is also not limited to the risk, the better the situation in the property market, we assume that a suite worth 10 million valuation, according to the chain of financial products could theoretically loans 7 million, the same, as the market changes, six months later, Flat could be worth 13 million, the use of leverage, it is entirely possible to facilitate transactions, the intermediary in advance to do the high prices, the price is actually not recognized by the market value, but the pricing intermediary companies use their market positioning, and similar games the GM role, the ultimate result is second-hand house prices may have an impact on the secondary real estate market, which pulled up the house prices in the region, especially in areas of special significance so Shanghai is indeed worthy of attention, this result, and I am afraid not the government want to see or buy a house, even though the agency's intention is not so. Dispute chain model is the future home unknown From media reports, claiming that the chain of family income accounted for the current financial products is not high, finishing the 2015 financial business income accounted for more than 15% is expected, but I hope in 2020, accounted for 50%. It is assumed that an account balance, according to the 700 billion turnover count, 2.4% of the highest income of 168 million commission income, in accordance with Homelink Finance 2015 report shows that the platform in 2015 a total turnover of 13.8 billion, paid income 155 900 000, according to the chain of home 6.4% the annual yield is estimated that the annual pool of funds circulating probably about 2.4 billion. Shanghai Consumer Protection Committee cited two cases, is to facilitate transactions, chain stores to provide short-term loans for the purchase of the product, the monthly interest rate of 1.6%, which annualized rate of 19.2%. Minus 6.4%, operating income financial infer Homelink about 300 million, of course, did not throw three hundred million other costs, actual profits may be less. Foreign alleged in accordance with Homelink estimated 2015 revenue accounted for financial services consolidation is expected play Angela Games to exceed 15 per cent, the overall gross income chain of home just two billion? ? ? Whether there may be additional sources of funding? An acquisition is vigorously peers, rapid expansion of the crazy popular company, in addition to use of the Internet platform for the listing display and housing management, the chain of family or other mode of operation limited to the traditional way of stores, not an Internet company. Internet intermediaries and other companies, such as SouFun, love house house compared to Kyrgyzstan, the commission found room more than 5 times higher, price and service did not have a special distinction, stores and bloated costs, relying on commission income is clearly inconsistent with such a large volume of company possess upside, so this is in the real estate industry much doubt it. It is foreseeable that the event will continue to ferment, even if the chain of family survived the regulation, but the market will not lie, once the real estate industry downturn, some things I am afraid it is not a simple survey. Frozen Games - Juegos de Frozen - Jogos de Frozen - Permainan Frozen - Игры Холодное сердце
Giochi di Frozen - Frozen Spelletjes - Gry Kraina lodu - Elsa Spiele - Jeux de Frozen - Elsa Oyunlari Although the family tried to look after their own chain of financial products, but the Shanghai government strike out, stop related business, apparently to buy a house is a responsible action to expose problems are quite clear, and the media and the community in addition to government wide attention, Homelink is time to own a good explanation of the financial business.

