

iPhone SE without 3D Touch, pressure screen is spring?

Recently, foreign media exposure of Apple's upcoming iPhone SE screen panel, the panel found play Barbie Cooking Games the missing piece of 4-inch 3D Touch sensor, it means that it will not support 3D Touch function. As a newly released models, the new technology is actually not the main push Apple to know that Apple put 3D Touch regarded as the largest touch screen after screen of innovation, used in more hardware, you can attract more application developers to develop adaptation application, iPhone SE does not support 3D Touch this initiative interesting. Apple's touch had applied pressure in the Apple Watch in 2015, then known as Force Touch technology, and also on some Mac applications. Pressure screen to screen more pressing this dimension, different pressure values ​​can be set different effects, theoretically speaking, this makes the screen practicality greatly enhanced. In Apple's driven, Android manufacturers rushed to follow up, according to market research firm IHS predicts that pressure touch sensing module shipments are expected to jump sharply about one million units from 2015 to 2016 by the 400 million six thousand one hundred million units, about every four new smart phones, there will be a feature of this module. But the hot scenes but conceal the pressure screen only has the status of its table, whether manufacturers or users to develop products actually used, the pressure is far from imaginary screen so beautiful. Many manufacturers in order to catch the marketing focus, strong push pressure screen, but could not find control technology, and users often encountered in the use of which can be applied too narrow and misuse of embarrassment. Use embarrassing status quo In addition to Apple's iPhone 6s series, the other manufacturers use pressure screen is ZTE and Huawei, ZTE last year withdrew from the AXON secret mini, Huawei is Mate S, after two models were released in time for the iPhone 6s before and after the launch, as is pressure screen to catch the topic of heat, this spot to move destined difficult to receive satisfactory results. Even as Apple has on the ecological control of power so manufacturers, 3D Touch applications are limited to application shortcuts, live Photo, message preview, picture preview and other functions, and third-party applications are likely to support only the weight of the shortcut icon on the application no pressure within touch design, iPhone 6s release has been half a year, but the performance is not active developers. The application developer can not control the ZTE and Huawei, new technology completely reduced to a gimmick.play Dora Games The latter two can only be applied to the system some designs, such as ZTE only part of the system application support shortcut icon by weight, and in third-party applications, the hard pressed to return to the top of the desktop and other operations. Huawei Mate S system can not support the application of direct pressure touch, designed only to view photos press hard on the screen, with a different image size and the intensity of zoom operation is not said to be smooth. But no matter how effective realization, alone doubtful usefulness of this feature, press the tap came not as agile, not to mention difficult to grasp the severity of the user. It's the only bright spot is the design of a weighing applications, place objects on the screen, press the screen with a different intensity, showing different weights, the intuitive design of the technical characteristics of the pressure screen to show up, but the actual operation the object can be difficult to have the form of dots placed on the screen weighed, and this idea first appeared on the iPhone. It is said that Huawei Mate S Distribution sales are only a few months tens of thousands, far lower than expected, then Huawei also canceled pressure screen version of the sales, to make way for Mate 8, which is the side of the verification, the pressure screen for consumer appeal not large. Supply chain pressure screen freeze Formed in the other end of the supply chain the status quo, the pressure on the screen and in sharp contrast to the original gets going, because the Android system failed to provide adequate software experience, coupled with pressure on the screen is not low cost, product sales have been weak, and many mobile phone customers from the initial temptation to wait and see attitude. Taiwan touch IC Insiders disclosed that mobile phone customers to have a single pressure screen delay, the fastest to pick up the second half of 2016. Because the hardware and software support has not been in place, coupled with the high costs, many brands choose shelved using pressure screen technology. Such as the recent release of two mobile phone industry flagship Samsung Galaxy S7 5 and millet were using pressure screen technology, which is not user side shows strong demand pressure screen function, or that due to the Android ecosystem hysteresis, when the aggressive new technology risk cannon fodder. Current market large shipments of pressure screen phones only iPhone 6s, ZTE AXON secret mini still climbing stage, Huawei has canceled the delivery pressure of the screen Mate S. But Apple is not better than the days, less than expected sales of iPhone 6s also bring disaster to the upstream supply chain, and factories in Taiwan Chen Hung-pressure play Baby Hazel Games industry to be responsible for Apple's screen orders, Digitimes Taiwan media broke the news that December orders from Apple Rui Save, leading to the month revenue plummeted 30%. Phone pressure screen uncertainty 3D Touch cold is very reminiscent of Samsung has introduced the eye-tracking technology, which allows the user to drag the page, it does not need to be operated by hand to move the eye. This feature seems now disappeared, a big reason is that the high operating cost of learning, the success rate is low, less applicable scene, and most importantly, it does not meet the needs of users. In operation, when the mobile phone users, the need for frequent return, click, slide and other operations, the thumb will often be placed beside the phone screen, it can easily complete flip, eye-tracking technology is nominally no hand to achieve flip, your hands can be lazy, but in return, the operation such as clicking, still need to rely on hand, this split operation but poor experience. 3D Touch is also true that most users have Tucao too high learning costs, the success rate is low, it is time to click on the most painful even to think how much force is appropriate, which greatly distracted, much less simple touch is more readily the operation itself becomes a tangled matter. The functions implemented and also very common, Android as early as the era of the popular desktop tool have icon shortcut functions, live photo can also click through to play, these are not unique user experience. Apple introduced the original 3D Touch, then known as the most important multi-touch screen revolution, but multi-touch compared to the year stunning debut, the effect is far from innovative touch pressure appears. Some people think that pressure touch on Apple Watch more likely to succeed, because Apple Watch is a new product, the application of new technology can be re-established habits, and for mobile phones, multi-touch is sufficient, in order to then change the user habit, difficult. And now the application of ecological and user habits have stabilized multi-touch technology, it is difficult to go to adapt to new technologies. Perhaps some of these ideas are too alarmist, but the problem Apple encountered very clear, that is, how to make good use of this pressure dimensions, fit to make the user experience of the product.

