

Investors caught them fail to break

Over the past year, under this financial innovation catalyst, Chinese Finance gained rapid development.play Barbie Cooking Games With the financial investment continue to lower the threshold, speed up innovation of financial products, would like to use financial leverage to make asset value investors are doubled. But can not be ignored is that the influx of investors, not every can get the "time track" return on investment at the other end, more people fall into the trap dug runway designers advance in the process of running. In the past a very long period of time, this type of trap is financial scammers use a pool of money to build into the model a Ponzi scheme. However, with the constant risk of exposure, a more easy for them to defraud investors into the growth of financial innovation in the soil, it is this: the financial pyramid scheme. MLM financial regulatory warning Compared to traditional MLM product, the direction and the financial pyramid pyramid design point of focus in the "capital", using MLM downline development approach to dues, high rebate, offline promotions, increments etc. series from layers of whole the chain of funds and personnel chain. In the process of MLM, a high income, low-threshold membership huge concessions, and pulled into a huge rebate newcomers caught them so that more investors can not "breaking", difficult to find its deceptive and harmful short . November 11, 2015, China Banking Regulatory Commission have jointly by four ministries for financial pyramid typical case of "MMM financial mutual aid community" risk warning that the financial pyramid schemes rely on an updated MLM channels, using the Internet, through the website, blog, micro letter, QQ and other platforms publicity, wide spread range; with a low investment threshold, short cycle, high-yield, inducements and other characteristics. In early 2016, four ministries in relation to the case once again given the risk warning, and for the first time explicitly named "MMM financial mutual aid community," Department of illegal organizations. This is the first time the China Banking Regulatory Commission financial pyramid case risk warning, and taken qualitatively. March 13, 2016, on line 3 will be a joint press conference reporters, Banking Regulatory Commission Chairman Shang Fulin clearly prompted investors to participate in society at the time of financial activities, must be very careful to focus our attention on "Three Views": First, look at the object. See if it was not for the community to raise funds in the specific object. Second, look at the return. See Gregory is not extraordinary commitment in return. Third, look at marketing. To see whether the marketing publicity to raise funds in the form of publicity. The fourth meeting of the Conference of the Twelfth National People's Congress on the same day of the third plenary meeting of the Supreme People's Procuratorate Cao Jianming pointed out that in the past year highlighted the use of the Internet punish illegal fund-raising platform for financial crime, the prosecution of illegal absorbing public deposit, financial fraud and other stakeholders type of economic crime 12791 people. Many industry insiders predict the 2016 financial pyramid gangs will use more of the new tools of crime to build the financial pyramid scam variation, fulminating event will continue or occur. A variety of financial tools to help MLM variation "First Financial Daily" reporters found that many more financial pyramid pull the head as the main purpose of assessment and precipitation funds become the main source of profit platform, and in the acquaintance, recently lured by high returns, most investors "a hot head "I rushed to do the bottom of the pyramid. "WV Fantasy" is wearing a coat so the tourism industry, by the United States in the name of the company play Dora Games WorldVentures established MLM internet. WV official website shows, WorldVentures founded in Texas, is a major tourism e-commerce direct marketing companies in 2014 annual revenues of about 40 billion yuan, and plans to open a branch in the Chinese market in 2016, it invested $ 80 million to promote Asian markets, the introduction of 11 000 travel packages. Like all MLM companies, WV dream trip to take membership enrollment set the threshold, and the members of a given level, requiring the development of the assembly line. It is involved in membership, it said Platinum Membership dues threshold is $ 511, of which $ 100 is a registration fee of $ 300 can be used as travel fund for booking website and other related travel services. In addition to the return of the $ 100 membership account, after a full year arrived with the remaining US $ 11 as a platform for maintenance costs. In addition to ordinary members, there are members rating extravagant luxury member to enjoy more preferential policies in the custom travel projects. MLM platform Another important aim is to pull the head, WV rules of the club, introduced four members to join, not only to relieve lifelong monthly contributions, but also to use touch way to get the bonus commission. It is this provision, let WV Dream Cruise to scale exponentially. But eventually you find such a rebate did not go into the pockets of investors, minus the input from members of the profits, we found very few members are profitable. It has the same nature, as well as virtual currency dressed in coat rivers currency. September 23, 2015, Xinyuan County, Xinjiang Economic Investigation Brigade of Public Security official microblogging, said: "Sea coins is a pyramid scheme, publicity hype, the end result is not to take gold out of the foot are converted into money." Our reporter learned that the investment income, currency Sea is divided into two parts, one for the static gains, dividend income directly, from the investment amount is 800 yuan, 18 yuan per day thereafter profit, but 18 yuan is not the way to pure cash exist, but in gold + gold + seed stock purchase credits and other means exist, when filled with gold coins can be one to one exchange yuan. Another part of the investment income is dynamic gains, or "pull the head", layers of bonus incentives. Company publicity said: "an account can be gradually 'fission' of multiple accounts, if you pull more people, five years after the 800 yuan into 800,000 yuan is not a problem." Similarly coat virtual currency as there has recently been accused of a lot of public opinion MMM financial Mutual Community (hereinafter referred to as "MMM financial"), MMM financial community is a network, first determine the rules of the game for the members of the investment amount and currency, and then by the system Ma Fuluo currency matching need to sell a member of the investment amount in the range from 60 to 60,000 yuan, the currency into RMB and Bitcoin two kinds. During the match line, still get 1% of the daily income. Not difficult to find here, members of the investment period, investors and borrowers has a dual role in the investment chain, the identity of investors and borrowers continue to convert, taking over people are constantly rotated. In addition, the model also sets no limit to the number of the recommended award of 10%, and the development of "offline" management prize: the first generation of 5%, 3% of the second generation, the third generation of one percent, the fourth generation of 0.25%. With this incentive model to encourage more people growing membership "incoming." Exotic financial pyramid schemes: fast, strong concealment MLM is a new financial pyramid schemes crime patterns, in essence, illegal underground financial activities. February 2012, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences "rule of law Blue Book" in particular "financial pyramid if not effectively controlled, will form a national disaster." Beijing Dacheng (Shanghai) Law Firm senior partner Xinyu on the "First Financial Daily" correspondent said the play Baby Hazel Games financial pyramid financial fraud with the traditional MLM product of the combination, but with more than two different. Compared to financial fraud, illegal possession of financial pyramid schemes is not obvious. Only those who organized and planned manner partial charges service fees, does not occupy all the funds invested by investors, most of the investors' funds invested to promote its issuance, payment of interest and other direction to the previous investors. With respect to financial fraud, financial pyramid that is the most obvious feature of development "offline." "Financial MLM organizations make more use of the Internet for development officers, the Subscription Shares, financial transactions, and therefore concealment is very strong, spread very quickly." Liu Xinyu, told reporters that, because all of the steps of financial pyramid schemes are operating on the Internet, so there is no limit It features personal freedom, forced to join other common sales organization, make sales activities more secretive. Because electronic evidence record chat records, trading with a perishable, easy to destroy, easy to tamper with nature, it is difficult to collect in a short time from the distribution throughout the country stronghold of the mass of information into evidence, and the prosecution is formed to reach the standard chain of evidence .

